• 12月23日 星期一


Grizzlies rookie Jaren Jackson Jr. on the time he got caught pirating by the FBI





我记得我那时候才11岁吧,上六年级。只要有电影上映,我就能抢先观看。我总是会下很多盗版的音乐、电影和电视剧。应有尽有,Limewire和Kickass Torrents拥有世界上所有问题的解药, 不吹。《变形金刚》在院线上映之前我就看过了。然后等上映了我就去影院里剧透台词,气气我的小朋友们。



我记得有一天我回家后,我爸就问我“你是不是下载了(动画喜剧)《Family Guy》?”我就说可不嘛,我不光下载了第一季还有第二季第三季第四季第五季呢。我可能那时候还下载了《南方公园》、Lil Wayne那会儿新出的专辑什么的。他就惊了,跟我严肃地说:“你干嘛呢?你下这么多电影会惹祸上身的。”我说:“别担心,那概率可以忽略不计,我是不可能陷入麻烦的。不能够。”





[–]Lakersexect4500 1142 指標 6小時前

You wouldn't steal a draft.


[译注1]“You wouldn't steal a car”——“你不会盗车(所以也就不要盗窃电影)”是反盗版倡议的公益广告中出现的第一个句子。该广告由英国的反盗版联盟和新加坡的知识产权部门联合创立,其内容是一个男人偷了大到车辆小到钱包的物件,然后旁白字幕将其与盗版电影相比。这段公益广告在很多欧美的商业DVD中都是正片播放前不可跳过或可跳过的视频片段。但由于这种比较过于牵强附会,所以也就遭到了很多人的调侃和抨击。

[–][SAS] Dennis RodmanXwarsama 416 指標 6小時前

But the Grizzlies did though


[–]Lakersexect4500 200 指標 6小時前

They pirated JJJ.


[–]morron88 508 指標 6小時前

I think Imma watch the Grizzlies now.


[–]MagicKodak333 278 指標 5小時前



[–]morron88 231 指標 5小時前

Pleading the 5th, here.


[译注2]美国宪法第五修正案(The Fifth Amendment)规定被告在面对有可能使自己入罪的不利问题时有权保持缄默,授予了被告不回答问题的权利。所以很多人在遇到不想回答的问题时会直接来一句“I plead the fifth”(我要求行使第五修正案赋予我的权利)。

[–]Celticslordhade-s 2321 指標 5小時前

Thats a good thing of living in Brazil. I literally download every thing and nothing happens. The worst part is living in Brazil tho.



[–]TimberwolvesStevieMcStevie 337 指標 4小時前

Almost every other /r/JusticeServed video is from Brazil


[–]Celticslokerpl 128 指標 3小時前

I live in rio, metropolitan region and bruh i have a folder in my phone with cases like that only from my neighborhood, and it's huuuuuuuuuuuuge


[–]NuggetsU-N-C-L-E 46 指標 2小時前

Fuck, man. I hope things get better down there somehow.


[–]Celticslordhade-s 60 指標 1小時前*

Probably will, but not in my lifetime. That's why im working and studying every day, to get the fuck outta here.


[–]KnickedUp 245 指標 5小時前

Lots of hot women too..not bad down there.


[–]KingsBEE_REAL_ 828 指標 4小時前

No it's pretty bad down there


[–]Timberwolvessgthombre 197 指標 4小時前

Yeah but like is having a fascist president worth it for the fine ass Brazilian girls


[–][DEN] Jamal MurrayWaveBlueArrow 492 指標 4小時前

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that is not worth it


[–][PHI] Ben Simmonsbensimmonsismydaddy 122 指標 5小時前

jaren jackson is for the people


[–][CHI] John StarksLiquidgoldvelveeta 1396 指標 6小時前

I have a new hero


[–]Wizards9seatsweep 278 指標 5小時前

1) JJJ you are a MAN of the PEOPLE

2) i bet you on r/nba too

3) i hope this doesn't come back to bite him in the ass somehow

1. JJJ,你是人民的英雄。

2. 我猜你也常逛Reddit。

3. 我希望这件事最终不会鬼使神差地给他带来恶果。

[–]Clippersjcw4455 1033 指標 5小時前*

I don't think I've ever related to an NBA player more.

When he deadpans into the camera and says he never pirated again. Bro..



[–][PHI] Aaron McKieMichael_Watts 560 指標 4小時前

"Sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that"


[译注3]取自美国知名喜剧和相声演员Dave Chapelle的著名段子:每个黑人都应该找个白人朋友。我就有这么个朋友。那天我们在车里抽的正嗨呢,然后在后视镜里看到一辆警车。他tm就跟我说“我要跟它竞竞速”。给我吓坏了,他马上就踩油门起飞了。之后那辆警车响了警笛示意我们停下。车里的警官走到我们的车窗前问我们干什么呢,我那朋友来了一句“长官不好意思,我之前不知道我不能那样做呀。”

[–]Knicksalexyxray 94 指標 4小時前*

can't agree more, limewire was a way of life back then, JJJ went from a rookie I knew was going to be good to my new favorite player


[–]Spursasqweful 191 指標 5小時前

Seriously tho; every time this dude opens his mouth i like him more and more.

Thank god he plays for the Grizzlies because he's so damn likable.



[–]Grizzliesmaverickxv 76 指標 4小時前

I'm so goddamn happy we didn't trade the pick to try and unload Parsons. A lot of people on the Grizzlies sub have said it already, but I would take parsons contract 10/10 times, knowing how it play out, as long as we still end up with Jackson.


