• 03月14日 星期五

伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招

伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招

伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招


前段时间分享的校长返校支招第一期,不知道家长们是否有所收获呢?今天,我们为大家带来了新加坡伊顿国际教育集团山东省、西南区、江苏省三位总园长的专业意见,听听他们是如何建议家长帮助孩子进行复学心理建设,还有老师们是如何在学校帮助孩子的,家校携手正确 “复位”,快乐回归校园

We hope that ideas we shared with you yearlier may help you and your children make the return to school a lot more easier! Today, we are going to share with you more ideas from EtonHouse Executive Principals of Shandong Provience, Southwest China and Jiangsu Provience. Together with support from parents, we can make the return to school more easier and happier!


*All arranged in alphabetical order.

01伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招





Adjusting your timetable is important for preparing for a smooth return to school. In daily communication, parents and children can review their happy experiences at school together, their favorite places, and build the connection between the children's original experience and their preparation for back to school so as to provide support.

The image of child we believe determines everything we do with them. At EtonHouse, we believe that children are capable and independent individuals. Guided by these values, we want parents to believe that our children are capable. Through our words and actions, we can empower our children to feel that we believe in them. we are also confident that they are well prepared to return to school after long break. If parents themselves are very anxious and over-worried, the children will easily catch the anxiety, and will also self-doubt whether they can adapt to school or not.

Communication is essential to education. Either the teacher or the parent who finds that the child is having trouble adapting,should be open and honest to communicate concerns and suggestions in time. Find issues and follow up is absolutely the best respect and support for children. We will encounter many opportunities and challenges but we firmly believe that through effective communication and cooperation, we can assist children well. At present, each EtonHouse campus pays close attention to epidemic prevention. If parents continue to feel unsure, they are highly welcome to make an appointment in advance to communicate with teacher via phonecalls or face to face.

Teachers pay special attention to the observation and communication of children during the first few weeks. The purpose of observation and communication is to give children a sense of security and belonging, also to understand the needs of each child. Hence teachers can give the best assistance and support according to the individual needs of each child. EtonHouse use play-base philosophy, this philosophy will well respect the law of children development, so that children will not exclude learning and continue to develop comprehensively, no matter in normal times or special times.

02伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招





Prepare children to return to a healthy diet and the regular school timetable. They are most likely in very cramped conditions now. It is important that traditional routines are followed which include a healthy diet and regular school routines. Try and eat at similar times, eat less greasy food and snacks, eat more fruits and vegetables! Readjust their clocks and start going to bed and getting up at times to match their regular school routines. Limit their play time and make some time for family activities that can calm them down such as reading with them, painting with them, crafts, etc. Outdoor activities are important too! It consumes the child’s physical strength which not only helps to improve the child’s sleep quality, but also helps to adjust the child’s mental health and physical condition.

Cultivate the habit and ability of children's self-management. Try to let them brush teeth, eat, put on clothes, arrange school items themselves.

Give them psychological hint. Parents can take a look back on school life with children together by checking school Wechat, looking through yearbook and looking at some school photos. Keeping contact with their friends and teachers is also helpful as it can deepen their bond. Parents can also talk with children about things they enjoy at school.

Be patient! It is perfectly normal to have post-holiday syndrome after long break. Encourage your child and talk to their teacher if you feel unsure. Don’t put too much pressure on children, remember, step by step! Together with support from parents, we can get through this!

03伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招




疫情之后,幼儿可能会因长时间宅家对复课产生焦虑、不安等负面情绪,所以学校会关注幼儿的入园调适问题,帮助幼儿回归正常的幼儿园生活。环境对人的身心具有暗示和引导作用,入园“第一课” 会围绕疫情与安全开展生命话题的谈话活动。教师会创设一个轻松、愉快、温馨的环境,欢迎孩子回归学校,课堂中老师根据孩子的的需要让其尽情表达自己的想法与感受。在安抚情绪的前提下,老师利用大自然的事物进行生命教育,让孩子从具体生动的事物中感受生命的可贵,学会珍惜生命、尊重生命。同时需要将勤洗手、多喝水、咳嗽要捂住口鼻等良好习惯的培养融于一日生活之中,利用儿歌、动画片等进行健康教育。在疫情过后的幼儿入园调适期,更需要家长的合作与信任。关于幼儿的身心变化和心理需求,老师需要及时和家长进行沟通并给予专业性的指导,另外也要关注家长的情绪问题,倾听家长在疫情过后的育儿困惑,避免其负面情绪影响幼儿的健康成长

Get them into school routine again which includes regular school timetable, a good diet, outdoor exercise and good hygiene. Prepare children to return by adapting bed times, nap times and wake up times to the usual school timetable as well as keeping a habit of eat independently which will make the return much easier as well. Keep a good habit of hygiene is good to children too. Parents should remind and monitor children’s safe and healthy practices at home including washing and cleaning hands regularly, wash hands before the meal etc.

Build safety awareness and self-care ability training. Educate your child some safety issues. For example, wear a mask when you go out, keep distance with other children at school, and don't share towels, water cups and other items with other children... Let the child eat, brush the teeth, put on and take off clothes and other things by himself to restore his ability to take care of himself. Spend as much time as you can to play with your child, listen and acknowledge your child's feelings, also give hugs as much as you can!

Spend more time to play with your children and talk with them about their feelings. You can also take a look at some school photos together, tell them they can bring these to school and share with friends. All of that will help children to adjust. Listen to your children if they have concerns! Give them positive guide instead of blaming them. You can also talk to teacher too. Together, we can make the return much more easier for children. When children have trouble adjusting to school life, parents can help them through games. Role playing is good to practice at home, get them used to going to school and practice with your child the saying goodbye routine. Lower the anxiety level in their imagination and reward them after the game to enhance the happy mood! On first days, there may be a few tears, but children settle quickly when they are back with their teachers and classmates.

After the epidemic, children may feel anxious and uneasy about returning to school since they have been away for a while. Therefore, the school will pay attention to the children's adjustment and help them return back to normal life. The environment has a hint and guiding effect on both physical and mental. The "first lesson" will focus on the epidemic and safety. Teachers will create a relaxing, pleasant and warm environment to welcome children back to school. During the class, teachers will let children express their thoughts and feelings according to their needs. On the premise of pacifying emotions, teachers will use the things in nature for life education, so that children can feel the value of life from the concrete and vivid things, learn to respect and value life. At the same time, they need to develop good habits such as wash hands frequently, drink more water, cover the mouth and nose when coughing, by using children's songs, cartoons and other health education and integrate into their daily life. During the transition period after the epidemic, parents' cooperation and trust are needed. Regarding children's physical and mental changes and psychological needs, teachers should communicate with parents and give professional guidance in time. Additionally, they should also pay attention to parents' feelings, listen to parents' concerns on parenting after the epidemic, and avoid their negative emotions from affecting their children's healthy growth.

希望这两期的 “校长支招” 能解决你和孩子的困扰!

We are hoping these ideas from our principals may help you and your children to make the return to school a little easier!

伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招

伊顿校长说 | 家校携手助力孩子快乐返校,伊顿总园长们来支招







