• 03月21日 星期五






This contract is made by and between Beijing DF Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Party A) and DauthKaun ZSP GmbH ( hereinafter referred to as: Party B) on August, 2011.

本合同由北京某咨询有限公司(以下简称:甲方)与DauthKaun ZSP GmbH(以下简称:乙方)于2021年8月签订。

Party A: (A manufacturer in China)


Address: 地址

Party B: DauthKaun ZSP GmbH


Address: 地址


Party B is hereby commissioned by Party A to implement media invitation, reception and management of the Nanjing Automobile 2011 Frankfurt Auto Show Activities. Party B is a professional company with the management right of public relations and advertising agency incorporated under the law. Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, through friendly consultation, the Parties entered into the following terms of the contract:



I Rights and obligations of the Parties


1.Rights and obligations of Party A: In order to properly carry out the assignment, Party A shall assist as follows.


1.1 Confirm the media invitation list and related text information.


1.2 Responsible for inspection and audit of the activities.


1.3 At the end of the event and after acceptance, make a payment to Party B in accordance with the contract.


2. Party B shall provide the following services to Party A:


2.1 Responsible for writing and releasing news presentation of Auto Show.


2.2 Responsible for the invitation, reception and follow-up press of media correspondents.


2.3 To write and provide relevant reports of this event.

2.3 负责撰写并提供本次活动的相关报道。

2.4 To provide the media reception and execution services for this event.

2.4 为本次活动提供媒体接待和执行服务。

2.5 To provide the appropriate project management for Party A in accordance with the Offer.

2.5 根据报价为甲方提供相应的项目管理。

Party B should ensure that the content of activities, planning programs and writing articles under this contract do not infringe the legal rights of any third party, Should any loss or damage occur thereof, Party B shall bear all the responsibilities.


II Term of activities: 二、活动期限:

The term of this contract shall be for the period commencing on August 22, 2022 and ending on October 30, 2022, this date can be extended after consultation in accordance with the working schedule.

To ensure that activities can be successfully held, Party B must strictly follow the schedule and guarantee both quality and quantity to complete the work. Party A has an obligation to assist Party B to complete the work.



III Contract price and payment

三、 合同价格和付款

1. Amount: The project is accounted as five hundred Euros per day and a total of 22 days, the total amount is eleven thousand Euros.

1. 金额:项目每天计500欧元,共22天,总额为1.1万欧元。

2. Time of payment: After signing the contract, Party A shall pay 50% of the total contract amount in cash to Party B within five working days as the initial payment for the implementation of activities, that is five thousand and five hundred Euros, Party B shall start up the project; Since Party B has finished the implementation of activities, Party A shall pay the balance in cash to Party B within a week, Party B shall perform the duty to monitor the corresponding media.

2. 付款时间。合同签订后,甲方应在五个工作日内以现金形式向乙方支付合同总金额的50%作为活动实施的首期款,即五千五百欧元,乙方应启动项目;自乙方完成活动实施后,甲方应在一周内以现金形式向乙方支付余款,乙方应履行相应媒体的监督义务。

3. The bank account information of Party B is as follows:

3. 乙方的银行账户信息如下:

IV The scope of the contract


The scope of services provided by Party B to Party A during the term of the contract is hereby as follows. The term of several service measures shall be settled after the negotiation with Party A. The services in detail shall include:

The related services of media activities in view of Automobile attending The Frankfurt Auto Show:



1. After receiving the initial payment of the project by Party A, Party B will provide a detailed list of 100 media and the list of 15 media proposing to attend the press conference, and together with a brief introduction of the aforesaid media.

1. 乙方在收到甲方的项目首付款后,将提供100家媒体的详细名单和拟参加新闻发布会的15家媒体名单,并附上上述媒体的简介。

2. Draft a press release, send it to at least 100 business magazines, telephone no less than 100 editors to report the event, and establish the content distributors. The content of press release (respectively drafting in English, German and Chinese for different receivers) is about positive reports on the Automobile attending IAA Frankfurt Auto Show; (As the editors and the press in Germany are free and not bound. Party B can not guarantee that a comprehensive report done or reported only positive about the customer. Party B will do anything to enable a positive coverage.)

2. 起草一份新闻稿,发送给至少100家商业杂志,打电话给不少于100位编辑报道此事,并建立内容分销商。新闻稿的内容(针对不同的接收方分别起草英文、德文和中文)是关于汽车产品参加IAA法兰克福车展的积极报道;(由于德国的编辑和媒体是自由的,没有约束。乙方不能保证所做的全面报道或报道只对客户有积极影响。乙方将尽力促成积极报道)。

3. Prepare, organize and implement 15 international professional media to attend Nanjing Automobile News Conference held in Nanjing booth at the Frankfurt Atuo Show on September 13; Invite the press and register the list, coordinate the on-site work to ensure that media will punctually attend the conference. Preferred types of media: television, internet, radio, print (newspapers, magazines). Level: mainly national media, automotive specialty media, including but not limited to the local media.

