• 09月22日 星期日





















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南京工业大学具有百年办学历史,是首批入选国家 “高等学校创新能力提升计划”(2011计划)的14所高校之一,是江苏高水平大学建设重点支持高校,正着力建设国际知名、国内一流创业型大学。















An invitation to academic talents at home and abroad

to participate in the first Nanjing Tech University

“Exploring and Wisdom” International Young Scholars Forum

1. Brief introduction to the forum

The first Nanjing Tech University "Exploration and Wisdom" International Young Scholars Forum will be held in Nanjing from December 26 to December 28, 2019. This forum aims to gather outstanding young scholars from different academic backgrounds at home and abroad, focusing on the integration of cutting-edge research, such as artificial intelligence and big data, together with traditional industries. The forum aspires to build a stage for talents, exploring the frontiers of science, climbing academic peaks and promoting value creation.

This forum is jointly organized by Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area and China Zhi Gong Party. It consists of a main forum and six sub-forums on life health, intelligent manufacturing and advanced materials, energy and environmental protection, digital finance, smart city and software information. We hereby invite outstanding young scholars at home and abroad to sign up for this event.

2. Guests standards

(1) Domestic invitees should generally be qualified of national high level talents or relevant level.

(2) Overseas invitees shall meet the following conditions: invitees should typically be under 40 years of age (born after January 1, 1979), with a Ph.D. from a well-known overseas university; or have both a domestic doctoral degree and more than 2 years of continuous overseas research work experience. For majors within the humanities and social sciences, or some science and engineering majors whose talents are in shortage, the age and qualification requirements are more flexible.

3. Disciplines Covered

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Safety Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Pharmacy, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Computer Science and Technology, Control Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Surveying and Mapping Science and Engineering, Optical Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Architecture, Finance, Business Administration. Including but not limited to related disciplines in the above fields.

4. Forum Schedule

Forum registration deadline: December 5, 2019

Forum invitation deadline: December 10, 2019

Forum time: December 26-December 28, 2019

5. How to submit an application form

If you are qualified and interested, please submit your resume (see Attachment 3 for details) and fill out the “Summary of the First Nanjing Tech University “Exploration and Wisdom” International Young Scholars Forum in 2019” (see Attachment 3 for details). Please send the above materials to [email protected] and name the subject of the email as "Name + Forum Participation + Intention College".

6. Transportation and accommodation

After you receive the official invitation letter, you should book the tickets yourselves. Nanjing Tech University will cover the round-trip transportation expenses according to the corresponding standard (the maximum reimbursement is 15,000 yuan/person for Europe and the Americas, 8,000 yuan/person for Asian countries ((as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)), domestic 6000 yuan / person). Accommodation during the forum will be arranged by Nanjing Tech University in designated hotel.


Nanjing Tech University Office of Human Resources

Contacts:Mr. Jin or Mr. Ji

Phone Number:+86-25-58139291, +86-25-58139145

E-mail:[email protected]

Attachment 1:Nanjing Tech University Talent Treatment and Support Policies

1. The university provides competitive annual salary (post allowance), housing subsidy, research start-up funds, and necessary office conditions and places for outstanding young talents at home and abroad. The treatment is as follows:



Housing Subsidy

Scientific Research Startup Fund

national high level talents or relevant level.


RMB 480-800 thousand

RMB1,500-3,000 thousand

1,000-3,000 thousand for Natural Sciences, 500-1,000 thousand for Humanities and Social Sciences

Potential young scholar (professor)

Agreement RMB300-480




600-1,500 thousand for Natural Sciences, 300-500 thousand for Humanities and Social Sciences

2. Apply for the “Dual initiative” in Jiangsu Province. For the chosen “Dual initiative” talents, the provincial-level finance will be given in a total of 3 million Yuan, 1 million Yuan or 500,000 Yuan of innovative venture capital in 3 years; for the chosen “Dual initiative” teams, the provincial finance will be given in a total of 3-8 million Yuan of talent funding in 3 years.

3. Apply for the “Jiangsu Distinguished Professor”. If selected in three years within term of employment, the provincial finance will be given in a post subsidy of 120,000 Yuan each person (exemption of personal income tax), and provide 1 million Yuan ( 2 million yuan to specially excellent), 500,000 yuan of research funding for the natural sciences and humanities and social sciences respectively.

4. Recommend high-level talents in Nanjing or Jiangbei New District. You can enjoy various preferential policies in purchasing houses, children's school enrollment, and medical insurance in Nanjing, priority to selecting apartments in university; and actively recommending talents who studied abroad and return to apply for corresponding funds.

5. Cooperate with Jiangbei New District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau and Construction Bank Nanjing Jiangbei New District Sub-branch to provide systematic support in terms of talents, children's enrollment, and innovation and entrepreneurship.

