• 03月20日 星期四


I have expensive and very nice chopsticks at home. Would I be considered rude if I took them to a restaurant and used them instead of the cheap bamboo chopsticks typically provided by a restaurant?


Michael Lee
Yes you would be considered rude if you took your very nice and expensive chopsticks to a restaurant that provided cheap bamboo chopsticks, as you would be considered a ignorant show off at the wrong low end restaurant.
So if you want to show off please take your nice chopsticks to a high end Asian restaurant which would appreciate you wanting to use your own personalized chopsticks. Also, bring enough sets as would you not want your entire dinner party to use the same quality of chopsticks? While you are there you may also consider requesting a private room, bring your own bottle of high end liquor, think high end whisky or brandy, and leaving the chopsticks and unfinished liquor under your name for the next time you return. Sorry if that is more classy then what you had in mind with your nice and expensive chopsticks. And no they don’t serve fortune cookies at the end of the meal.


Paul Michael Boomboer(这是楼主)
I have no desire to show off. It’s highly unlikely that anyone would notice the value of my chopsticks. They are not made of jade or onyx.
Consider that essentially all western restaurants that are not fast-food provide stainless steel flatware and not cheap throw-away plastic flatware.
It’s the norm for even nice Asian restaurants to provide cheap throw-away pull-apart bamboo chopsticks.
My only reason for saying that my chopsticks are expensive is to make it clear that I’m brining chopsticks that are clearly superior to those offered by the restaurant.


Sed Chapman
In Japan I’ve seen people use their own chopsticks in cafeterias, but I can’t remember seeing it done in a restaurant. That said, I’m not sure I would even notice. I would think that nearly all Japanese restaurants would not think it rude. They would think there is some reason for the customer to desire, perhaps health or conservation, to use their own chopsticks. They would also not even notice if they were expensive or not.


Simon Croshaw
Just hope that the server doesn't clear them away. Also hope that you don't get ill because the restaurant owner could try to blame you for not eating with the provided implements.
Also, yes. It would be considered extremely rude and pretentious.
The fact that you mentioned expensive in your question rather than relying on the comfort you feel when using them shows your true intent.


Jo Mitchell
It would be like taking your own cutlery to any other restaurant. It would be considered pretty weird, not necessarily rude. But if you're concerned about coming across as rude, let your server or waitress know as you're being seated that you've brought your own as you often have a reaction to the disposable bamboo chopsticks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jim Grupé
I have expensive and very nice chopsticks at home. Would I be considered rude if I took them to a restaurant and used them instead of the cheap bamboo chopsticks typically provided by a restaurant?
I think it would be a bit awkward and embarrassing for anyone with you.
Why dont you eat at better restaurants so you dont have to bring your own sticks to eat with?


David J Wong
In Hong Kong where I live, it would be very uncommon for someone to do that (it would be a bit like going to, say, an Italian restaurant and bringing your own nice silverware).
That said, I don’t think the restaurant would mind. Just make sure that at the end of the meal when dishes and utensils are being removed, the serving staff don’t inadvertently collect your chopsticks by mistake.


Paul Michael Boomboer(楼主)
At most other restaurants, the utensils provided are NOT disposable. However, typically, the chopsticks provided by a restaurant ARE disposable. In fact, I’ve never eaten at a restaurant that provided chopsticks that were not disposable.
I’ve eaten at several Italian restaurants and they’ve never provided disposable utensils.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David J Wong
I guess it depends on what type of eatery you’re going to or maybe your location.
Most sit-down Chinese restaurants I’ve been to, even the really cheap cha chaan tengs, provide chopsticks that are washed and reused. At least in HK and Singapore, disposable chopsticks are only used for takeaway.
For Japanese restaurants, disposable chopsticks are very typical.


Paul Michael Boomboer(楼主)
I live in the US. I’ve eaten in nice Oriental restaurants in California, Colorado, and Missouri. Most provide knife, fork, and spoon. if you specifically ask, they’ll bring you pull-apart disposable chopsticks. Even those restaurants that provided chopsticks that were better than the pull-apart type, the chopsticks were still nothing they would have washed and reused.


David J Wong
I’m guessing this is a regional difference. I pulled a table setting from a restaurant in Hong Kong.
As you can see, all the chopsticks are reusable.
I get why restaurants would choose to use disposable chopsticks though: no need for dishwashing and likely more sanitary too.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Michael Boomboer(楼主)
Yes. I also understand why the restaurant would prefer disposable. I prefer non-disposable.
I have nice stainless-steel flatware at home. I don’t use plastic. And, I have nice chopsticks that are washed and reused.


Joni Ladd
As someone who worked in food service the majority of their adult life, trust me when I say nobody in the restaurant will give a damn. If anything it saves them the cost of a set of chopsticks, minimal though that may be.







