• 09月28日 星期六







Don't be a fool. It's hard for India to become a superpower.


Reasons :

To achieve the Superpower tag India needs to focus on these two things.



(a). Naval power :

Whoever rules oceans rules the world.

(a) 海军实力:


From the medieval century to modern times, the Netherlands, Spain and France once expanded their military power and economic context by colonizing America, Africa and Asia, and ruled the ocean for several centuries.


In the 18th, 19th and mid-20th centuries, after the industrial revolution, the British Royal Navy suddenly emerged and became a maritime overlord, conquering almost 70% of the oceans and 25% of the land. It was the strength of its navy that enabled the British Empire to remain at the peak of power until the Second World War, when India was a colony under its rule.


After the end of the Second World War, colonialism was eliminated by the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, and Britain's strength gradually weakened. Since the 1950s, the United States began to lead the western world. Today, even if all the world's marine fleets except the United States unite, it is difficult to match.


As we all know, after the US Navy, China has the most powerful navy. Therefore, after the US Navy, China will automatically become the world superpower.


(b). Manufacturing hub :

(b) 成为世界制造业中心:

In the early 19th century, the industrial revolution took place in Britain. It was not until 1914 that Britain gradually became the largest manufacturing center or production base in the world. Britain began to dump a large number of goods to India and other countries at low prices, reshaping the economic structure of these countries and making these countries become cheap labor and raw material supply bases. Until today, India's economy is still at the low end of the industrial chain.


In 1914, the first World War broke out in Europe. Until the 1980s, the United States took the opportunity of providing weapons to European countries during the first and second world wars to transfer the developed manufacturing industry from all over the world to the United States, and used the Marshall plan to control the capital markets such as Europe and Japan, so as to gradually become the manufacturing center.


After the 1980s till now China emerged as a World production house and it will easily dominate for the upcoming 50 — 60 years also.


Therefore, in order to become a superpower, India needs to become the manufacturing center of the world in the next century or two. Is it possible? I am pessimistic about this.


But you Indians don't have to worry too much.


You can not only deeply miss the British colonial rule for a hundred years, but also live happily under the strict caste system. However, I often see that Indians are very proud of their country's development achievements, so India can be a spiritual superpower in the past, now and in the future.




India's goal of becoming a superpower is not unattainable, but our goal of "superpower" must be unique, not just a replica of the United States or Europe.


1. We must redefine the superpower. Do we want to become a superpower like the United States that kills and kills by all means? If so, I don't want India to become a superpower. I'd rather it be a large Singapore or Switzerland.

1. 我们必须重新定义超级大国。我们要成为像美国那样杀伐荼毒,不择手段的超级大国吗?如果真要如此,那我不希望印度成为超级大国,我宁愿它是大号的新加坡或瑞士。

We should be like an elephant, neither eating nor being eaten by other animals. We should neither be a threat nor unarmed. We should strive to become a leading superpower in technology and education, and be able to lead the world ideologically and culturally, just as we did thousands of years ago.


2. We should focus on the development of leapfrog technology. Just as we did not carry out the fixed phone revolution when we entered the mobile phone era, we must skip many old technologies in the "old world, old era" and directly develop and utilize the most advanced technologies. We should make full use of this late development advantage.

2. 我们应该着眼于跨越式技术的发展。正如我们在步入移动电话时代时没有进行固定电话革命一样,我们必须跳过“旧世界,旧时代”中的许多旧技术,直接研发利用最先进的技术,我们要充分利用这种后发优势。

What if we are the first country to replace traditional universities with the most advanced technical tools such as online live broadcasting platform, course community and so on? What if we were the first country to manufacture fuel cells to replace gasoline? What if we skip the retail chain revolution and fully enter the e-commerce society? If we skip the construction of large steel plants and directly carry out the R & D and manufacturing of carbon nanotubes, will it be different?


However, the above is only a preliminary idea. While pursuing to become a superpower, we should do the following:



1. The Indian people must achieve 100% literacy while maintaining a high level of education. In the era of knowledge economy, 300 million illiterates are a burden on national development. We should use the Internet, radio and television to spread knowledge. Educating one billion people can not be completed by traditional education. We must make broadband network a priority channel for popularizing knowledge and make literacy a basic priority of the country.


Society reformation社会改造

1. Modernize the police force. I think you all know very well how bad the social security in India is. We have only 130 police for every 100000 people. The first thing to do is to raise its number to the world standard - 220 / 100000 people.


Second, cut off the waste of various politicians using a large number of police forces. Third, we should learn and implement modern law enforcement methods so that everything has rules to follow. Without appropriate law enforcement methods and a strong law enforcement team, we cannot create a stable environment for economic development.


2. Carry out new urban construction planning. Our existing cities are full of slums and shantytowns, and we simply can't withstand the impact of immigration. We should focus on building 500 new cities, each with a population of 1-2 million.


India is a big country. We have enough land to do this. Assuming that each city needs 500 square kilometers of land, we will need 250000 square kilometers (8% of India). These new cities can accommodate 60-70% of the population, and the density is relatively controllable. Planned urbanization can inject vitality into economic development and develop a broader market.


Geo Politics地缘政治

1. India's geopolitical environment is poor. It should no longer bear the burden of history and fight with Pakistan. We will work actively to repair relations with China,The two countries should work together.

1. 印度的地缘政治环境较差,不应该再背负着历史包袱再与巴基斯坦争斗下去,积极修复对华关系,两国应该携手共进。


1. India must achieve rapid economic growth, with a growth rate of more than 10% in the next 20 years, in order to leave enough wealth for everyone to share. With a growth rate of 10%, by 2030, our per capita GDP will grow to US $10000 / person / year. Although this is not a figure worthy of boasting, it is still enough to lift most people out of poverty.

1. 印度必须实现经济的高速增长,未来20年的增长率为10%+以上,才能留下足够的财富供大家分享。以10%的增长率,到2030年,我们的人均GDP将增长到10000美元/人/年。这虽然不是一个值得夸耀的数字,但仍然足以使大多数人摆脱贫困。

2. India's industrialization level is not enough and the degree is not high. However, it is precisely because of its backwardness that it must overtake in a corner. It has to bypass the industrial revolution and introduce a large part of its more than 600 million agricultural workers into the service industry, so as to optimize the industrial structure and drive the overall economy to a high level and high quality.


Only by realizing these can India really have the hope of becoming a superpower.



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