3. 筹备、组织、落实15家国际专业媒体参加9月13日在法兰克福车展展台举行的汽车产品新闻发布会;邀请媒体并登记名单,协调现场工作,确保媒体准时参会。首选媒体类型:电视、网络、广播、平面媒体(报纸、杂志)。级别:以国家级媒体为主,汽车专业媒体,包括但不限于地方媒体。

4. Media Monitoring

Control reports on homepage document of network media, print, radio and television, and after the event, four monitoring reports shall be provided and released.

4. 媒体监测


V Breach of contract


In the event that Party B fails to provide contractual services, Party A may terminate the contract, or the Parties shall negotiate to continuously perform and take other remedial measures.


VI Exemption Clauses


1. Party B is not liable for failure to perform the party's obligations if such failure is as a result of Force Majeure. However, Party B assumes liability for breach. However, Party B shall timely notify Party A of the occurrence of Force Majeure and provide the supporting documents of relevant government authorities.

1. 如因不可抗力导致乙方未能履行其义务,则乙方不承担责任。但是,乙方约定对违约行为承担责任。但乙方应将不可抗力事件的发生及时通知甲方,并提供政府有关部门的证明文件。

VII Obligation of confidentiality


1. In order to fulfill the contract, Party B should have the obligation to confident the information provided by Party A, and take all reasonable measures to prevent the received information from distribution, dissemination, disclosure, copying, misuse, and contacts with unrelated personals.

1. 为了履行合同,乙方有义务对甲方提供的信息进行保密,并采取一切合理措施防止所收到的信息被分发、传播、披露、复制、滥用,以及与无关人员的接触。

2. All relevant documents, information, quotations related to this event provided by Party B, Party B should not distribute, disseminate, disclose, copy, misuse these to any company in the same industry with Party B, and should avoid the contact of unrelated personals.

2. 由乙方提供的所有与本次活动有关的文件、资料、报价,乙方不得向与其同行业的任何公司散发、传播、披露、复制、滥用,并应避免与无关人员接触。

3. The party shall be liable for the violation of the aforesaid two provisions.

3. 违反上述两项规定的,当事人应当承担法律责任。

4. .By the end of the contract and settlement, all the documents from the usage right must be given to Party A. Party A declares that to use the relevant concepts under the premise of no infringement of the rights of any third party, Party B shall reserve the right to require the name of the Company to be mentioned in the promotion and manual, the font size shall be conventional (maximum of No.6 font).

4. 在合同结束时,使用权的所有文件必须交给甲方。甲方声明,在不侵犯任何第三方权利的前提下使用相关概念,乙方保留要求在宣传和手册中提及本公司名称的权利,字体大小为常规字体(最大为6号字)。

VIII Application of the law and dispute settlement


The Parties hereby agree that any dispute arising from or in connection with the performance of this contract shall firstly be resolved through friendly consultation, no result has been reached within 60 days after the commencement of negotiation, either party shall thereafter be entitled to submit the dispute to the Singapore International Arbitration Center for arbitration, in accordance with the procedures and rules of the Arbitration Center. The arbitral award shall be final and bind upon both parties.


IX Language of the contract


The original contract shall be written in English version, attached the copies in Chinese and German with the same legal effect, in case of discrepancy among different versions, the English version shall prevail.


X Project acceptance and authorization


Authorize and approve of Party A as the authorized project contact , e-mail is , telephone . Authorized contact can approve the content published in the journals or appoint a representative to bear this responsibility; authorize and approve of Party B as the authorized project contact , e-mail is, telephone. Authorized contact on behalf of Party B will communicate with authorized contact of Party A to proceed the project, and Party B shall act accordingly in accordance with the requirements under the contract by authorized contact of Party A. Either party changes the project contact, it shall promptly notify the other party in writing. Failure to notify and affect the performance of the contract or causing damages, it should bear the corresponding responsibility.

经甲方授权并批准的授权项目联系人 ,电子邮件是,电话 。授权联系人可对期刊上发表的内容进行审批或指定代表承担此责任;乙方授权并批准的项目授权联系人,电子邮件为 ,电话为 。授权联系人代表乙方与甲方的授权联系人进行项目沟通,乙方应按照甲方授权联系人在合同项下的要求采取相应行动。因未通知而影响合同的履行或造成损失的,应承担相应的责任。

XI Signature and efficiency


1. This contract shall be made in four copies with the same legal effect. Party A shall keep three copies, Party B shall keep one.

1. 本合同一式四份,具有同等法律效力。甲方持三份,乙方持一份。

2. The notes, attachments, supplementary contract are the integrated parts of this contract, which has the same legal effect.

2. 附注、附件、补充合同是本合同的综合组成部分,具有同等法律效力。

3. This contract will come into force on the date when it is duly signed and sealed by the representatives of the Parties.

3. 本合同自双方代表正式签字盖章之日起生效。

Duly authorized representatives of the Parties have signed this contract:


Party A: Beijing DF Consulting Co.,Ltd.


Party B: DauthKaun ZSP GmbH


(Seal) (Seal)

(盖章) (盖章)

Authorized Representative: Authorized Representative:

授权代表 授权代表

Signature: Signature:

签署 签署


《社会保障概论》第四章 社会保障基金 考研题




