• 03月24日 星期一



胡宝成,号竹根,竹根居主人,1958年生于浙江省建德市。中国楹联协会会员、中国干部书画研究院会员, 中国教育电视台水墨丹青签约艺术家,北京京华阁书画院常务理事、北京新华融媒书画院、院士、签约书画家《常务理事、山水画创作室主任》孔子美术館客座教授、袭古创今书画创作基地主任、杭州建德梓源书画院院长、国家一级美术师,职业画家。



书法作品中融入了儒家的中和、坚毅、果敢的精神,又具有自然舒展,沉静闲适的道家思想。笔力劲挺,收放有度,苍劲有力。 在绘画技巧他注意师法自然,坚持实地写生,师古人而不泥,尤其是在从事民间“板凳龙”设计和创作的30多年里中,更丰富了自己艺术思想,积累了丰富的艺术表现和创作经验。逐渐把实用工艺美术之精华运用于中国画创作中,在写意山水画和花鸟画方面,取得了突出的艺术成就。他创作的《花开富贵》牡丹图因其清新高雅,富贵华贵而被推荐为邦交国礼内参作品。他创作山水、花鸟、书法十幅作品还入选为中美建交36周年邮票发行收藏纪念册、2015年被荣幸推选为中国好品牌年度十大书画人物。其作品受到书画收藏爱好者和海内外人士、2O18年为缅甸掸邦主席彭家声87岁生诞写寿联、2O19年为缅甸佤邦政工部闫生炳八十寿庆书写寿联、庆祝佤邦和平三十周年庆典之际为鲍有祥主席、鲍三木嘎总参谋长等领导人书写振兴佤邦、江山社稷为公为民、军魂、毛泽东沁園春雪、岳飞满江红等作品。


1986年,他创作的小楷书法作品《荷塘月色》荣获建德市书法展一等奖、2O11年获得首届“乡土颂”全国书画大赛优秀奖,作品被中国乡土艺术协会文化 产业部中国书画导航网收藏;2013年,他创作的板凳龙作品荣获浙江省舞龙艺术银奖,深受国内同仁的高度赞扬。2014他创作的板凳龙作品因在弘扬民间艺术上的卓越贡献,而被浙江电视台、浙江传媒 学院学报,浙江日报等媒体专门采访,并申报为浙 江省非物质文化遗产,获得“中国第一龙”的盛赞。2016年4月他创作的国画《源远流长》、《山高水长》等山水画作品,入选北京星光影视园国际名家书画作品展并荣获一等奖。其部分优秀书画作品还荣幸入选中国邮政出版发行建党95周年珍藏邮册,2O20年参加世界联手共抗疫情百位艺术家世界名信片寄语祝福,参加中国管理科学研究院教育科学研究所教育发展研究规划课题:(胡宝成谈山水画未来创作——更需写实与意境相结合)荣获一等奖。国画山居图、高山流水在日月潭首次全国知名书画家邀请书画交流展,国画嵩溪古村在子曰美术舘举行首届翰墨春秋—全国书画名家作品展,荣获翰墨春秋艺术传承成就奖。国画高山流水参加新加坡国际拍卖以六十五万人民币拍卖成交,202l年由北京汇珍国际拍卖公司春季拍卖江南秋韵成交价九十六万元,2021年四月受邀请参加北京民族文化宫举办的建党一百周年永远跟党走百位中国画名家学术邀请展,2021年参加博鳌传统文化高峰论坛,多家媒体全程采访报道,成为在国内 、港、澳、台具有影响力的知名书画家。


Hu Baocheng, named Zhugen, was born in 1958 in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province. Member of Chinese Couplet Association, member of Chinese Cadres Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, China education television ink painters signing artists, Beijing jinghua pavilion standing director of art academy, Beijing huarong new media art academy, academicians, signing artists “standing director, director of landscape painting creation” Confucius museum visiting professor, attacks on the ancient ChuangJin painting and calligraphy creation base, hangzhou building heart catalpa academy chief source, director of the national level artists, professional painter.

