• 09月20日 星期五


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Welcome to UNNC




■ 杨福家校长在2018新生开学典礼上的致辞










给大家讲一个关于我教授的故事。当我还在复旦大学就读的时候,他是我的论文导师。有一次,他收到一所美国大学的参观邀请,这所大学名为史瓦兹摩尔(Swarthmore College,美国最顶尖的文理学院之一),估计大家都没有听说过这所学校的名字。复旦大学当时的校长知道后非常生气,对我导师说:“你是国内一流的教授,怎么能去这么小的学校?”这位著名的数学家非常不解。

不久后,我受邀去美国拜访这类院校,从中收获颇多。从那之后我认识到,在美国,最好的本科大学不是哈佛——哈佛大学排名第8,耶鲁大学排名第10。排名第一的学校叫做威廉姆斯(Williams College,美国顶级文理学院之一),大家可能也没有听说过。排名第二的学校叫做艾姆赫斯特(Amherst College,美国顶级文理学院之一)。两所学校都位于波士顿北部。而邀请我导师去的史瓦兹摩尔学院,位列第三。所以,实际上受邀去往那里是巨大的荣幸。











■ 陆明彦校长在2018新生开学典礼上的致辞

























(Please scroll down to read more)

Opening remarks by President Yang Fujia

What kind of university we are? Of course, other people know that we are the first Sino-foreign University established in 2004. But what kind of university we are in other meaning?

Since I have been to United States for almost 100 times, I know their universities better. They have education assessment, and there are three kinds of university.

The first kind is research universities, like Harvard University and Yale University, and like Fudan University, Peking University, Tsinghua University etc. in China. They all belong to research universities. Most people understand research universities. 3% universities are research universities.

Secondly and equally important, professional colleges. 16% universities are professional colleges.

Third, general universities. General universities are mainly for undergraduate.

I have a story of my professor. He was my professor before I graduated from Fudan University and he guided my thesis. Once he received an invitation from a university in US called Swarthmore. I don’t think you know this name. At that time, the president of Fudan University was very angry: “You are the national first class professor. How could you go to such a small university?” This famous mathematician didn’t understand. In such situation, someone asked me to visit US, especially to go to such kind of universities. I learned a lot. From that moment, I understood the best university for UG study is not Harvard- Harvard No.8, and Yale No. 10.

No. 1 is Williams College, you may not heard about it. The second is Amherst College. They both are in the northern part of Boston. Swarthmore, which my professor was invited to visit, near Philadelphia, was the third. It’s a great honor to be invited to go to such kind of places.

Then what kind of university we are? Definitely, we are not research universities. I consider we are more like the third one, like Swarthmore and Williams.

Only you know what kind of university we are, then you can study here better.

In 2014 April, the president and vice president of Peking university, these two academicians brought 50 people and invited nine universities including us and Fudan. That means something. Here they held a conference on liberal art education conference.

One year and a half later, the second liberal art education conference was held in Singapore. Another one and a half year later, the third liberal art education conference was held in Fudan University.

I have talked so much. Why? Because liberal art education is very, very important for us. I just mentioned the first conference was held here. I hope you can try to get a book called Liberal Art Education. Up to now, it’s already the 4th edition. I hope everyone can learn a lot by reading this book. You can find them in our library.

I hope you have a good life here.

Next speaker is the Provost Chris Rudd. What’s the meaning of Provost? You can find it as “教务长” if you look up in the dictionary. But it’s wrong.

Let me tell you another story. In 1996, four presidents from Tsinghua, Fudan, Peking and Shanghai Jiaotong University visited Harvard University. I was the president of Fudan at that time. I asked the president of Harvard University: What’s your duty? He said, find people all over the world, and find money all over the world. The rest of will be done by the Provost. Then I realized that the translation of “教务长” is totally wrong. It’s “执行校长”。

It’s my great honor to invite our provost, Chris Rudd.

(Please scroll down to read more)

Welcome speech by the Provost, Prof. Chris Rudd

I want to thank the student musicians because I thought they set a beautiful moment to begin your journey at UNNC.

What a journey is it going to be? You are the smartest individuals we have yet recruited. This is yet another record year for UNNC’s Gaokao intake and so in the room today we have some very smart people, some very special people.

We look forward to spending the next four years together and watching you grow into mature, confident, highly internationalized young professionals.

All of our students are special. But I think we should think about what it is that makes our UNNC graduates special. Because they are very high achieving, very special people indeed, going on to study in the world’s top graduate schools, to famous universities like President Yang just mentioned. Even at the practical level, earning more than twice the national graduate starting salary.

The special characteristics of UNNC students, not just recognized here but they are recognized by graduate schools and some of the most famous companies around the world. And not just for their intellectual abilities and their education stands, but also for their contribution to the society, for their entrepreneurship, for their social enterprises, for their achievements in music, in sport and in education of course.

Every one of our graduates sat where you sat, having the same fears, same doubts and same questions:

Can I really succeed in studying for an English language degree?

Can I really make it in this highly competitive environment?

Can I really get into one of the top graduate schools?

The answer is yes. Of course you can.

Thousands of students sat in those seats and wondered about their own abilities to achieve, and every one of them has been proved right. So you can and you will succeed.

But there is a small price to pay.

You have got to remember a few principles about the cost of succeeding in this place.

You have got to remember opportunities won’t come and find you by sitting in the dorm. You’ve got to get out; you’ve got to engage with the world; you’ve got to make these opportunities happen.

You’ve got to be proactive learners. You’ve got to take charge, take personal responsibilities for your education journey.

You’ve got to read around the subject. You’ve got to amaze your teachers and probably yourself as well with the breadth of your learning.

You’ve got to look out for your classmates, dorm mates and your friends. You’ve got to recognize the signs when people are struggling with different aspects of their lives and you’ve got to help them and be a member of our community.

Finally, you’ve got to be a giver and not just a taker. If you are a giver and good things will happen.

文字来源:Nico Tian,Chuchu Lou


电子编辑:Nico Tian





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