[–]LakersSpitCumIntoMyAsshole 496 指標 6小時前

How does the FBI enforce this? There's sooooo many people that pirate. Do they pick and choose or something


[–]RaptorsSmurfBearPig 1158 指標 6小時前

They draw out of a hat and if the guy is white they draw again.


[–]Mavericksanal-gland 297 指標 5小時前

I know you're joking but as a 30 year old white guy. I've been flagged and warned multiple times. If you're stupid enough to download without a *河蟹* then you deserve it.

我知道你是在开玩笑,但是我作为一个三十岁的白人男性已经被FBI“标记”和“警告”过很多次了。如果你蠢到不用*河蟹* 就下载盗版电影,那你也活该被发现。

[–][ATL] Joe JohnsonMunger88 74 指標 5小時前

Same. A couple years ago I had my internet shut off temporarily and when I called my internet provider they said it was because I downloaded The Incredibles lmao now I use a *河蟹*

同上。几年前我突然被暂时断网了,然后我问网络供应商怎么回事儿,他们说那是因为我下载了《超人总动员》哈哈哈哈。现在我用*河蟹* 了。

[–][SEA] Detlef SchrempfBleoox 48 指標 3小時前

lol that is so weird, I live in Mexico and even in a government building they watch pirate movies in the lobby like it's nothing.


[–]Clippersjcw4455 255 指標 5小時前

I remember there was a time where the feds, or the companies would randomly come down on folks and come down on them fuckin hard to try and make an example and act as a deterrent to other casual folks who wanted to pirate "every now and then".


So you'd have soccer mom's being sued for 90k cause they got some movies from limewire or something stupid.


Now they're toothless for the most part. You'll get a couple warnings from your isp before they shut your shit off. You have to be oblivious or brazen about it.


[–]Charlotte Hornetsthejesse 85 指標 2小時前

One of my buddies in high school got a letter and like word around the school was his parents had to hire a lawyer to settle it. It made me think twice about downloading for about half a second then we all just kept doing it.


[–]Wizards9seatsweep 39 指標 5小時前

sometimes it's your internet provider too. depending on what you pirate, you might be more likely to get a call. anonymous tip: don't pirate game of thrones


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 43 指標 4小時前

Fuck that I have 7 pirated seasons of Game of Thrones on my laptop, I challenge the FBI to come at me GUNS BLAZING.


[–]Cavaliersthirstythecop 23 指標 4小時前

Literally don't pirate anything HBO. I downloaded one episode of True Detective and got whacked immediately. Never got caught on anything else.


[–]RaptorsYoungRok928 130 指標 6小時前

He had to have been pirating a shit ton for the FBI to actually care.


[–]GrizzliesMillyMontana 45 指標 5小時前

I'm not from the states but i think its something like when you pirate like 1k torrents they start looking at ur PC, and its more likely if you do it over a short period of time.


[–]lospolloshermanos 52 指標 5小時前

Lately it's the companies producing the shows putting out torrents with trackers. FOX shows almost always have trackers, Adventure Time and Bob's Burgers are tracked pretty closely. HBO has Game of Thrones torrents out there with trackers.

近期,很多电视剧的制作公司都会主动放出带追踪器的种子(钓鱼)。Fox剧的资源基本上全都有追踪后台。《Adventure Time》和《Bob's Burgers》的资源被盯得很紧。HBO也会放出带追踪器的《权游》种子资源。

[–][DEN] Juan Hernangomezsyanide1 93 指標 5小時前

The real crime wasn't that he was pirating, it was that he was downloading camera rips for new movies, eeew.


[–][OKC] Andre Robersontoshredsyousay1 535 指標 6小時前

A lot has changed just from 2013 to now. You could barely find a stream that didn’t have dozens of ads layered and was over 480p. Now r/nbastreams has every game in great quality.


[–]HeatSmokingFrog 55 指標 5小時前

That isn’t even the worst of it. There was a time pre-2013 were people had to put up w/ gay porn being streamed between commercials and during half time.


[–]ActiveLadder6 127 指標 5小時前

I thought that was a feature


[–]TheBlindSalesman 78 指標 4小時前

I’m starting to understand why r/NBA is the way it is.


[–][CHI] Taj GibsonPrancingDonkey 211 指標 6小時前

Watching streams through a website isn't illegal. It's the P2P streams, like Acetream, that'll get you in trouble.


[–]Trail BlazersWedge124 263 指標 5小時前

It's the uploading that's illegal.


[–]Einchy 51 指標 4小時前

Yeah, hosting and uploading is what they get cha for. You can download as much shit as you want from those uploading sites but doing torrents, if they flag you, will get you an email on your ISP email asking you to stop and that's because it's P2P like the Acestreams.


[–]Lakerslakerswiz[] 91 指標 5小時前

Man. I remember streaming Chicago Bears games wayyyy back in the early to mid 2000s when you couldn't even tell anything that was going on and it was basically pointless, but ya still did it anyways. Was probably bottlenecked because of my 56k connection up until about 2006, but man. Those were some good times.


So easy now. Just wish a service like BallStreams still existed where it was organized and all contained within a single platform.

At the end of the day all ya gotta do is hit the subreddit for your sport and find buffstreams.



[–]ClippersSlyHoooper 88 指標 5小時前

I hope buffstreams makes a ton of money. Love that guy


[–]NBANoShahabNoParty 89 指標 5小時前

I’m not donating, but I also hope he makes a ton of money.







