• 03月20日 星期四




在美版知乎论坛话上就有网友发出这样的提问:为什么韩国人放弃了汉字?相反,日本人为什么要保留汉字呢?使用或丢弃汉字的好处或坏处是什么? 让我来看看各国网友的见解吧。





As far as I know, Koreans gave up Chinese characters for their daily use in order to enhance health literacy and information sharing. Back in the time before Hangul was invented in the 15th century, the literacy of the lower class was not very good, so in case of infectious diseases many people of the minority were not able to read directions for preventive measures provided by the government through written notice boards.


Knowing this problem, King Sejong led the creation of the new phonetic language system to emphasize development of information sharing, including the enhancement of health literacy. The government of the early Chosun era was very into promoting equality among the people (ex. introducing laws to support those who are physically disabled) which also put emphasis on such educational reform.




Since then, both Hangul and the Chinese characters were taught to the general public. (except during the Japanese colonialization) Today, young children begin learning basic Chinese characters along with Hangul from the age of 8~10, and many college students find it mandatory to pass a Chinese characters exam (of about 3000 characters) in order to get a job. So although Hangul is the official written language, many Korean people are required to study Chinese characters throughout their lives.


As for the Japanese case, I cannot answer due to lack of knowledge.




South Korea still uses Chinese characters. As to why the Japanese language has kept Chinese characters — it would take nearly a book to answer that. However, the short answer is that without Kanji, written Japanese would become somewhat ambiguous, i.e., would lose a lot of clarity of meaning.



As far as advantages or disadvantages of using or discarding Chinese characters, this question again becomes rather complex. It depends on the language. At one time, Vietnamese was written in Chinese characters. After converting to a modified Roman alphabet under French colonial rule, Vietnam seem to be doing quite well without Chinese characters.




Because we can live better WITHOUT CHINESE CHARACTERS.


I find a lot of questions in Quora asking why Korea or Japan are still using Chinese in our languages. I also read a lot of answers without clear distinction between ancient Chinese that’s integrated in Korean and modern Chinese spoken in China now (Madarin or Cantonese).


I don’t know why they don’t include Vietnamese when vietnamese language has more Chinese words than Korean.


It is clear that we Koreans can use pure Korean (Chinese words translated into Korean that cannot be written Chinese) only. But it’s not efficient. Using vocabularies in Chinese root is more convenient and sometimes shorter in sentences. However, that DOESN’T MEAN that we SHOULD USE CHINESE CHARACTERS. Don’t misunderstand.



So, it is clear that your last two questions have no value in answering. We have our own way of developing our own language and practice. China has no influence in forming Korean language especially in modern history.


Chinese in Korean

We have no problem in communicating (read-write-listen-speak) without using Chinese characters as many present Chinese people or foreigners who only learned how to listen and speak have no problem without written Chinese.


Learning Chinese characters take a lot of efforts compared to learning phonetic alphabets. Chinese characters are beautiful, but it is also true that it is one of the most inefficient writing system in the world because you have to learn each and every characters how to draw, how to read, and what they mean.


It is not surprising they invented Simplified Chinese to make it easier to learn. Also to teach how to pronounce it, they adopted Latin characters to pronounce their own language(Pinyin). Even the Latin characters have different pronounciation from original Latin characters are pronounced in languages with Latin roots(for example, Q - pronounced as ‘ch’ in English. X - pronounced as ‘s’, i - has no equivalent sound in any language but in Korean ‘ㅡ’). You have to know how to read and write each characters and how to pronunciate at the same time.

他们发明了简体中文,使其更容易学习,这并不奇怪。为了教他们如何发音,他们采用拉丁字符来发音他们自己的语言(拼音)。即使拉丁字符的发音与原始拉丁字符的发音不同,在具有拉丁词根的语言中(例如,Q -在英语中发音为“ch”。X——读作' s ', i——在其他语言中没有对应的发音,但在韩语中是'')。你必须知道如何读和写每个字符,同时如何发音。

I think many people started to focus on communication rather than academic challenge of learning Chinese of which only a few selected people who devoted a lot of their time in learning Chinese characters.