In middle school, he was enlightened and taught by Mr. Zhang Jian, department of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, and laid a good foundation for painting. 1985 Advanced study in Oriental Art Television Correspondence College of fine arts, calligraphy and seal cutting major and completed; In 1991, he became a member of Hebei Branch of Chinese Contemporary Hard pen Calligraphy Association. After by the famous landscape painter, Li Ming, Li Fu ‘an, guidance.

Calligraphy works are integrated with the Confucian spirit of harmony, perseverance, courage, and natural stretch, calm and comfortable Taoist thoughts. The pen force is quite strong, the collection and release of degrees, vigorous and powerful. In painting skills, he pays attention to learning from nature, insists on sketching on the spot, and teaches ancient people instead of mud. Especially in the more than 30 years of designing and creating folk “Banlong”, he has enriched his artistic thoughts and accumulated rich experience in artistic expression and creation. Gradually applied the essence of practical arts and crafts in Chinese painting creation, in freehand landscape painting and flower and bird painting, has made outstanding artistic achievements. The peony picture was recommended as a reference work for the national ceremony of diplomatic relations because of its freshness and elegance, wealth and luxury. He created landscapes, flowers and birds, calligraphy ten works were also selected in the 36th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States stamp collection commemorative album, 2015 was honored to be elected as China’s top ten good brand annual painting and calligraphy figures. Calligraphy and painting collection enthusiasts and people at home and abroad, their works by 2018 as the shan state, myanmar President peng jiasheng, a 87 – year – old Christmas write ShouLian, 2019 for the Burmese wa ZhengGongBu 闫生炳 birthdays writing ShouLian, eighty to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the wa peace celebration as chairman of the bao youxiang, bao mark ga’s chief of staff and other leaders writing the revitalization of the wa, jiangshan state for, and the soul of the people MAO Zedong qinyuan Spring snow, Yue Fei manjianghong and other works.


In 1986, his small print calligraphy work moonlight over the Lotus Pond won the first prize of Jiande Calligraphy Exhibition, and the first “Ode to Countryside” National Painting and Calligraphy Competition in 2011. His works were collected by the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Navigation network of the Cultural Industry Department of the Chinese Local Art Association. In 2013, his stool Dragon work won the Silver Prize of Zhejiang Dragon Dance Art and was highly praised by domestic colleagues. In 2014, his banlong works were specially interviewed by Zhejiang TV station, journal of Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, Zhejiang Daily and other media for their outstanding contribution to the promotion of folk art, and were declared as Intangible cultural Heritage of Zhejiang Province, winning the praise of “China’s First Dragon”. In April 2016, his traditional Chinese painting “Long History”, “High mountains and Long Waters” and other landscape paintings were selected into the Beijing Starlight Film and Television Park International Masters painting and Calligraphy Exhibition and won the first prize. Some of his excellent painting and calligraphy works were honored to be selected in the Stamp Album for the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China By China Post. In 2020, he participated in the world hundred artists to jointly fight the epidemic to send greetings to the world postcard. He also participated in the Research planning of Education Development of Chinese Academy of Management Science and Research Institute of Education Science. Hu Baocheng on the future creation of landscape painting — more realistic and artistic conception combination) won the first prize. The first national famous calligraphers and painters invited calligraphy and painting exchange exhibition in The Sun Moon Lake. The songxi ancient Village of Chinese painting held the first Han-Chunqiu — National Famous calligraphers and painters exhibition in Confucius Art Museum, and won the Han-Chunqiu art inheritance achievement award. Traditional Chinese painting mountain stream in Singapore international auction clinchs a deal with RMB six hundred and fifty thousand auction, 202 l send Jane by Beijing international auction company cixin qiu – yun jiangnan spring auction completion price nine hundred and sixty thousand yuan, was held in April 2021 invited to participate in the Beijing cultural palace of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding to follow the party forever academic invitational exhibition of one hundred Chinese painter, In 2021, he participated in the Boao Traditional Culture Summit Forum, and made full interviews and reports by Tencent News, Phoenix News, Sohu News, netease, Sina and other media. He became a well-known painter and calligrapher with influence in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.















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