• 03月27日 星期四



At the request of the vast number of buyers, Saint John group platform launched the "Tibet recommendation" column. With the help of the strong communication effect of the Saint John group platform, the Tibetan recommendation column recommends to the buyers of the art collection through the selection of many experts from the the Imperial Palace Museum. It has already been used by the sellers and purchasers, so that the value of thousands of pieces of art treasures have been excavated and valued and realized in the transaction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

翡翠(jadeite), 也称翡翠玉、翠玉、缅甸玉,是玉的一种。翡翠的正确定义是以硬玉矿物为主的辉石类矿物组成的纤维状集合体 。但是翡翠并不等于硬玉 。翡翠是在地质作用下形成的达到玉级的石质多晶集合体,主要由硬玉或硬玉及钠质(钠铬辉石)和钠钙质辉石(绿辉石)组成,可含有角闪石、长石、铬铁矿、褐铁矿等。

在古代翡翠是一种生活在南方的鸟,毛色十分美丽,通常有蓝、绿、红、棕等颜色。一般这种鸟雄性的为红色,谓之“翡”,雌性的为绿色,谓之“翠”。寸开泰撰写的《腾越乡土志》记载:“ 腾为萃数,玉工满千,制为器皿,发售滇垣各行省。上品良玉,多发往粤东、上海、闽、浙、京都。至清末民初,仅腾冲城内即有翡翠作坊百余家,玉雕工匠三千余人,所琢“器皿发售滇垣各行省上品良玉,多发往粤东、上海、闽、浙、京都《寸开泰《腾越乡土志》产翡翠的缅甸勐拱、密支那一带,距我国云南边境只有150公里。在明朝万历年间,此地曾属永昌府(今云南省保山市)管辖。由于历史的原因,被称为"东方瑰宝"的翡翠经云南腾冲、瑞丽等边城输入我国,已有四五百年的历史了。

Jadeite (Jadeite), also known as jadeite jade, jade, Burma jade, is a kind of jade. The correct definition of jadeite jade is a fibrous aggregate composed of pyroxene mineral dominated by jadeite mineral. But jadeite is not equal to jadeite. Jadeite is a marble polycrystalline aggregate formed under the action of geology, mainly composed of jadeite or jadeite and sodium (sodium chromite) and sodium calcene pyroxene (Lv Huishi), which can contain hornblende, feldspar, chromite, and limonite.

In ancient times, jadeite jade is a kind of bird living in the south. Its fur is very beautiful. It usually has blue, green, red and brown colors. In general, the male is red, which is called "Fei" and the female is green, which is called "Cui". The "Teng Yue Local Records" written by Cun Kai Tai recorded: "Teng is the number of extraction, jade work is over 1000, and it is made of vessels, which sells the provinces of Dian yuan. Top grade Liang Yu sends to Guangdong, Shanghai, Fujian, Zhejiang and Kyoto. In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, there were more than 100 jade workshops and more than 3000 jade carvings in Tengchong City, and the jade carvings were considered to be sold to the East, Shanghai, Fujian, Zhejiang and Kyoto and the Burma Meng arch and Myitkyina, which produced jadeite in the East, Shanghai, Fujian, Zhejiang and Beijing, and only 150 males from the border of Yunnan in China. Li. In the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty, it belonged to Yongchang government (now Baoshan, Yunnan province). Due to historical reasons, jade, known as "oriental treasure", has been imported into China for four hundred or five hundred years by Tengchong, Ruili and other border cities in Yunnan.


冰种 翡翠是一种翡翠,质地非常透明,冰种外层表面上光泽很好,半透明至透明,清亮似水给人以冰清玉莹的感觉,冰种水头足,很透明,质地极佳。冰种翡翠中质量最好,透明度最高的常被同行称为高冰种,意思是指冰种中最好的一种,但又未能达到玻璃种的程度。“高冰种”在专业上很难定义,但是在商业中却经常出现。

冰种翡翠质地与老坑种有相似之处,无色或少色,冰种的特征是外层表面上光泽很好,半透明至透明,清亮似冰,给人以冰清玉莹的感觉 。若冰种翡翠中有絮花状或断断续续的脉带状的蓝颜色,则称这样的翡翠为“蓝花冰”,是冰种翡翠中的一个常见的品种 。冰种玉料常用来制作手镯或挂件 。


Ice jadeite is a kind of jade with a very transparent texture, good gloss on the surface of the ice, translucent to transparent, clear, clear and clear. The ice is very transparent and good in texture. Ice seed jade is the best quality, the highest transparency is often referred to as the high ice species, meaning the best one of the ice species, but failed to reach the degree of glass. "High ice species" is hard to define professionally, but it often appears in business.

The texture of the jadeite jade is similar to that of the old pit. It is colorless or less colored. The ice is characterized by a good gloss on the surface of the outer layer, translucent to transparent, clear like ice, and a feeling of clear jade. If there is a floral or intermittent blue color in the jadeite jadeite, the jadeite is called "Lan Huabing", a common variety in the ice jadeite jade. Ice jade is often used to make bracelets or pendants.

The characteristics of the ice species are that the gloss of the outer surface is very good, translucent to transparent, and the water gives people the feeling of clearing jade and jade, and knocking the jade in the sound of metal and the appearance of the jade body like ice crystal. Colorless or less color, uniform grain size, grain naked eye can argue, hard jade pure no impurities, fine texture, no crack cotton grain or scarce. Some ice species are subdivided into ice species and quasi ice species. Ice water head (1.5 points moisture), very transparent, excellent texture. Quasi ice type water head is good (1 points moisture), translucent, texture is very good. If there is a floral or intermittent blue color in the jadeite jadeite, the jadeite is called "Lan Huabing", a common variety in the ice jadeite jade.




"High ice species" is difficult to say professionally, but it often appears in business. Perhaps people think that the name of the jadeite and ice species is not enough to distinguish them.

Ice jadeite looks pure and clear. Unlike glass, it only needs three minutes of warm, but seven points are extremely cold. Although ice jadeite is not as valuable as glass jadeite jade, in reality, jadeite jade is also impossible to get rid of commercial elements. Because of this, the ice jadeite jade has been appreciated by the industry as follows: "the ice bracelet is the best jewellery for the women, and it is the best choice for the men to be prudent."



This collection is recommended by collectors as an icy jade jade moire bracelet. This ice jadeite jade looks pure and clear, and is the best quality of jade bracelet. The formation of a bracelet is not easy at all, not to mention carving on a bracelet. This bracelet, whether it is material or carver, is the best quality of jadeite jade. And its collection value, and ice jadeite jade is also inevitable.


Jadeite jadeite Bracelet


Starting price;8880.000RMB


Bid for this item, please contact our business personnel in advance for special bidding plate number.


Remarks: Mr. Zhan, a Sichuan collection