Attachment 2:Brief introduction to Nanjing Tech University

Nanjing Tech University has a history of 100 years. It is one of the first 14 universities to be selected as national “Institutions of higher learning innovation ability enhancement” (2011 Plan). It is a key support university for the construction of high-level universities in Jiangsu, and is engaged in building an internationally renowned and domestic first-class entrepreneurial university. Our university is located in the dual-core Jiangbei New District and National Free Trade Zone (Nanjing District) of the National New District, and was recognized as the “The Most Beautiful Campus in Nanjing”. The university has 11 faculties, 29 colleges and more than 30,000 students of all types. In September, 2019, our university ranked 56th in mainland universities in ESI's global comprehensive ranking. Four disciplines, including chemistry, materials science, engineering, biology, and biochemistry entered the top 1%; in the latest ranking of natural index, we ranked 31st among mainland universities. In 2018, for the world's leading disciplines in the “soft sciences”, our university ranked 36th in the world.

Our university has a strong faculty. There are more than 2,800 faculty members and 1300 of them have senior titles (including 8 academicians,76 national high level talents, 4 winners from the Ho Leung Ho lee science and Technology Progress Award and 1 winner from in the Science and Technology Innovation Award.) Our university promotes the globalization of its teaching staff, integrates with the international community in terms of compensation system, management mechanism and service guarantee, and brings together top talents to provide inexhaustible driving force for high-level university construction.

The university's disciplines are distinctive. There are: 1 national key discipline, 1 national key discipline cultivation and construction point in Jiangsu Province, and 2 national key discipline cultivation and construction points in Jiangsu universities. Chemical engineering and technology, materials science and engineering, safety science and engineering, advanced energy technology and equipment, civil engineering disaster prevention and disaster reduction are the dominant disciplines of provincial universities. Chemical engineering and technology ranked the fourth round of discipline assessment of the Ministry of Education, and the chemical engineering and technology, materials science and engineering ranked first in the province.

The university's scientific research team is strong. Our university has the State Key Laboratory of Materials Chemical Engineering, the National Bioengineering Technology Research Center, the National Special Membrane Separation Center, the National Special Separation Membrane Engineering Technology Research Center, the National Heat Pipe Technology Research and Promotion Center, and the Public Service Platform for the Industrialization of Innovation in Industrial Catalysis 6 national scientific research institutions. Since the "12th Five-Year plan", the university's scientific research projects and achievements have been rewarded with 207 items, among which as the first completed unit our university has won the second prize of the National Technology Invention Award and the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the high-efficiency perovskite light Device research was selected as one of the “Top Ten Science and Technology Progress of Chinese Higher Education” in the 2016 Ministry of Education.

The university strengthens the combination of production, study and research. It has a national university science and technology park, a national technology transfer center, a national intellectual property training base, the first batch of national and Chinese youth creator exchange centers of the Ministry of Education, and a national-level platform for national creative space. It supports teachers' innovation, entrepreneurship and excellence. The university vigorously promotes the capitalization of knowledge. There are more than 100 companies with shareholding and technical support in the university. Among them, Jiuwu Gaoke and Hongsheng are officially listed in A shares, Changmao Biochemical is listed in Hong Kong, Zhongsheng Group is listed in Singapore, and Jiujiu Technology is listed on small and medium-sized boards. Kaizhao, Gongda NC, and the University of Technology environment entered the listing counseling period. The company's self-developed "the world's first complete set of pulp and paper wastewater zero-emission process" technology helped Jiangsu Oji Paper Co., Ltd. successfully solved the sudden crisis of wastewater discharge of paper projects with an investment of more than 10 billion yuan, and the high-level serialization results boosted the society. Economic development and transformation and upgrading.

The university implements a global expansion strategy and has established partnerships with more than 80 overseas universities and research institutions in 20 countries and regions. Established the "International Joint Research Center" with world-renowned universities such as Imperial College of Science and Technology, Moscow State University of Russia, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, etc.; "Flexible Electronic Innovation and Intelligence Base" project was selected into the National "High university Discipline Innovation Initiative"; The University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and the University of Zaragoza, Spain, jointly established the Confucius Institute; joint research projects with the University of Sheffield, the University of Dublin, Ireland, the University of Burgundy, the University of Eastern Washington, the University of Queensland, Australia, and the United Kingdom; Student exchange programs at Cambridge University, Aachen University of Technology, University of California, Davis, Cardiff University, UK, University of New South Wales, Australia, etc.; dozens of foreign experts and worlds from more than 10 countries More than 300 overseas students from all over the world.

With profound cultural heritage, rich entrepreneurial atmosphere, beautiful campus environment, first-class discipline platform, competitive remuneration package and advanced intellectual property system, we sincerely welcome outstanding young talents at home and abroad to join Nanjing Tech University.

▌党委宣传部融媒体中心 ▌

来源 | 人才资源部

编辑 | 张奕舒

责任编辑 | 王娇露







