• 03月29日 星期六



Singapore Airlines (SIA) and SilkAir will offer a wider range of main courses on flights under 3.5 hours[1] from 1 December 2020, providing customers with a greater variety of local Singaporean and international favourites on these routes as part of its new Economy Class meal concept.


More than 40 new dishes will be available on rotation on different flights, including Singaporean favourites such as congee, laksa and gravy-rich mee siam that were previously not available in Economy Class.



Customers can now enjoy these meals after SIA replaced its plastic casserole service ware with a new packaging solution, consisting of a leak-proof box and cup made of Forest Stewardship Council certified paper, a dessert box and a cutlery pack made of bamboo with a paper wrap. The unique box can hold the same amount of food as the casserole but is deeper and more secure, allowing it to retain gravy and soupy dishes without any seepage. It is also oven-safe and resistant to overheating, ensuring that food quality is preserved even after reheating.

同时新航将使用全新的餐盒套装替换原有的塑料餐盒,全新餐盒套装包括:使用森林管理委员会(Forest Stewardship Council)认证的纸质材料制成的防漏餐盒与纸杯、甜品盒、竹制餐具及纸质餐具包装袋。这种独特的新型餐盒经过加深后,不仅可容纳与原餐盒同等份量的食物,汤汁类的菜品也不容易渗漏,使用起来更加安全。另外,新型餐盒可安全用于烤箱加热,具有耐过热性能,确保食物在加热后也能保持其品质。

The new meal concept was developed jointly by SIA and SATS, the Airline’s Singapore-based catering partner. After a study into potential pain points and areas of improvement in the short-haul in-flight experience, and following months of research and development, the companies designed a box that is both versatile and eco-friendly, and yet also enhances taste, variety and meal quality.


This will also reduce the amount of single-use plastics, including cups and polybags for cutlery, on the meal tray by 80 per cent by weight. Leftovers on the tray, including the new service ware, will be brought back to Singapore, sent to an eco-digester at SATS, and converted into pellets that can be used as refuse-derived fuel, a source of energy that can replace fossil fuel and coal. The onsite processing of waste reduces approximately 60 per cent of catering waste and further reduces emissions from transportation to the incinerator. In addition, the use of lighter paperware helps to reduce fuel consumption on flights.



Mr Yeoh Phee Teik, Senior Vice President Customer Experience, Singapore Airlines, said: “We are delighted to be able to offer a greater variety and quality of meals on our short-haul flights, including selections from Singapore’s popular local favourites that we hope both Singaporeans and international customers will find familiar and comforting. This is part of our continuous efforts to enhance the customer experience while keeping sustainability at the forefront of our operations.”


Mr Kerry Mok, CEO Food Solutions, SATS, said: “Developing eco-friendly packaging solutions that can improve quality of food has to take into consideration various challenges unique to the preparation of aviation meals. We are pleased to lend our culinary expertise and knowledge of food and packaging technology to collaborate with SIA to transform the travel experience.”


Visitors to SIA’s Inside Singapore Airlines tours in November 2020 will be the first to preview the new meals, which will be served at the event.








