• 09月25日 星期三



新加坡剑桥O水准考试(Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level Examinations,简称GCE ‘O’ Level),是由新加坡教育部MOE和新加坡考试与评鉴局SEAB共同主办的国家级统一考试,也是新加坡的中学生在4年中学教育结束后参加的考试。






一、代数部分N2. Ratio & proporation 比率和比例

2.4. map scales (distance and area)

2.5. direct and inverse proportion

N5. Algebraic expressions&formulate代数表达式/规范化

5.9. expansion of the product of algebraic expressions

5.10. changing the subject of a formula

5.11. finding the value of an unknown quantity in a given formula

5.12. use of:

5.13. factorisation of linear expressions of the form + + +

5.14. factorisation of quadratic expressions 2 + +

5.15. multiplication and division of simple algebraic fractions

5.16. addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions with linear or quadratic denominat

N6. Functions & graphs 函数和图

6.6. quadratic functions y= ax2 + bx + c

6.7. graphs of quadratic functions and their properties:

positive or negative coefficient of 2

maximum and minimum points


N7. Equations & inequalities 等式和不等式

7.5. concept of equation and inequality

7.6. solving simple inequalities in the form ax + b <=c and ax + b < c and representing the solutions

on the number line

7.7. graphs of linear equations in two variables ( + = )

7.8. solving simultaneous linear equations in two variables by:

substitution and elimination methods

graphical method

7.9. solving quadratic equations in one variable by factorisation

7.10. formulating a pair of linear equations in two variables to solve problems

二、几何和测量G2. Congruence & similarity 全等和相似

2.1. congruent figures

2.2. similar figures

2.3. properties of similar triangles and polygons:

corresponding angles are equal

corresponding sides are proportional

2.4. enlargement and reduction of a plane figure

2.5. solving simple problems involving congruence and similarity

G4. Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry

4.1. use of Pythagoras’ theorem

4.2. determining whether a triangle is right-angled given the lengths of three sides

4.3. use of trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine and tangent) of acute angles to calculate unknown sides and angles in right-angled triangles

G5. Mensuration

5.6. volume and surface area of pyramid, cone and sphere

三、统计和概率S1. Data handling & analysis 数据处理和分析

1.5. analysis and interpretation of:

dot diagrams


stem-and-leaf diagrams

1.6. purposes and uses, advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of statistical representations

1.7. explaining why a given statistical diagram leads to misinterpretation of data

1.8. mean, mode and median as measures of central tendency for a set of data

1.9. purposes and use of mean, mode and median

1.10. calculation of the mean for grouped data

S2. 概率

2.1. probability as a measure of chance

2.2. probability of single events (including listing all the possible outcomes in a simple chance situation to calculate the probability)



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