• 03月25日 星期二







There are genetic differences between them. In some other groups, Europeans have more drd47 repeat alleles than East Asians.


The significance of this gene is that people with this allele are more likely to pursue adventure and have higher curiosity. This is why most of the Nobel prizes are awarded to western countries, while few other countries. To invent and discover, you need a combination of intellectual curiosity and high IQ.



There are more short alleles of the serotonin transporter gene in the East Asian population, which is closely related to conformity and attention to group / collectivism rather than individualism.


The frequency of the long allele is only 20% in East Asians and 60% in Europeans. The Ashkenazi Jews are very lucky. Their average IQ is very high. In addition to these characteristics mentioned above, they occupy a dominant position among Nobel Prize winners and scholars.


IQ itself is not enough. Although I think many East Asians are extremely smart, they are good at studying and understanding existing systems and theories, but they are not very good at discovering by themselves.



There are not many inventions from Asia. Among the 10 most innovative countries, seven are European countries, the United States is the eighth among western countries, and South Korea and Singapore are the remaining two. The world would not have developed if it had not been for the novelty seeking behavior of the West in the past few centuries.




Have you ever thought that it might not be wise to use your racial prejudice to understand the world and how it works?


Europe has not only smart people, but also promoted the rise of Europe's small countries, dominated huge empires and conquered the world.


The most important point is the willingness to seek foreign knowledge, test its principles to find the basic laws of nature, and then innovate according to these findings.


Europeans acquired knowledge from China, Persia, India and the Ottoman Empire, and transformed it from an isolated curiosity into a coherent understanding of natural law, which we now call science.


Both Spain and Britain independently invented the steam engine to pump water in the 17th century, and sowed the seeds of turning from biological power to mechanical drive.



The economic benefits are almost incalculable.


Thomas Newcomen's steam engine in 1712 was the first commercially successful steam engine. Please note that this is the starting point of the Industrial Science explosion.


All non industrial societies can only make this number linearly proportional to their population, and science and technology is a force multiplier that can transform it into geometric growth.


Applying this new force to the manufacture of previously expensive and advanced weapons, such as firepower, and using the spare time obtained by machines rather than manpower to train professional troops will greatly improve efficiency and save costs.



Why don't East Asian countries do this? This is not complicated. Because they value tradition, stability, obedience to authority and respect for superiors. Of course, it also gives countries in the region a different type of power.


Most of Europe's greatest innovators are young people. They know how to prove their teachers wrong, and then publicly prove it, and compete with their peers and superiors for recognition.


In a society where respect for age and seniority is more important than correctness, this is not a good way to succeed.


That is to say, the East Asian countries are much more advanced than any other countries in such a long time. They are proud to comment on those small countries outside the region, but they do not know that they have quietly surpassed themselves. This is not much different from the way Europe and the United States view themselves.




This is the so-called "high level balance trap".



Ancient China had everything it needed for its empire. Wealth, manpower and resources. They do not need anything from the outside world, which is why the Ming Dynasty only sent Zheng He to travel around the world to show China's strength and progress, not to colonize the less developed countries. This level of comfort makes people lazy, doesn't it?


In addition, in the Qing Dynasty at the end of the 19th century, China's strength declined seriously, and they did not see the need for progress. Needless to say, the court was so corrupt that the gunpowder and sand used in the war during the first Sino Japanese war were mixed together, which led to one of the most humiliating failures in Chinese history.



Japan also initially resisted Westernization. In fact, they practiced for nearly 230 years until an American named Matthew Perry of the US Navy arrived in Japan with four warships and asked Japan to open up the country.

日本最初也抵制西方化。事实上,他们练习了近230年,直到美国海军一名名叫马修·佩里(Matthew Perry)的美国人带着4艘军舰抵达日本,要求日本开放这个国家。

He issued a one-year ultimatum to Japan and threatened to wage war if Japan did not sign the agreement. Japan had no choice but to agree to the terms of the United States. Therefore, the shogunate general signed the Kanagawa convention, establishing formal diplomatic relations between Japan and the United States, thus opening the era of Westernization in Japan.



