• 03月24日 星期一


萨古鲁 Isha


Time management is a big deal in people’s lives. But is it really possible to master time? In this video, Sadhguru explains how one can effectively utilize time in day-to-day life.


Without having mastery over time, nobody can determine the nature of their destiny in their lives.


So, the only way you can take charge of time is by mastering your energies, how they function.


If you are functioning like a steam engine, it's a long time. If you are functioning like a jet engine, boom.


And one who's taken charge of time, for him, the entire universe is a sweetness of compassion.


Sadhguru: Once you came here as a human being, life got little complicated. If you came here, like any other creature on this planet –stomach full, life settled. Once you come here as a human being – stomach empty, only one problem: stomach full, one hundred problems (Laughter).


So, what we are calling as life here, is just a certain combination of time and energy. This combo of time and energy, unfortunately, majority of the people never learn to handle it seamlessly and wonderfully. Hitch after hitch, everything is a problem. If you're a toddler, you have diaper problems. If you become an adolescent, you have hormonal problems. If you become middle aged, there is a crisis. Old age is horrible (Laughter). Every phase of life, people are seeing it as some kind of a problem. Of course, death is a serious problem.


So, this combination of time and energy, we must understand the nature of what we are handling. Time by its own nature is such –you do something, it rolls; if you don't do something, it rolls. You don't have to push it, I'm saying. Hello? As you're sitting here, it's rolling away. You're doing lot of things, it's rolling away. You do nothing, it rolls away. You're awake, it rolls away. You're asleep, it rolls away. But without having mastery over time, nobody can determine the nature of their destiny in their lives.


How to grab time? People are talking about time management. Have you ever managed time (Laughter)? As you sit here, it's ticking away. And what's ticking away is not a clock. What's ticking away is our life itself. Hello? Since I walked in, you’re two minutes closer to your grave (Laughter)? Yes, you're. Me too (Laughs). This is the nature of time. Whatever you do, do not do, do anything you want, but you’re not able to roll it back. It is only rolling forward. It is just that if you are happy, it seems to tick away very fast. If you're miserable, it goes very slowly for you. Have you noticed this? On a particular day you’re very happy – twenty-four hours chuup. Now you're depressed, twenty-four hours feel… feel like an eon for you? Yes or no?


Participants: Yes.


Sadhguru: So, only miserable people have a long life (Laughter). If you're a joyful person, it's a brief life. If you're an ecstatic person, it’s just a moment, poof, it's gone before you know what's happening. Life has gone so fast that even my body has not realized time has gone by. And it's still (Laughs)…I have not realized time has gone by. This is the thirtieth year of Isha, it…Thirtieth anniversary of Isha Foundation and I can't believe, thirty years…it feels like three days in my experience. And in these three days or thirty years my schedules are… Singapore is a holiday for me, I just come to golf and (Laughs)…Otherwise, my schedules are insane, okay. Every day twenty hours minimum we are on. I’ve never been… I never missed a single airplane till now. In a day, sometimes I 've been in six airports. But I’ve never missed an airplane, I’ve never missed an appointment. I never been late to an appointment in thirty years. But I don't manage time, I manage myself.


Time, how to manage? It’s too big a thing to manage. It's not in your hands, whether you like it or not, it's ticking away, isn't it? Yes. If you sit here, it’s ticking away. If you jump around, it will tick away. Do whatever you want, it'll tick away, isn't it? But what you can do with yourself, that you can manage. There's nothing to do with the time. So, self-management, not time-management.


Just a few days ago, I was flying in from India. Normally, it used to be thirteen-and-a-half, fourteen hours. But now there is some issue that Pakistan is not allowing airplanes to flow… fly over their airspace. So, it's taking sixteen hours. Because I know all the pilots and I'm a licensed pilot myself, so they let me sit in the cockpit, and I'm interested in what's happening there.


So, I was talking to them and they said Sadhguru… I said, “Fourteen hours, isn't it?” They said, “No, Sadhguru, sixteen hours, it's so long.” Then I said, “See I'm not complaining. Because just a century ago, if I had to go to United States, it was sixty days– sixteen hours, I'm not complaining, I'm okay. I’ll sit down, lie down, read something, do something or talk to you. But I'm not complaining about sixteen hours.” how did sixty days become sixteen hours? Simply because from us… a chugging steam engine to a jet engine. Hello? Suddenly, sixty days became sixteen hours.

所以,我正跟他们聊着,然后他们说萨古鲁……我说:“十四个小时,不是吗?” 他们说:“不,萨古鲁,十六个小时,太长了。”然后我说:“看,我没有怨言。因为就在一个世纪以前,如果我必须去美国,那就是六十天——十六个小时,我没有怨言,我没事。我会坐下,躺下,读点什么,做点什么,或者和你聊天。但我对十六个小时没有抱怨。” 六十天是怎么变成了十六个小时的?只是因为从我们……一台嘎嘎作响的蒸汽机变成了喷气式发动机,哈喽?突然,六十天变成了十六个小时。

So, the only way you can take charge of time is by mastering your energies, how they function. If you are functioning like a steam engine, it's a long time. If you're functioning like a jet engine, boom. Right now, they're saying the Chinese have developed an airplane where Beijing to New York you can do it in two hours. They are saying by 2028 they'll have it commercially ready. Two hours.


So, this is not mastery of time but consequentially it is mastery of time. If what somebody does in ten years, if you can do it in one year, if both of you live for hundred years, in terms of impact and expe…profoundness of experience you live for a thousand years. Hello? That is the only way you can take charge of time, and one who's taken charge of time, for him, the entire universe is a sweetness of compassion. That will be his experience of life once he’s taken charge of time.







