• 03月25日 星期二


标普500,涨2.14%;纳斯达克100指数,涨2.70%;道琼斯工业指数,涨2.06%。 联邦研究机构官员表示,由于经济增长缓慢和贸易紧张局势,美联储可能会降息,美国股市反弹。

S&P500, up 2.14%; Nasdaq 100, up 2.70%; Dow Jones Industrial Average, up 2.06%. US stocks rebounded after a Federal Researve official suggested a rate cut could be possible in response to slow economic growth and trade tensions.


头条 Major News

AAPL,苹果公司,涨 3.66%。FB,脸书,涨2.05%。GOOG,谷歌,涨1.62%。AMZN,亚马逊,涨2.18%。美国司法部正在考虑对科技巨头进行反垄断调查。 然而金融分析师们坚持认为投资者在可预见的未来几乎不用担心。

AAPL, Apple Inc, up 3.66%. FB, Facebook, up 2.04%. GOOG, Alphabet Inc, up 1.62%. AMZN, Amazon.com Inc, up 2.18%%. TWTR, Twitter Inc, down 5.52%. The US Departnment of Justics mulls an antitrust probe into into technology giants like Google and Facebook Inc, yet financial analysts insist investors have little to worry about for the foreseeable future.



AMD, Advanced Micro Devices, up 7.22%. AMD will license its graphics designs to Samsung Electronics Co. for use in smartphones and tablets, taking its technology into a new market and helping differentiate products from the world's biggest smartphone maker.



NXPI, NXP Semiconductors N.V, up 5.58%. Announced the first RF power transitor designed for RF energy using Gallium Nitride on Silicon-Carbide.


UBER, Uber Technologies, up 3.64%. More than a dozen sell-side analysts issued Buy recommendations Tuesday for Uber as the waiting period on rating the stock expired for banks that worked on its recent IPO.

CRM,Salesforce.com股份有限公司, 涨3.94%。报告称其季度收入增长24%,因为该公司为其旗舰Sales Cloud业务增加了更多客户。每股盈利从一年前的46美分上升至49美分。该公司是云服务软件提供商。

CRM, Salesforce.com Inc, up 3.94%. Reported a 24% rise in quarterly revenue, as the company added more customers to its flagship Sales Cloud business. EPS rose to 49 cents from 46 cents a year earlier. Salesforce is a cloud software provider.


GM, General Motors Company, up 6.02%. FCAU, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V., up 3.98%. Auto stocks jumped as Mexico foresaw a strong chance of avoiding US tariffs. Mexico's Foreign Minister sees 80% odds of avoiding US tariffs on the nation's exports.



TSLA, Tesla, up 8.17%. Morgan Stanley reiterated an equal-weight rating and a $230 price target.


NFLX,奈飞,涨4.98%。在Loop Capital将奈飞从持有上调至买入,同时宣布每股425美元的目标价后,奈飞股价上涨。

NFLX, NetFlix, up 4.98%. Stock rose after Loop Capital upgraded NetFlix to buy from hold while issuing a price target of $425 per share. The price target represents a 26% upside from the stock's Monday closing price.


BOX, Box Inc, down 4.18%. The company cut its full-year revenue forecast to $688 million - $692 million, worse than analysts average $702.1 million. The company operates a content sharing platform that enables users to share, access, and manage content in the cloud, as well as provide mobile access, file storage, and online collaboration solutions.

NAV, Navistar国际公司,涨9.20%。此商用和军用卡车和柴油发动机的制造商报告第二季度财报和收入超出预期,并提升了其全年展望。

NAV, Navistar International Corporation, up 9.20%. The maker of commercial and military trucks and diesel engines reported fiscal 2nd-quarter earnings and revenue that rose above expectations, and lifted its full-year outlook.



CLR, Continental Resources, up 14.91%. The oil producer initiated paying a dividend and implemented a $1 billion stock repurchase program.


交易量异动 Unusual Volume


BYND, Beyond Meat, up 7.54%. Beyond Meat has been the best-performing US IPO this year, up almost 300% from its IPO price of $25.