In the middle and late period of the Korean era, the DPRK also implemented the policy of closing the country to the outside world until the "Sherman incident". Five years later, in another incident, the DPRK was forced to sign a trade treaty with Japan, and finally signed a treaty with the United States in 1882, promising to abide by international norms relating to the treatment of prisoners. These treaties ended centuries of isolationism, whose military power was so weak that Japan could "enter" and colonize the entire Korean Peninsula without any major resistance.



All East Asian countries have enjoyed centuries of relative peace without any major war. On the other hand, Europe is constantly involved in war. When needed, the first thing people do is to create solutions. As the saying goes, "need is the mother of invention".


Finally, East Asia (including Singapore with 75% of East Asian ancestry) is indeed recorded as having the highest IQ level in the world.


We can see today's progress level, because many of the world's top companies are dominated by East Asian companies.


The United States is also doing its utmost to block the "made in China 2025" plan, because American think tanks believe that this is "a real threat to the US technological leadership". Therefore, the United States launched a trade war in an attempt to undermine the plan. However, this has also successfully strengthened the Chinese people's belief that "made in China 2025" is a necessary plan.




From the long-term history of 3000 years, the most advanced and richest region at that time has always been China. Other regions have rivaled or surpassed it in a short time (the Mongolian Empire, the British Empire, India and the United States), but in the end, China's huge population enables it to create wealth and innovation, thus maintaining this historical trend.


Until 1600, China was the most populous country in the world, with more than 100 million people. There are also times when China's technology is used by other countries for destructive purposes. There are also times when China has experienced periods of instability and stagnation, but generally speaking, these periods are temporary.


In fact, the richest region in the past 3000 years has been India. Unfortunately, before the independence movement from the British Empire, India was never unified as a whole.


In addition, the current situation is that after the Ottoman Empire conquered the more favorable Byzantine Empire, it controlled part of the Silk Road, so it was desperately seeking alternative trade routes to China and India. Colonialism is destructive in nature and will not work in the long run. It is a mechanism to reduce the distance and cost of trade with China and India. Various "innovations" and "borrowed technologies have also promoted trade with India and China.



The three most valuable commodities in history are silk, tea and black pepper. With the exception of American software, no other goods originating from outside China and India are more valuable than these three kinds of goods. In fact, the recorded world history revolves around the profitable trade of these three products.


Once China completes the Modern Silk Road on a global scale, modernizes Africa through trade and infrastructure improvement, and becomes a major player in 5g and other fields, it will reach its peak again. It is expected that China will become the world's largest economy within 20 years. It may dominate for 300-650 years as usual.




It depends on where you are.


If you live in a non Asian country, such as the United States, most of the people you see are new immigrants. In the United States, until 1965, we prohibited Asian immigrants. From hundreds of thousands of people at that time, there are now more than 20 million Asian Americans in the United States. This growth is mainly due to immigrants, not births. Most Asian adults in the United States today were born outside the United States.


Important facts about immigration:


1. American immigrants are filtered, and the best is the best. Why should a country allow stupid or lazy people to emigrate?


2. They work much harder than naturally born Americans: they leave behind everything they are born with and try to make full use of their opportunities, which they do not take for granted. Lazy people do not emigrate at first unless they are dragged down by family members.



Answer this question: on average, Asian Americans are smarter and work harder because we try not to let middle or bottom Asian Americans become Americans. There are also many hard-working and talented non Asian Americans, but their average level has been lowered by other non Asian Americans.


One statistic shows this tendency: about 75% of Indian adults in the United States have at least a bachelor's degree, and more than 40% have a graduate degree. For Americans as a whole, these two percentages are 33% and 13%, respectively. So Indians are highly educated, right?


However, what is the percentage of people with a bachelor's degree in India? Maybe 10%. Indian Americans are more educated than the entire Indian population: that is why they are chosen to emigrate. This contrast is really disharmonious for many of my Indian American friends who were born in India.



An important impact is that no country has chosen the children of immigrants, so the second generation or more Americans have returned to the average level: I know that many Asian Americans born in the United States are mediocre. However, since most adult Asian Americans are the first generation / selected, and the second generation is driven by immigrant parents, one population is not smarter than another, and historical opportunities are more important. East Asia once dominated the world, but now it is the West's turn. It is just to see who can seize the turning point in history.








