• 12月23日 星期一

名家名伶-苏春梅 (汉语、英语)

名家名伶-苏春梅 (汉语、英语)



苏春梅, 师承粤剧大师红线女,红派艺术传人,国家一级演员, 2017年第28届中国戏剧梅花奖获得者。1992年毕业于广东粤剧学校,在校期间因学红腔颇有心得而名声在外,为红线女所青睐收作入室弟子,刻意栽培,22岁便成为广州红豆粤剧团正印花旦,1997年调入深圳市粤剧团担任当家花旦,2015年调回红线女艺术中心,现任广州粤剧院主要演员、红线女艺术研究人员。苏春梅幼习红腔,在红线女的悉心指导下尽得红腔精髓,造诣非凡,歌音清越似荷珠滚动,行腔婉转如行云流水,红腔神韵俱足再现。在红派艺术继承上深得红线女真传,根据人物性格赋予不同的艺术表演手段,千人千面,力求达到至真、至善、至美的艺术境界。



Su Chunmei (苏春梅), is an apprentice to the famousCantonese Opera artist Hung Sin-nui who is the successor of Hung School, astate-level performer, and winner of the 28th Plum Performance Award in 2017.Su graduated from Guangdong Cantonese Opera School in 1992. During school days,she was well-known for her profound understanding of Hung tune and wasparticularly favored by Hung Sin-nui who intended to cultivate and develop hertalent. At the age of 22, she became zhengyin huadan of Guangzhou Red BeanCantonese Opera Troupe, a representative huadan in Shenzhen Cantonese OperaGroup in 1997. In 2015, she was transferred back to Hung Sin-nui Arts Centreand is a leading performer of Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Theater and researcherat Hung Sin-nui Arts Centre. Given early rich experience in learning Hung tune,Su Chunmei quickly mastered the essence of such singing style under HungSin-nui's scrupulous tutoring. She excels in switching different voices freelyand naturally, reproducing the glamour of the Hung tune. Reliance oncomprehensive singing skills imparted by Hung Sin-nui of the Hung School, sheis capable of employing various performing techniques in different roles in abid to make the performance more genuine and more enthralling.

Her primary operas of the Hung School include The RunawayMaid, The Traditional Opera Writer Guan Hanqing, Da Shen (《打神》), dozens of representative traditionaloperas like Baoyu and Qingwen (《宝玉与晴雯》), Yang Paifeng (《杨排风》), many modern plays like Legend of Paifang Villiage,(《牌坊村新传》), Tuoge's Flag (《驼哥的旗》), and Latecomer in the Snow andSpecial Performance Plum Blossom: Opera Highlights. Since engaging in theopera arena, Su has won the Guangdong Theatre Performance Competition GoldAward, the Second National Theatre Cultural Performance Award, the second awardof the Guangdong International Art Festival, and Cultural Innovation Award ofSZ/HK Lifestyle Awards in 2011. She has visited many countries such as theUnited States, Canada, Japan, Singapore and has also presented wonderfulperformances and conducted cultural exchanges in Hong Kong and Macao, whichmade her popular with opera lovers at home and abroad.


名家名伶-罗巧华 (汉语、英语)


2020年06月08日 环球财讯


