• 12月23日 星期一

丽水山居图设计大赛 构想“栖居之境”的团队入围

丽水山居图设计大赛 构想“栖居之境”的团队入围

进入八月,随着线下勘探会的举办,新时代山水城市 · 丽水山居图城市设计国际竞赛的十组入围单位正式开始了第二阶段的深化工作。在这次激烈角逐中脱颖而出的他们,对本次竞赛命题有何独到见解?对于未来山水城市又有着怎样的愿景呢?

Coming into August, with the holding of the Site Survey Meeting, the ten shortlists of the Future ShanShui City • Dwellings in Lishui Mountains International Urban Design Competition started the second stage of deepening work. Standing out of this fierce competition, what are their unique opinions on the proposition of this competition? And what is the vision of the future landscape city? Let’s see.

今天带来介绍的是由知名建筑事务所美国生态系统城市(ESD) 事务所联合蔡永洁教授组成的联合体团队。

Today we are introducing a consortium composed by internationally renowned architecture firm ESD - Eco Systems Design Studio + Cai Yongjie.


Introduction of Design Proposal

我是 ESD 事务所的负责人杨沛儒,并任教于美国佐治亚理工建筑系及城市区域规划系。我谨代表 ESD事务所及蔡永潔教授的团队,感谢评审及主办方的青睐,入围本次国际竞赛。

I am Peiru Yang, director of ESD office. And I teach in the Department of architecture and urban regional planning of Georgia Institute of technology. On behalf of ESD office and Professor Yongjie Cai's team, I would like to thank the judges and organizers for their favor in shortlisting us for this international competition.

丽水作为山水城市,以山居图的想象、山水精神作为出发点,探索未来生态城市的新模式。我们认为是前所未有的挑战。20世纪初期的生态规划思想家 Patrick Geddes 曾在他著名的“城市变革” (Cities in Evolution) 一书中,反省19世纪工业化及城镇蔓延带来的发展压力及污染,提出从“河谷中的城镇” (from town in valley)走向“河谷在城镇中” (to valley in town)。他认为了解决城镇在河谷蔓延并破坏自然的问题,需要一种反向策略,在城市空间中引入自然生态,“让河谷景观及自然的气味弥漫在城镇生活之中”。

Lishui, as a ShanShui city, explores a new mode of ecological city in the future with the imagination of Dwellings in Mountain and the spirit of ShanShui. We see it as an unprecedented challenge. Patrick Geddes, an ecological planning thinker in the early 20th century, In his famous book cities in evolution, reflected on the development pressure and pollution caused by industrialization and urban sprawl in the 19th century, and proposed to move from "town in Valley" to "valley in town". He believes that to solve the problem of cities and towns spreading in river valleys and destroying the nature, we need a reverse strategy to introduce natural ecology into urban space, so as to "let the river valley landscape and natural smell permeate the urban life".


In addition to western ecological planning theories and methods, perhaps more importantly, the imagination of Dwellings in Lishui Mountains must be explored in the context of rapid urbanization in China and Asia in the 21st century? How to integrate the spirit of ShanShui, to understand the attitude of Chinese ShanShui, to reflect on the way we used to build modern cities.

ESD团队这次以 “栖居之境”的构想,来塑造山水城市之境,首先需恢复“山水“作为自然系统的韧性力,以面对不可预测的灾害、水患及气候变迁的挑战。山水河谷的”自然气味“及云雾袅绕千变万化的自然景观,必须有地景生态及水文循环系统的支撑。因此,地景生态设计是山水的前提。

In order to create a ShanShui city with the concept of "ShanShui Habitats", ESD team first needs to restore the resilience of "ShanShui" as a natural system to face the challenges of unpredictable disasters, floods and climate change. The "natural smell" and the ever-changing natural landscape of mountains, rivers and valleys must be supported by landscape ecology and hydrological cycle system. Therefore, landscape ecological design is the premise of ShanShui.

除了 “山水环境”,我们也探讨“山水情境”、“山水意境”,融入到城市栖居之中。中国著名当代画家吴冠中的画作,融合中国山水的语境,以及新现代美学,让人深受感动。我们要从丽水的山水精神提炼地方感,创作“丽水原型”。

In addition to "ShanShui environment", we also explore "Shan-Shui situation" and "ShanShui artistic conception", which are integrated into the urban residence. The paintings of Wu Guanzhong, a famous contemporary Chinese painter, are deeply moved by the integration of Chinese ShanShui context and new modern aesthetics. We should refine the sense of place from Lishui's ShanShui spirit and create "Lishui prototype".

