• 07月01日 星期一


(2017年7月17日,/美通社/)全球高级人才搜猎、领导力咨询及文化塑造服务领域的首要提供商海德思哲国际咨询公司(Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.) (NASDAQ: HSII) 今天宣布,Jimson Cheng 已经加入该公司,担任医疗保健与生命科学部合伙人,工作地点位于新加坡。


海德思哲生命科学部亚太与中东业务管理合伙人 Charles Moore 表示:“亚太地区见证了医疗保健和生命科学领域增长和机遇的新时代。随着越来越多的制药、医疗器械和医疗保健机构在亚太地区进行业务扩展,2017年是一个强有力的开端,我们需要增加我们在该地区的业务足迹。Jimson 是一名资深顾问,他在该地区深厚的生命科学与医疗保健行业知识为客户面临新的准入、补偿和数字等挑战时带来了巨大价值。

Cheng 在亚太地区拥有近15年的高级人才搜猎和领导咨询经验。加入海德思哲之前,他曾担任另一家高管搜猎公司生命科学部的区域领导,在那里他壮大了公司管理团队和能力。开始他的人才搜猎职业生涯之前,Cheng 在包括雅培 (Abbott) 和百特 (Baxter) 的多家医疗保健业知名机构担任多项领导职位。他在淡马锡控股 (Temasek Holdings) 旗下一家专注于生物科技的子公司开始其职业生涯。

Cheng 表示:“能够在我们该地区客户经历显著增长,公司在价值链中的重要性不断上升的时刻加入海德思哲,我感到非常激动。我们公司在为亚太地区医疗保健和生命科学行业提供高级人才搜猎与领导力咨询服务方面拥有长期成功的历史,对领导者在企业发展的各个阶段取得成功所需要的专业知识和才能有深刻的了解。”

海德思哲医疗保健与生命科学部全球业务管理合伙人 John Mitchell 表示:“Jimson 是亚太地区人才与领导力领域强大的领导者。我们的客户和业务都将受益于他的经验和行业知识,我们为他的加入感到非常高兴。”

Cheng 在马萨诸塞大学 (University of Massachusetts) 获得生物化学理学学士学位。他曾在美国和泰国生活。

Heidrick & Struggles Adds Partner to Life Sciences Practice in Singapore

(Jul.17, 2017, /PRNewswire/)Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (NASDAQ: HSII), a premier provider of executive search, leadership consulting and culture shaping services worldwide, today announced that Jimson Cheng has joined the firm as Partner in the Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice, based in Singapore.

"Asia Pacific is witnessing a new era of growth and opportunities in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. With an increasing number of pharmaceutical, medical device and healthcare providers expanding their operations in Asia Pacific, 2017 is off to a strong start and we need to increase our footprint in the region," said Charles Moore, Managing Partner of Heidrick & Struggles' Life Sciences Practice for Asia Pacific and the Middle East. "Jimson is a seasoned consultant and his extensive knowledge in the life science and healthcare industry across the region brings tremendous value to clients as they face a new paradigm of access, reimbursement, and digital, among other challenges."

Cheng has nearly 15 years of executive search and leadership consulting experience in the Asia Pacific region. Prior to Heidrick & Struggles, he was the regional lead of the Life Sciences Practice for another executive search firm, where he built that firm's team and capabilities. Before he started his search career, Cheng held a variety of leadership roles in a number of renowned organizations within the healthcare sector, including Abbott and Baxter. He started his career at Temasek Holdings within a subsidiary focused on Biotechnology.

"I am thrilled to be joining Heidrick and Struggles at a time when our clients in region are experiencing significant growth and companies are moving up in the value chain," Cheng said. "Our firm has a long and successful history of providing executive seach and leadership consulting services to the healthcare and life sciences industry across the region, with a deep understanding of the expertise and talent needed for leaders to succeed at various stages in the evolution of their businesses."

"Jimson is a strong leader in the talent and leadership space across Asia Pacific," said John Mitchell, Global Practice Managing Partner, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Heidrick & Struggles. "Both our clients and our practice will benefit from his experience and industry knowledge; we are thrilled to have him on the team."

Cheng obtained his Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry degree from the University of Massachusetts. He previously lived in the U.S. and Thailand.







