• 03月24日 星期一


DAY 119


Source: wsj


Title: Chinese student visas to U.S. tumble from prepandemic levels




The number of U.S. student visas issued to Chinese nationals plunged by more than 50% in the first half of 2022 compared with pre-Covid levels, with the U.S. losing ground as the most-coveted place for Chinese students to pursue higher education abroad. The drop has dented revenue at big and small colleges and universities around the country, including state flagships.


Even before the pandemic, Chinese students were shifting their study-abroad sights elsewhere, driven by doubts about whether they would feel welcome in the U.S. and the emergence of more domestic and international alternatives. Travel restrictions and heightened safety concerns during the pandemic accelerated that decline.


In the first six months of 2022, the U.S. issued 31,055 F-1 visas to Chinese nationals, down from 64,261 for the same period in 2019, according to data from the U.S. State Department.


For more than a decade, China has been the top source of international students to the U.S., providing universities with crucial tuition dollars to offset domestic declines and dwindling state funding at public universities. In the 2019-20 academic year, before the pandemic depressed study-abroad numbers, Chinese nationals accounted for 35% of foreigners studying in the U.S. and contributed $15.9 billion in economic value, according to numbers tracked and aggregated by the Institute of International Education's Open Doors report.


If U.S. schools can't find other international students, the financial hit could be devastating as federal pandemic relief funds run out.


Keywords: 关键字词:

Issue 发放;签发

Plunge 猛跌;跳水

Covet 渴望;梦寐以求

Pursue 追求

Dent 削减;损害

Flagship 旗舰;一流者

Shift 转换;转移

Sight 视野;目光

Alternative 备选的

Crucial 关键的;重要的

Tuition 学费

Offset 抵销;补偿

Dwindle 减少;缩减

Depress 降低;抑制

Aggregate 合计;总计

Hit 打击

Devastating 毁灭性的

Relief 纾解;缓解

Top comments: 网友热评:

@ignaciojcorr : US college system is Quite EXPENSIVE.

@ignaciojcorr : 美国的大学系统真的太贵了。

@wyattwilsson : Colleges are crying cause now they can't charge more people $50k a year.

@wyattwilsson : 大学们要哭了,因为现在找不到更多的人每年可以收他们5万(约合人民币35万元)的学费了。

@fher_i : If I had the option the US wouldn't have been on my top 3 options. Academic education is ok but the experience is not up to speed as other first world countries.

@fher_i : 如果让我选,美国就不会是我的前3个选择。学术教育还可以,但经验体验跟不上其他第一世界国家的速度。

@jeffrey.alan_wright : I graduated from Cornell College of Architecture, Art, and Planning with a bachelor's degree in architecture. It was the only school that didn't offer me scholarship but I went anyway because it was ranked #1. I truly believe this was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Other schools would have cost half the price and provide a similar education. University in America is a financial transaction more than a means to education. Instead of eliminating college debt, why not eliminate the need for college for the many jobs that don't require it?

@jeffrey.alan_wright : 我毕业于康奈尔建筑、艺术和规划学院,读了建筑学学士学位。这是唯一一所没有给我奖学金的学校,但我还是去了,因为它排名第一。但我真的认为这是我一生中最大的错误之一。其他学校只需要一半的学费就能提供类似的教育。在美国,大学不仅仅是一种教育手段,更是一种金融交易。与其消除大学债务,为什么不消除许多不需要大学的工作对大学的需求?



Sammi's murmur:

If one has the opportunity to study abroad, it surely gonna be the most important, wonderful, tough and memorable period in his or her life. On the one hand, students of this age have begun to form their own opinions about the world, society and life, but at the same time, these opinions are far from being truly formed to constitute a creed by which one can live and behave. Therefore, everything people experience at this stage will play a foundational role in the formation of their later cognitive pattern. Therefore, studying abroad is not only about learning, but also about experiencing a new way of thinking and perspective in a new environment, which will be transmitted to all aspects of life and work and form a person's logic and habits of thinking and doing things. The determinant factor for the decline of the number of Chinese students' visa to U.S is after all the fluctuating relationship between the two countries. And the specific factors that affect the choice of destination of studying include ideology, social security, employment, etc., while the cost considerations are less important than those of local Americans. After all, those who can go abroad to study are those who have enough money. But given the increasing number of recent bans between the two countries, the future of the market of international students in the United States may be getting more noncommital in the future.




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