• 03月29日 星期六

每日新闻播报(March 21)

每日新闻播报(March 21)

French Minister attached to the Foreign Affairs Minister Nathalie Loiseau leaving the Elysee Presidential palace after attending a weekly cabinet meeting on February 27, 2019 in Paris.[Photo/IC]

>Minister names cat Brexit 法部长给猫取名叫'脱欧' French Minister for European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau reportedly wrote on her private Facebook page that she named her cat Brexit because the animal is indecisive. "He wakes me up every morning meowing to death because he wants to go out, and then when I open the door he stays put, undecided, and then glares at me when I put him out," Loiseau said, according to Le Journal du Dimanche. The politician's comment comes days after British lawmakers in Parliament voted in favor of a delay in the country's departure from the European Union, just weeks before the UK was due to leave. 据报道,法国欧洲事务部长纳塔莉•卢瓦索在其个人脸书页面上说,她给自己的猫取名叫"英国脱欧",因为它犹豫不决。据《星期日报》报道,卢瓦索说:"它每天早上都喵喵叫,非把我叫醒不可,因为想要出去,但是等我打开门时,它又犹豫了,站在那儿一动不动,我抱它出去时它还瞪我"。卢瓦索这番话似乎在影射英国脱欧的现状。数日前,英国议会在距离原定脱欧日仅有几周时投票通过了延迟脱欧的决定。

每日新闻播报(March 21)

Chinese tourists walk past the Louvre Pyramid outside the Louvre Museum in Paris. [Photo/Agencies]

>Expensive cities revealed 全球最贵城市榜单出炉 Paris has come top of a ranking of the world's most expensive cities, alongside Hong Kong and Singapore. It's the first time three cities have shared the top spot in the 30-year history of the annual Economist Intelligence Unit survey. The survey compares the cost of common items, such as bread, in 133 cities. It then tracks whether prices have gone up or down by comparing them to the cost of living in New York, which is used as a benchmark. Inflation and volatile currency fluctuations helped drive changes in this year's ranking, with places like Argentina, Brazil, Turkey and Venezuela all seeing a sharp fall in their cost of living ranking. Caracas in Venezuela, where inflation neared 1,000,000% last year forcing the government to launch a new currency, was ranked the least expensive city in this year's survey. 在全球最贵城市排行榜上,巴黎、香港、新加坡并列第一。这是经济学人智库进行这项年度调查30年来首次出现三座城市并列居首的情况。这项调查比较了133个城市面包等日常生活用品的价格,以纽约的生活成本为基准来追踪各城市物价的涨跌。通货膨胀和不稳定的汇率波动推动了今年排行的变化,阿根廷、巴西、土耳其和委内瑞拉等国家在生活成本排行榜上的名次都大幅下滑。委内瑞拉的加拉加斯在今年的榜单中垫底,成为"最便宜城市",该国去年通胀率接近1000000%,迫使政府发行了新货币。

每日新闻播报(March 21)

Disneyland, Lantau Island, Hong Kong [Photo/VCG]

>Disney completes Fox deal 迪士尼正式收购福克斯 The Walt Disney Company completed its $71 billion acquisition of 21st Century Fox on Wednesday, putting the cap on the long-gestating negotiation that sees the merging of these two Hollywood houses. With the deal, Disney absorbed the 21st Century Fox movie and TV divisions. That includes film rights to the "X-Men", "Deadpool", and "Fantastic Four", as well as the Avatar franchise from James Cameron, the specialty distributor Fox Searchlight (which released Oscar winners "The Shape of Water" and "The Favourite"), and TV hits like "The X-Files" and "Empire". As news of the finalized acquisition was made public, former House Speaker Paul Ryan was appointed to the Fox Corp board as one of its new members. The Hollywood Reporter anticipates job cuts of between 5,000 and 10,000 as the deal closes. 20日,沃尔特•迪士尼公司完成对21世纪福克斯公司的710亿美元的收购交易,给旷日持久的谈判划上了句点,好莱坞两大工作室正式合并。根据协议,迪士尼收购了21世纪福克斯公司的所有电影和电视业务,包括《X战警》、《死侍》、《神奇四侠》以及詹姆士•卡梅伦执导的《阿凡达》系列的电影版权、发行过奥斯卡获奖影片《水形物语》和《宠儿》的专业发行商福克斯探照灯公司的所有权、以及《X档案》和《帝国》等热门电视剧的版权。收购完成的消息一经公布,前众议院议长保罗•瑞安被任命为福克斯公司董事会新成员之一。《好莱坞报道者》预计,收购交易结束后将有5000至1万人被裁员。

每日新闻播报(March 21)


>PBOC bans RMB likeness 祭祀品禁用人民币图样 To safeguard the authenticity of the renminbi (RMB), the People's Bank of China (PBOC) published a regulation on using the currency's likeness, which bans it from appearing on any kind of sacrificial offering, including paper money. The bank published an amended regulation on using the RMB's likeness on its website on Monday, pointing out that both intact and partial patterns of the RMB must not be used on products such as sacrificial offerings. The bank explained that the ban is aimed at protecting the RMB's reputation and circulation order. It is a custom to burn paper money, with part of the RMB's likeness on them during the Qingming Festival, also known as the traditional Chinese Tomb-Sweeping Day when people visit their ancestors' graves and tombs of their deceased loved ones. 为维护人民币的权威性,中国人民银行发布了人民币图样使用规定,禁止包括冥币在内的任何形式的祭祀用品使用人民币图样。18日,央行在其官网发布《人民币图样使用管理办法(修订稿)》。新办法指出,禁止在祭祀用品等物品上使用完整或部分的人民币图样。央行解释说,此举旨在维护人民币信誉和流通秩序。清明扫墓时,国人有焚烧印有人民币图样的冥币的习俗。

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每日新闻播报(November 15)



