• 12月23日 星期一

每日一词∣世界互联网发展指数 Global Internet Development Index

世界互联网大会发布的蓝皮书指出,根据最新发布的世界互联网发展指数,中国在全球的排名仅次于美国,且发展形势处于稳步上升状态,排名前五的其他三个国家分别是德国、英国和新加坡。China has been ranked second in the latest Global Internet Development Index, after the United States, and has steadily maintained its upward trajectory, with Germany, the United Kingdom and Singapore in the top five, according to the Blue Book for the World Internet Conference.

每日一词∣世界互联网发展指数 Global Internet Development Index



【重要讲话】中国愿同世界各国一道,把握信息革命历史机遇,培育创新发展新动能,开创数字合作新局面,打造网络安全新格局,构建网络空间命运共同体,携手创造人类更加美好的未来。China is ready to work with other countries to seize the historic opportunities presented by the information revolution, foster new growth drivers through innovation, break new ground in digital cooperation, create a new pattern for cybersecurity, build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, and join hands to create a brighter future for humanity.——2020年11月23日,习近平向世界互联网大会•互联网发展论坛致贺信

推进全球互联网治理体系变革是大势所趋、人心所向。国际网络空间治理应该坚持多边参与、多方参与,发挥政府、国际组织、互联网企业、技术社群、民间机构、公民个人等各种主体作用。It is a general trend and common aspiration of the people to promote the reform of the global cyberspace governance system by sticking to a multilateral approach with multi-party participation from the government, international organizations, internet enterprises, technology communities, non-governmental institutions, and individuals.——2018年4月20日至21日,习近平出席全国网络安全和信息化工作会议并发表重要讲话

【相关词汇】网络治理 cyberspace governance

网络安全 cyberspace security

网络强国 a country with strong cyber technology


嗯?天津的一条道到底有几个名儿?The former names for these roads in Tianjin.




