• 09月22日 星期日



赵玉林简介, 笔名三友,内蒙古包头市美术家协会副主席,草原书画院院长,中国美协内蒙古分会会员,中国书法家联谊会会员,台北故宫书画院名誉院长,新加坡神州画院院士,泰山书画研究院客座教授,画家杂志社编委,国家博物馆画廊特邀书画家。


Zhaoyulin's introduction: pen name Sanyou, Vice Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Baotou Artists Association, Dean of the Prairie Painting Institute, Member of the Inner Mongolia Branch of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Honorary Dean of the Taipei Palace Painting and Painting Institute, Academician of the Singapore Shenzhou Academy, Visiting Professor of Taishan Calligraphy and Painting Institute, painter magazine editorial board, National Museum special painter


作品入选《中国当代国际书画家年鉴》,在中国书画研究院展出; 《阴山放牧图》入选当代名家书画展,在中国美术馆展出;多次参加全国各类书画大奖赛,分别荣获一、 二、三等奖;部分作品入编《中国美术选集》《当代绘画艺术》,《艺术辞条》入选世界名人录;2015年三幅作品在俄罗斯伊尔库茨克和圣彼德堡两个城市展出;2017年作品《清风》被瑞士总统多丽丝收藏。


The works were selected for the "Chinese Contemporary International Calligraphers Yearbook" and exhibited at the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting; "Yinshan Pastoral Map" was selected for the contemporary famous calligraphy and painting exhibition and exhibited at the China Art Museum; Participated in various national calligraphy and painting grand prix several times and won the first, second and third prizes respectively; Some of the works were compiled into "Selected Works of Chinese Fine Arts" and "Contemporary Painting Art", and "Artistic Dictionary" was selected as a world celebrity record; In 2015, three works were exhibited in two cities, Irkutsk and St. Petersburg, Russia; The 2017 work "Breeze" was collected by Swiss President Doris







