• 03月18日 星期二









1、Paul Denlinger

The ability to accept differences among peoples without trying to project their own Chinese values onto other peoples and cultures.


If other people like the Vietnamese, Koreans and Japanese adopt certain features of Chinese culture of their own volition, that is their business, but for the most part, the Chinese don’t force others to adopt Chinese values.


In Chinese, it is called 求同存异 or “seek common ground while respecting the differences.”


In the United States or other countries, such as the UK, France or Saudi Arabia, where I have been, people generally have their own ideas. If they find out that you have other opinions in conversation, it usually means quarreling and breaking up unhappily!



2、John Koh

When I was 25, I had a trip to China. Because of this trip, I still lament that there is such a tolerant place in the world!


Chinese,even down to the uneducated Chinese person , have an exceptional tolerance of religions other than their own. They are hard wired into thinking that other people’s religion is just like their skin or hair colour ! They will not think their Chinese skin or hair colours are superior or try to change other’s to theirs .


3、Manoj Namboodiri

Chinese people's eating habits are very interesting. They usually don't like all kinds of cans like us, such as canned fruits, canned vegetables, or canned meat. Their eating tradition thinks that fresh vegetables with dew are the best!


The tendency to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables at every meal – very lightly cooked . I see more leaves in a traditional Chinese meal than many other diets. Very healthy.



4、Jasmine tower

The Chinese has little worry about the negative sides of high technology. Therefore they are very positive to learn and adapt new technologies in their own lives, and enjoy it very much.


The cutting edge technologies very often are not discovered by the Chinese, but the Chinese are always looking forward to be the first group for using them.


5、Tom McGregor

Ever since I arrived in Beijing, China in Oct. 2010, I’ve learned a very important lesson from the Chinese that has made me a much better man. By observing, working and living with them, I’ve gotten to be more patient.Many Chinese have developed a stoic personality, with a knack for enduring the hard times without complaint or letting others know they are suffering. They just keep carrying on despite challenges that confront them on a daily basis.



It’s amazing to witness it in action, while the reason appears to be on account of their resilience to remain patient and silently hopeful under all circumstances.The Chinese just wait, wait and wait until something better comes along and if not they continue waiting and bear it in silence. I’m from the USA and while growing up and coming of age in my native country, I was not patient, not expected to be so and nearly everyone else I knew was impatient by nature.


6、Yuri Barron

Indeed, Chinese people are very patient. This kind of patience is even reflected in their drinking water. Almost all Chinese like boiling water very much. Whether it's tea or white water, they are very patient to wait for the water to reach the most palatable temperature. There is no doubt that it's torture for ordinary Americans!


When I just arrived in China, I still kept the American habit of drinking ice water, but on a sunny afternoon, I realized the charm of Chinese boiled water. In the process of waiting for the boiled water to cool, I realized the passage of time and the peace of life!



The whole world thinks that every Chinese is a born philosopher. I think it all started from waiting for boiled water to cool down.


7、Asia Nicks

Too much, really, man! I got my Ph.D. in Computer Science in Singapore and then worked full-time in China. Now, I have lived in China for more than two years. I'm sure there are many interesting facts about China.


I love China. I love living in China. Here is a list of quick facts about China, in no particular order:


A、Chinese language, Mandarin, is arguably the most difficult language to learn. According to a research by the US government, it requires 2200 class hours of studies to achieve a basic fluency in Mandarin. 700 hours for French and Spanish.There are over 50,000 characters in Chinese language, although a comprehensive modern dictionary will list only over 20, 000 in use.


B、It is also claimed that nearly 30/35 million Chinese still live in caves and enjoy it.




D、Chinese daughters usually choose to cry when they get married, because they think that this can express their love for the original family. Hahaha, my colleagues pretend to cry when they get married, and then smile secretly!



I am a Canadian. In 2009, I followed my husband to his hometown Chengdu. There, For the first time, I felt the cognitive gap between myself and my husband!


All by chance, when we were eating at home, the TV News reported that a drug dealer from Britain had been sentenced to death. There is no doubt that this news is shocking to me. You know, in Canada, I have never heard of drug trafficking!



However, my husband and his mother were indifferent to this shocking news. They told me that almost all Chinese people hate drugs. In China, whether the drug traffickers are Chinese or foreigners, more than 50g can be sentenced to death


My husband told me about the unfortunate history of modern China, and from his tone, I felt the most unique point of the Chinese people - they may be more concerned about the balance of national interests than the realization of personal values。


At that moment, I seemed to understand why he gave up his research project in Canada and insisted on taking me back to China!



毫不讳言,对于加拿大籍中国媳妇儿“ Cristina”因毒贩审判而得出的论断,老铁是表示支持的:









