• 09月22日 星期日





Highlights from the 2019 International Myopia Summit on ‘controversies in myopia’





Myopia is an emerging public health issue with potentially signifificant economic and social impact, especially in East Asia. However, many uncertainties about myopiaand its clinical management remain. The International Myopia Summit workgroup was convened by the Singapore Eye Research Institute, the WHO Regional Offifice for the Western Pacifific and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness in 2019. The aim of this workgroup was to summarise available evidence, identify gapsor unmet needs and provide consensus on future directions for clinical research in myopia. In this review, among the many ‘controversies in myopia’ discussed, we highlight three main areas of consensus.



Should research in myopia treatments focus on preventing the dvelopment of Pathologic myopia rather than preventing of myopia progression ?


There is increasing awareness that myopia is not just a refractive error that can be‘reversed’ by optical aids or refractive surgery. Myopia may progress to PM, a potentially blinding condition due to complications such as retinal detachment, myopic maculopathies and glaucoma. However, current clinical management of myopia is focused on its control, rather than interventions to prevent the development of PM and its complications. Given this context, two important aspects were highlighted and discussed.


Does controlling myopia in childhood prevent the development of pathologic myopia in adulthood?;A potential treatment target: is the sclera and choroid, or Bruch’s membrane a primary site of pathogenesis in pathologic myopia?

儿童期控制近视是否可以预防成年期病理性近视的发生? 潜在的治疗靶点:病理性近视的主要发病部位是巩膜、脉络膜或Bruch膜(编者注:位于眼底的组织结构名称)吗?

Conclusion 1结论 1

There is currently no definitive evidence to suggest that myopia control in childhood could prevent PM development later in life, and as such, long-term prospective studies are needed to answer this question. Research in myopia treatment would benefit from a shift in focus towards devising clinical therapies targeted at preventing AL elongation and resultant PM. However, there is currently insufficient evidence to support a primary site of pathology in PM. Thus, research into possible strategic targets for therapies may require focus on multiple sites, as current evidence suggest the possibility of BM, choroid and sclera playing a role in PM development.



There is currently no ‘gold standard’ intervention in the clinical management of myopia.


Atropine eye-drops, orthokeratology (Ortho-K), defocus multizone soft contact lens and defocus incorporated multiple segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses have been reported to be effective options for reducing myopia progression. Defocus multizone soft contact lenses and DIMS spectacles are recent innovations that have shown great promise for myopia control. A 3-year randomised clinical trial of MiSight dual-focus contact lens (CooperVision, Pleasanton, California, USA) (n=109) showed that myopia progression and axial elongation were 59% and 52% less in the MiSight arm than the single-vision contact lens arm. In the 2-year randomised clinical trial of DIMS spectacles (n=160), children on DIMS spectacles had significantly slower myopia progression and axial elongation (52% and 62%, respectively) over 2 years when compared with those wearing single -vision spectacle lenses. However, the effects of defocus multizone soft contact lenses on myopia progression are highly variable within individuals in the study as well as between studies, while the evidence for DIMS is limited to a single clinical trial. Thus, further studies are warranted for these novel interventions.

阿托品滴眼液、角膜塑形术、多弧离焦软接触镜片和多区正向光学离焦(DIMS)眼镜镜片,已被报道是减少近视进展的有效选择。多弧离焦软接触镜片和多点近视离焦镜片最近的创新,在近视控制方面显示出了巨大的前景。一项为期3年的MiSight(Cooper Vision,普莱森顿市,美国加利福尼亚州),双焦隐形眼镜随机临床试验。结果显示,MiSight组的近视进展和轴增长分别比单焦组少59%和52%。

There is also growing interest in combining pharmaceutical and lens-based interventions. A recent study (n=60) evaluated the efficacy of atropine 0.01% eye-drops asan adjunctive treatment for children who have already been on Ortho-K treatment for a year. Axial elongation from only Ortho-K treatment in the first year (0.46±0.16 mm/year) decreased significantly with the addition of atropine in the second year (0.14±0.14 mm/year, p<0.001). The potential synergistic effects from combination therapy may be of benefit particularly for rapid myopia progressors.

同时,人们对于药物和镜片相结合的干预措施也越来越感兴趣。最近的一项研究(n=60)评估了0.01%阿托品滴眼液作为辅助治疗对已经接受了一年的OK镜治疗的儿童的疗效。随着阿托品的加入,第一年的轴增长显著降低(0.46±0.16 mm/年)(0.14±0.14 mm/年,p<0.001)。联合治疗的潜在协同效应可能对快速近视进展者尤其有益

These treatment options are usually offered to patients based on the expertise of the eye care professional, influenced by a wide range of practice patterns around the world.However, the clinical management of myopia should ideally be evidence based,selected to provide the best risk-benefit profile for that individual. Recently, two interventions have emerged with the greatest potential for myopia control.


Should orthokeratology be the treatment of choice for controlling myopia progression in children?;Should atropine eye-drops be used in children with low or no myopia to prevent myopia progression?

角膜塑形镜是控制儿童近视进展的首选治疗方法吗? 阿托品滴眼液是否适用于低近视或无近视的儿童,以防止近视进展?

Conclusion 2结论2

Overall, optimising the clinical management of myopia would benefit from an alignment of best practice patterns, with a tailored approach that can only be achieved with close collaboration among eye care practitioners. While current evidence suggests that low-dose atropine is a good option, potential side effects and the lack ofavailability in certain healthcare settings need to be considered. However, the use of atropine in children with low or no myopia requires further evidence from clinical trials prior to any recommendation. Ortho-K can be an effective option for myopia control but requires close clinical monitoring to avoid sight-threatening complications.



Current technology is inadequate for the diagnosis and monitoring of myopia-related complications.


The burden of visual impairment arising from myopia comes primarily from PM and its complications such as MMD, which is now a leading cause of blindness in developed nations. Thus, the early detection and monitoring for myopia-related complications is important for timely intervention and prevention of visual impairment. The detection and evaluation of two major complications of PM, mCNV and myopia-associated optic neuropathy are discussed.


Is optical coherence tomographic angiography (OCTA) adequate for the evaluation of myopic choroidal neovascularisation? Can current diagnostics adequately diagnose an monitor glaucoma or myopia-associated optic neuropathy in high myopes?

光学相干断层血管造影术(OCTA)是否足以评估近视脉络膜新生血管? 是否能够充分诊断临床前期青光眼或近视相关视神经病变?

Conclusion 3结论3

The structure of the myopic eye adds complexity to the evaluation and early detection of sight-threatening complications, such as MMD and myopia-associated optic neuropathy, that cannot be bridged with current diagnostics. Collaboration between clinicians, researchers and industry is needed to optimise diagnosticand imaging technologies specifically for the myopic eye. Currently, OCTA imaging alone may be inadequate for evaluating mCNV, while the evaluation of myopia-associated optic neuropathy requires further research to accurately evaluate optic nerve damage in PM.Overall, there is an unmet need to explore and develop new imaging modalities for both structural and functional analyses and to establish normative databases for myopia in the long term.




The aim of this review is to highlight various aspects of clinical myopia discussedduring the IMS in 2019, including gaps in myopia research that require further study, consensus where evidence is not well established and a call to action for stakeholders to collaborate in the management of myopia.


We acknowledge that the views presented are limited to that of the workgroup, which comprised an international panel from diverse backgrounds, all involved in myopia prevention or research. There are also potential biases arising from the representation of myopia experts mainly from Asia, but we have included a comprehensive review of the available published evidence to provide an objective summary in this article.


Nonetheless, we have highlighted three key areas with regard to the clinical management of myopia, which may benefit from further research and development.


First, while controlling childhood myopia alone may reduce high myopia in adulthood, it maynot be enough to prevent the development of PM.There is an unmet need to search for potential treatment targets and to develop therapyinterventions that prevent progression to PM.


Second, the clinical managementof myopia will benefit from comanagement from eye care professionals, such that the treatment plan may be tailored to patient needs while weighing the relative costs and benefits of each intervention.


Third, evaluation of myopia complications using current technologies present limitations that require collaboration between clinicians, researchers and industry partners to overcome in the long term. The workgroup advocated a paradigm shift in our approach to clinical management of myopia—one that necessitates co-ordinated action among the eye care community in our fight against the ‘myopia epidemic’.




作者:志汇眼科 张未