最后,ESD 过去十年设计许多亚洲城市水岸,擅长 “地景生态设计”方法、结合蔡永潔教授的“地景式建筑”。我们这个团队,强调空间经验结构及感觉品质无比重要。期盼我们这个团队的生态设计,能为丽水的山居图,贡献我们的一份力量,在全球可持续发展过程中,争取话语权 - 以丽水山水城市,提出崭新模式。

Finally, ESD has been designing waterfront of many Asian cities in the past decade. ESD is good at "landscape ecological design" method, combined with Professor Yongjie Cai's "landscape architecture". Our team emphasizes the importance of spatial experience structure and sensory quality. We hope that our team's ecological design can contribute to Lishui's Mountain Residence and strive for the voice in the process of global sustainable development.


Introduction of the Participants

ESD - Eco Systems Design Studio

丽水山居图设计大赛 构想“栖居之境”的团队入围

ESD「生态系统城市设计事务所」(Eco Systems Design Studio (ESD) Ltd)设立于美国亚特兰大,并于上海及台北设立分公司。

ESD 的理念为「生态系统城市设计」,第一个专项工作为「生态城市设计」,涉及跨尺度的可持续设计专业技术,包含从区域规划、城市规划、城市设计、 景观规划设计到生态建筑,致力于将生态技术含量高的设计方法与理念落实于 亚洲高密度城市环境的实践。另一专项工作为「生态系统分析及评估」,以美 国顶尖研究型大学 Georgia Tech 为依托,专项在低碳及新能源的监测分析、 水文及湿地环境分析及地理资讯系统的规划设计应用等,为「低碳生态城市」 设计的基础研究,整合前研的生态技术及新能源的科研团队。ESD拥有一支国际化与本土化且充分结合的专业建筑师、城市设计师和规划师及管理人员的团 队,已发展为一个规划、城市设计及建筑及生态科技的整合性设计公司。

ESD 事务所前身为新加坡国立大学 Perry Yang Studio,与新加坡KDA建筑师合组的事务所。自2005年获高雄2009世运会主场馆先期规划国际竞图第一名后, 逐年于亚洲及美国地区获得包括美国田纳西州、新加坡、台北、高雄、厦门、 广州、南京、宁波等地多项国际设计竞图奖项及任务。

ESD (Eco Systems Design Studio (ESD) Ltd) is located in Atlanta, USA, with branches in Shanghai and Taipei.

The concept of ESD is "eco system design". The first special work is "eco city design", It involves cross scale sustainable design technology, including regional planning, urban planning, urban design, landscape planning and design to ecological architecture. It is committed to the implementation of design methods and concepts with high content of ecological technology into the practice of high-density urban environment in Asia. The other project is "ecosystem analysis and assessment". Based on Georgia Tech, a top research university in the United States, it focuses on the monitoring and analysis of low-carbon and new energy resources, hydrological and wetland environmental analysis, and planning and design application of geographic information system. It is aimed at the basic research of "low-carbon eco city" design and integrates the previous research teams of ecological technology and new energy. ESD has an international and localized team of professional architects, urban designers, planners and managers, and has developed into an integrated design company of planning, urban design, architecture and ecological technology.

ESD, formerly known as Perry Yang studio of National University of Singapore, is a joint venture with KDA architects in Singapore. Since 2005, it won the first place in the international competition for the home stadium of the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung, and has won many international design competition awards and tasks in Asia and the United States, including Tennessee, Singapore, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, etc.


丽水山居图设计大赛 构想“栖居之境”的团队入围


Professor/architect Yongjie Cai, currently serves as Professor, doctoral supervisor and director of the Department of architecture, School of architecture and urban planning, Tongji University, and vice chairman of Urban Design Academic Committee of China Architectural Society. He was engaged in urban design, architectural design teaching, research and Practice for many years. "5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial Building Design" won the annual Architectural Design Gold Award of Asian Architects Association and the first prize of excellent architectural design award of national excellent survey and Design Award.


Introduction of other shortlisted units and their design proposal will be released soon, please pay attention!



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