• 09月23日 星期一

中国工商银行举办 “一带一路”基础设施合作与融资论坛,与五家中新机构签订合作意向协议


新加坡-2016 年9 月19 日-新加坡唯一人民币业务清算行中国工商银行新加坡分行与盛裕控股集团于今天共同举办了“一带一路”基础设施合作及融资论坛。会上,中国工商银行与五家中新机构签订了合作意向协议。



中国工商银行董事长易会满在论坛开幕致辞中表示:“一带一路”沿线国家在互联互通以及基础设施建设方面具有很大的需求和发展空间。工商银行已在全球42 个国家和地区建立了412 家机构,其中123 家分支机构分布在“一带一路”沿线的18 个国家和地区,是金融服务覆盖“一带一路”规划区域最广的中资银行。截至上半年末,工商银行已累计支持“一带一路”项目95 个,总承贷金额达220 亿美元,同时还储备了211 个商业前景较好的重大项目,涉及总投资金额2132 亿美元。







工商银行新加坡分行与盛裕控股集团签订合作备忘录,在金融服务方面加大双方的合作力度。新加坡盛裕控股及樟宜机场集团主席廖文良先生表示:「盛裕控股对于中国提出的“一带一路”战略为亚洲基础设施建设带来巨大机遇感到非常乐观。金融服务和技术专长是基础设施建设成功实施的两大因素。盛裕控股的城市规划、工程、项目管理和设施管理 服务与工商银行的金融服务相辅相成,将为集团的全球客户提供全面的金融和技术服务。盛裕控股集团业务遍及全球40 个国家、100 个城市,在住宅、工业、基础设施、航空、交通、油气及能源设施建设等方面拥有卓越的经验。」



其他出席论坛的贵宾还包括亚洲基础设施投资银行投资部董事潘于恩、IFC 资产管理公司全球基础设施基金会联席主管Darius Lilaoonwala、新加坡国际企业发展局环境与基础设施方案司司长高源祥、盛裕控股集团首席执行官黄显辉、以及新加坡建筑商公会会长卢柏荣等。此次活动吸引了约200 名来自中新两地的企业和金融机构代表。

ICBC Strengthens Commitment to Infrastructure Partnership and Financing Efforts with Five Strategic Cooperation Agreements

SINGAPORE, 19 Sep 2016 – The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (ICBC), the world’s largest renminbi (RMB) bank and Singapore’s sole RMB clearing bank, today strengthened its commitment to infrastructure partnership and financing efforts, with the signing of five milestone cooperation agreements with organisations across Singapore and China.

The signing of the agreements was hosted at the inaugural “Infrastructure Partnership and Financing in One Belt, One Road – Challenges and Opportunities” forum, an event hosted by ICBC Group and Surbana Jurong. As part of on-going efforts to strengthen collaboration between Singapore and China on the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative, the new agreements will see ICBC Group partnering Singapore organisations Singapore Press Holdings Ltd., Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and Singapore Exchange (SGX) , as well as established corporations Sinochem International Corporation and Surbana Jurong.

The event was graced by Mr. Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for Trade and Industry (Trade), Singapore, Mr. Yi Huiman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of ICBC Group, H.E. Mr. Chen Xiaodong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Singapore, Mr. Alan Chan, CEO of Singapore Press Holdings Ltd., and Mr. Liew Mun Leong, Chairman of Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd and Changi Airport Group.

Mr. Yi Huiman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of ICBC, said, “There are many development opportunities available in the ‘One Belt, One Road’ region, especially in terms of connectivity and basic infrastructure.”

“Among the 42 countries and regions covered by ICBC’s 412 branches, 123 of ICBC’s branches are servicing the 18 countries and regions within the ‘One Belt, One Road’ region, making us the Chinese bank with the most comprehensive coverage in this region. As of end- June, ICBC has supported 95 ’One Belt, One Road’-related projects with total financing amounting up to USD 22 billion. Meanwhile, there are 211 prospective projects in the pipeline with an investment amounting to a total investment of USD 213.2 billion.”

“Going forward, ICBC will embark on more cooperation initiatives in boosting the growth and development of the ‘One Belt, One Road’ region, especially by leveraging the Bank’s strengths in global banking. We will continue to proactively address the needs of ‘One Belt, One Road’ projects in terms of their various financial service requirements, promote the collaboration between commercial banking and investment banking as well as the co-operation between investment banking and private equity, so as to provide a one-stop financial services which encompass cash management, local financing, RMB clearing, and off-shore wealth management services to our clients and corporations,” said Mr. Yi.

During the event, ICBC Singapore signed an MOU with Surbana Jurong, to strengthen the collaboration between the two parties in terms of providing financial services to Surbana Jurong and its global customers. Commenting on the MOU, Mr. Liew Mun Leong, Chairman, Surbana Jurong and Changi Airport Group said, “Surbana Jurong is optimistic about the vast infrastructure opportunities in Asia which the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative brings. Sound financial and technical expertise are two key components for successful implementation of infrastructure projects. With this MOU, Surbana Jurong will partner ICBC to offer its global clientele a full suite of comprehensive financial and engineering expertise for major urban and infrastructure projects in the ‘One Belt, One Road’ region. Our expertise in urban planning, engineering, project management and facilities management services fully complement ICBC’s financial related services. Surbana Jurong, with operations in 40 countries and 100 cities, has a strong track record in implementing projects across a wide range of sectors, including residential and industrial township, infrastructure, industrial, aviation, transport, oil & gas and energy.”

Other key dignitaries at the Forum today include Mr. Pang Ee Yan, Director-General (Investments) of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Mr. Darius Lilaoonwala , Co-Head (IFC Global Infrastructure Fund) of IFC Asset Management Company, Mr. Kow Juan Tiang, Group Director (Environment & Infrastructure Solutions Group) of IE Singapore, Mr. Wong Heang Fine, CEO of Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd, Mr. Kenneth Loo, President of The Singapore Contractors Association, and Mr. Yaseen Anwar, Senior Advisor of ICBC Singapore.






