• 03月14日 星期五

双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via sohu.com

Media encouraged to share Bay Area stories with the world


➤Special ACFGZ activities to be held in Haixinsha


➤Panda facial recognition app aids conservation


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Media encouraged to share Bay Area stories with the world

双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via sohu.com

Media outlets on Sunday were encouraged to tell the country and the world stories related to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area at the Media Summit of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao's opening ceremony.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Huang Kunming, member of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Political Bureau, said the Bay Area, an 11-city cluster, has an abundance of stories worth reporting.


Li Xi, secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the CPC, said that media is an essential force behind boosting people-to-people bonds within the Bay Area.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via news.southcn.com

Around 100 media organizations attended Sunday’s summit. Three parallel panel discussions were held in the afternoon, with themes including media convergence in reporting on the Bay Area and the links between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Bay Area.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Special ACFGZ activities to be held in Haixinsha

双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via sohu.com

The Asian Cuisine Festival • Guangzhou (ACFGZ) opened at the LN Garden Hotel on May 16 and will run through to May 23. More than 40 events and activities have been organized to display the unique charms of Guangzhou’s culinary culture and Asian cuisine to the world.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via news.ycwb.com

Apart from the hotels and international restaurants that have set up stands for tourists and residents, cultural performances from different countries will be staged at the Guangzhou Haixinsha Asian Games Park every night at 8 pm through to May 23. A sideline event also kicked off at the park yesterday, with many consulates participating to display culinary skills from various regions around the world.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

QR code for making reservations

for "World Cuisine Collection"

Image via Xinhua.com

To participate in the activities or view the special performances, residents can make reservations through the Asian Food Festival’s official Website or WeChat mini-program with valid ID cards or other documents one day in advance.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

The link to purchase tickets of the cultural performances can be found below:


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Panda facial recognition app aids conservation

双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via Huodongxing

Do you find it difficult to tell one giant panda from another? A new facial recognition app developed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding with researches from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University and Sichuan Normal University will make identifying the bears easier.


Having the ability to identify individual bears is vital for their conservation management and research and enables researchers to study their population structure.据悉,未来,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地将联合研发团队继续通过人工智能技术对圈养和野外大熊猫影像资料大数据进行统计、分析,为经济、快速、高效和长期开展野外大熊猫种群调查和健康监测探索新模式,从而为提高自然保护区对大熊猫智能监测与保护管理工作水平提供技术支撑。

双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

Image via @iPanda熊猫直播

The facial recognition app is based on a database of more than 120,000 images and over 10,000 video clips. Panda researchers hope algorithms and AI technology will help them analyze data for both captive and wild pandas. As of 2015, China was home to 1,864 wild pandas, while 375 pandas were being held in captivity worldwide.


双语 | 首届粤港澳大湾区媒体峰会成功举行;大熊猫脸部识别APP即将上线,建成12万余张图像数据库

News Written by Hazza & Rachel

News Edited by Hazza

Posted by Rachel

Producers: Fion & Michelle

Executive Producer: Lin Weiqing