When they erased Chinese characters from books and newspapers, more people could easily read and write and the speed of acquisition of information has significantly increased. This helped a lot in developing IT and democracy in Korea. Speading of idea, information and knowledge was faster after we have stopped using Chinese characters in our written language.


Chinese in Japanese

I do not comment on why Japanese keep Chinese characters.
But I think Japanese won’t have any problem too if they also give up using Chinese in their writings. Japanese language - Hiragana and Katakana is also a very good and complete writing system I think.



As I repeatedly say in Quora, Chinese used in Korean(ancient or classical Chinese) and modern Chinese(Mandarin or Cantonese) are different. People often misunderstand that we are using Chinese LANGUAGE integrated to Korean. It is not. It is only the philosophy and political idealism that heavily influenced to Korea(especially to Joseon), not Chinese spoken Language. Spoken language of Chinese and Korean are completely different.


If you would like to find connection between China and Korea in linguistic background, you must seek classical Chinese philosophy and literatures, not modern Chinese.



Learning mandarin is the same conscious process for Koreans as we choose to learn English as foreign language study or acquisition. In this sense, there’s no or little influence of Chinese to Korean.




The only reason why Koreans used Hanja (Chinese characters) is because China used to matter a lot to Korea. When China ceased to matter, Hanja went with it. The number one foreign language in Korea, Japan, China is English. That is not because English is great or it is good fit for East Asians - English is dominant in the region because the United States matter great deal to these countries.



When you learn Hangeul, everyone would realize that it is superior in every way to Chinese characters in representing spoken Korean. Yet, Hangeul only replaced Hanja after 1950s despite its introduction in 1400’s - why? Because that’s when China really became irrelevant to Koreans.


Korea and PRC didn’t even have diplomatic relationship until 1990’s. There was just no more reason for Koreans to keep Hanja especially when they already had superior script that everyone already knew. If Japan had a modern script handy that didn’t require co-use of Kanji, they would have done the same. It just turns out the social cost of replacing Kanji in Japan was a bit higher than it was in Korea.




Korean have up hanja because it can without much confusion. There are so many ways to spell Korean words with pakchim andㅇ alphabet placements to mark difference without changing his the words sound.


Japanese, on the other hand, has to many homophonyms that it's impossible to know a words meaning without Kanji.



Can a Japanese know what こうしょうrefers to without the kanji? It's impossible because it had 45 completely different meanings with same hiragana.


So Japanese just called eliminate Kanji. It's just not possible.




Many Quorans from Koreans and Japanese (Vietnamese too) had answered this question before, not forgetting there are millions of overseas Chinese who also ditch Chinese language for their host country language (English, French, Malay, Thai, Philipino etc).


My short answer is there are 4 factors:


National Pride to “de-Chinese” : Koreans had invented their own Alphabetic Characters Hangeul since 15th century by King 世宗。Only after the 1950s Korean War (North Korea) and late 1970s (South Korea) did they manage to replace Hanzi (汉字) by Hangeul.


Continuity for Practical Reasons: Japanese voted under the post-WW2 American occupation to keep about 1500 - 2000 Hanzi, coexisting with their alphabetic Hiragana and Katakana.

实际原因:二战后美国占领时期,日本人投票保留了1500 - 2000年左右的汉字,与平假名和片假名共存。



Colonial Masters culturally “de-rooted” the colonies: French colonies in Vietnam, English colonies in South-East Asia (Malaysia, Singapore), Japanese in Taiwan (late 19 century Qing dynasty)…


Naturalisation “归化” in host country: The Chinese diasporas (华侨) in America, Europe, South-Africa, Asia (Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, …) after 2nd generation of immigrants whose locally born children mostly switched to the host country language.



With Chinese economy becoming the 2nd biggest in the world, there is a “中热” (Chinese Fever) all over the world to study Chinese language - for doing business and job opportunity with China. Besides, Chinese language is spoken by 1/5 of world population who now travel everywhere to spend money, it is advantageous for local country merchants to speak Chinese.








