• 12月22日 星期日




一般的情况下,骗子会让你通过MoneyGram和 WesternUnion汇钱,她们会跟你讲你只需要付邮费但是之后他们一定会想方设法找机会去向你索取钱财。 理由各有不同,比如一下的几种

1) 宠物保险

2) 宠物被机场扣押

3) 宠物需要医疗帮助

4) 时间和航空公司那边有冲突,要支付预定费用

5) 太热或太冷,要购买特殊的仪器,因此可以让宠物在一个舒适的环境里。 为了让你交付更多的钱,她们会让你跟公司联系和协商运费的事宜,但是其实这个公司是不存在的。


1. 奇怪的用词,奇怪的格式和错别字的拼写

2. 要从海外邮寄过来(特别是从泰国)

3. 汇钱到Moneygram或者是WesternUnion的账户

4. 免费的纯种猫,并有证书显示是纯种的(记住纯种猫不可能是免费的,而且天下没有免费的午餐吃)


1. 卖家的居住地点,如果不愿意透露,很大的程度上,这是个骗局

2. 宠物的兽医是谁,兽医的电话去跟他们核实

3. 接受什么样的汇钱方式,如果是要先付钱再发货,那就要小心了


1. 去宠物店买

2. 可以去当地的宠物领养协会,有些宠物是不要钱的

3. 可以去可靠的宠物网




thanks for getting back to me and the interest you have for my kittens. I have made some inquiries about the transportation cost. the transportation cost is 400 SGD for both kittens. You are to pay the money to the delivery agency before the delivery of the kittens.

The money has to be used for the following.

To purchase the ticket. For medical checkup. To make a Pet Passport. To make the transfer of ownership document.

The documents will need your information as below:

Your full names? Your home address? Your Contact telephone Number? Your postal code? Your city?

I will also use this data to register the kittens at the agency for delivery to your home. The kittens will be transported in an aircraft with hours flight, therefore, the kittens will be delivered to your home the same day.

I am waiting to have your details so that I can proceed with the registration process and the documents of the kittens.

Yours Sincerely


Hello ,

thank you for the interest you have for my kittens. The kittens are very friendly to kids and other home pets . They love to play with people and among themselves

The kittens are very healthy and have the following information.

Breed : Pure breed Sex : male and female Age : 12 weeks old Recognition : Pedigree, Vet check.

The kittens will come with the following :

Health guarantee. vet checked Certificate . Registration documents . pedigree papers pet passport and some toys .

I am Sandra Johnson, I am a woman of 39 years old. I am giving out the kittens for free because i am currently employed In Thailand. I am too busy and do not have enough time to take care of the kittens because of my new job. I wish to give the kittens to a lover of pets, who will take very good care of one or all of the kittens. Hope you can take care of the kittens?

Since distance is keeping us apart, I can look for a very reliable pet delivery agency to transport and deliver the kittens to your house. you will have to pay only for the transportation from Thailand to your house . If i send the kittens through the agency. the kittens will be delivered to your home the same day.

Hope you can take good care of the kittens. Waiting for your reply.


信可以看出来是copy and paste的,因为格式很不对劲。一般这种诈骗都是在泰国工作之类的,只要看见pet delivery agency,一般都是scam了。











