• 03月27日 星期四


亚太地区超过 90%的企业都是中小企业,疫情期间中小企业如何渡过难关“逆流而生”?请看微软亚洲区总裁Ahmed Mazhari撰文介绍。



The growth and development of SMBs in Asia-Pacific over the decades have been key to the region’s economic success.

根据亚太经济合作组织的数据,亚太地区超过 90%的企业都是中小企业,其员工数量也占到了该地区劳动力总数的一半以上。

According to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, more than 90 percent of all Asia-Pacific businesses are SMBs, and they account for more than half of all our workers.

这就意味着,亚太地区的就业保障高度依赖中小企业;再考虑到亚洲地区的人口占到世界总人口数的 60%,中小企业的重要性也随之进一步凸显。

This means that the region’s job security is highly dependent on SMBs and its relevance is even higher with 60 percent of the world’s population in Asia.


Successfully overcoming this pandemic, including the collateral damage inflicted on SMBs is a battle that institutions, organizations, and government bodies have to come together to make an impact.


I believe success can be ensured via collaboration in a Public-Private Partnership with an ecosystem approach.


Business has stepped up to support governments in public-private partnership (PPP)


Governments across the region are doing all they can to protect people and their livelihoods.

印度政府近期拨款 2600 亿美元,作为重振国家经济的额外支持。新加坡、中国和澳大利亚等国也在振兴经济方面大力投入。

For example, the Indian government recently earmarked USD$260 billion in additional support to revive the country’s economy, and countries from Singapore to China and Australia have also made significant investments in the sector.



Similarly, we’ve also committed ourselves to assisting SMBs in the region. This includes working to support new and existing government measures intended for strengthening SMBs during the pandemic.


For example, collaborating with China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA) allowed us to provide retailers challenged by the pandemic targeted digital solutions and technical support to sustain their operations and ensure business continuity.


Working together as an industry ecosystem can keep SMBs open


I strongly believe that if we can equip our SMBs with the capability to remain operational during this crisis, we can introduce an opportunity for them to reimagine themselves to meet the new needs of customers now, and in the post-COVID environment.


They would stand a better chance to rebound faster, become more resilient and successful in the long-term. As Disaster Recovery International (DRI) recently noted, restarting a business is much harder than shutting one down.


Now is the time for industry ecosystems to come together to help members remain afloat.


Undoubtedly, helping businesses to continue operation is critical – but so is preparing them for a post-COVID world, given as DRI noted; “Our habits may have changed (forever), together with the width of our wallets.”



Extreme pressure and opportunity can form SMB diamonds

最伟大的创新往往是由最巨大的压力催生的。正如微软 CEO 萨提亚•纳德拉最近指出的:“两个月的时间内,我们见证了原本需要两年时间才能够实现的数字化转型。”

Often, we see the greatest innovations arise under the greatest pressure. As our CEO Satya Nadella recently stated: “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”


A SMB leader with a growth mindset sees an opportunity to transform, for that matter leapfrog, during a time of immense business challenge.


Going forward, all SMBs should also re-evaluate every aspect of their business with a digital-first mindset - finding new ways to develop and deliver their products and services for a post-COVID world – including:


Digitalizing operations and enabling remote work: What processes can be moved online to save costs, and how can it be done quickly? How can they enable remote work in just a few days to continue operations?


Targeting and business planning: Where is your industry going? If you’re an in-person business, how can you shift online? How can you provide a better end customer experience?

安全性与 IT:随着网络攻击的增加,哪些工具可以帮助你在 2020 年安全可靠地向前发展?

Security and IT: With the rise in cyber-attacks, what are some of the tools that can help take you forward in 2020, safely and securely?


Reskilling and reimagining the workforce model: What skills can your employees start learning to be prepared for this future?


Will you employ more part timers and contractors; will you work from more distributed locations, collaborate across offices;

还是经营一个由小型核心团队组成的虚拟公司——将其它所有业务外包出去?据说下一代 65%的工作将是全新的。

or run a virtual company with a small core team – outsourcing everything else? It is said that in the next generation 65% of the jobs will be new.


Together, SMBs can emerge from this current crisis stronger, more focused, and prepared for long-term stability.

亚洲中小型企业的未来,同样也是我们的未来,而推动亚洲经济回归到 2020 之前的强势水准,将有助于推动微软在亚洲地区的合作伙伴关系。

The future of Asia’s SMBs is ours as well; rebounding back to the strong growth Asia has achieved in the first 19 years of this century would take our collective partnership in this region.

作者:经济日报·外企头条工作室 陈颐 朱琳(照片由微软公司提供)



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