• 03月17日 星期一


Oman oil ministry: 'No one on this side of the panel is aware of this investment in Sri Lanka'


Oman's oil ministry denied being part of a $3.85 billion plan to build an oil refinery in Sri Lanka, a day after the government in Colombo announced the country's participation.


Sri Lankan officials told a news conference on Tuesday that a joint venture between the Oman oil ministry and a Singapore investment vehicle owned by India's Accord Group had agreed to build the 200,000 barrel per day refinery near Chinese-controlled Hambantota port on the island's south coast.

斯里兰卡官员周二在一次新闻发布会上表示,阿曼石油部与印度雅阁集团(Accord Group)旗下的新加坡投资资企业已同意在该岛南部海岸中国控制的汉班托塔港附近建造1000万吨/年的炼油厂。

The ministry was to take a 30 percent stake, the officials said, representing what would be Sri Lanka's biggest single foreign direct investment.


“No one on this side of the panel is aware of this investment in Sri Lanka,” Salim al-Aufi, undersecretary of Oman's ministry of oil and gas, told a news conference on Wednesday.

阿曼石油天然气部副部长萨利姆·奥菲(salim al-aufi)周三在一次新闻发布会上说:“高层没有人知道对斯里兰卡的投资。”

“It came as news to me, I don't know who is signing the check for $3.8 billion.”


An industry source familiar with the discussions said that there had been talks concerning the project that involved Oman but that they were at an early stage.


The Director General of Sri Lanka's state-run Board of Investment, Champika Malalgoda, said after the Oman government denial that as far as she was concerned the deal announced on Tuesday was still going ahead.

斯里兰卡国营投资委员会(Champika Malalgoda)总干事在阿曼政府否认周二宣布的交易仍在进行后表示。

“We approved the project for a joint venture of Singapore company and Oman,” she said, with the Oman taking a 30 percent stake in the refinery venture.





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