BAC, Bank of America Corporation, up 4.65%


MT, ArcelorMittal, up 5.25%. Recently announced that it will undertake additional steps for adjusting its European production levels. The move will enable the company to align its production to the present market demand. The Company owns and operates steel manufacturing and mining facilities in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa.



CLF, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, up 7.02%. The Company is a supplier of iron ore pellets to the North American steel industry from its mines and pellet plants located in Michigan and Minnesota.


COUP, Coupa Software Incorporated, up 9.70%. The business expense-managment software maker reported fiscal 1st-quarter earnings beat analysts' forecasts.



MRTX Mirati Therapeutics, up 9.90%. Continue uptrend. Mirati, which is developing its own treatment, surged on Amgen's news. The company is a targeted oncology company developing a pipeline of therapeutics for precisely defined patient populations.

QURE,uniQure N.V.,涨9.44%。Uniqure NV是一家位于荷兰的基因治疗公司。

QURE, uniQure N.V. , up 9.44%. Uniqure NV is a gene therapy company based in the Netherlands.


BKNG, Booking Holdings Inc, up 5.85%. Shares climbed after Goldman Sachs listed the online travel giant as one of 12 stocks likely to outperform the rest of the market in the face of mounting US trade wars.


MAT,美泰公司,涨11.71%。该玩具制造商与Hello Kitty产品签订了许可协议。与Sanrio的协议将使Mattel能够生产Hello Kitty玩具,玩偶,游戏装置,游戏,拼图,婴儿用品,车辆和其他产品。

MAT, Mattel Inc, up 11.71%. The toy maker landed a licensing deal for Hello Kitty products. The agreement with Sanrio will allow Mattel to produce Hello Kitty toys, dolls, playsets, games, puzzles, baby gear, plus, vehicles and other products.


HAS,孩之宝公司,涨6.15%。该玩具制造商签订协议,授权Wicked Cool Toys接管20世纪80年代和90年代最受欢迎的玩具生产线之一的Micro Machines。

HAS, Hasbro Inc, up 6.15%. The toy maker entered into an agreement to appoint Wicked Cool Toys as global master toy licensee for one of the hottest toy lines of the 1980s and 1990s, Micro Machines.


SAFE, Safehold公司,涨12.33%。该公司主要收购,拥有,管理,融资和资本化地面净租赁(GNL)。

SAFE, Safehold Inc, up 12.33%. The company is primarily to acquire, own, manage, finance and capitalize ground net leases (GNLs).

TTD,The Trade Desk Inc,涨12.91%。该公司提供自助服务平台,使客户能够购买和管理各种广告格式的数字广告活动,包括显示,视频和社交,以及一系列设备,包括计算机,移动设备和连接电视。

TTD, The Trade Desk Inc, up 12.91%. The Company provides a self-service platform that enables clients to purchase and manage digital advertising campaigns across various advertising formats, including display, video and social, and on a range of devices, including computers, mobile devices and connected television.


ACB, Aurora Cannabis Inc, up 9.92%. the Canadian company manages two operating segments plus Corporate: Medical Cannabis, Horizontally Integrated Businesses and Other.

CGC,Canopy Growth公司,涨5.86%。该公司在加拿大医疗市场从事合法大麻的生产和销售业务

CGC, Canopy Growth Coropration, up 5.86%. The Company is engaged in the business of producing and selling legal marijuana in the Canadian medical market


GH, Guardant Health Inc, up 9.08%. The Company is focused on helping conquer cancer through use of its blood tests, data sets and analytics.

ATI,阿勒格尼技术公司,涨7.56%。宣布已达成最终协议,将其铸造产品业务出售给Consolidated Precision Products Corp (CPP). CPP经营16家全球设施制造产品,主要面向航空航天,国防和工业行业,并且是全球领先的私募股权公司Warburg Pincus的投资组合公司。 ATI铸造产品业务部门是高性能材料和部件部门的一部分。它生产钛合金铸件,主要用于航空航天和国防原始设备制造商生产商用喷气式飞机机身和发动机。

ATI, Allegheny Technologies, up 7.56%. Announced it has reached a definitive agreement to sell its Cast Products business to Consolidated Precision Products Corp. CPP operates 16 global facilities manufacturing products primarily for the aerospace, defense and industrial industries and is a portfolio company of Warburg Pincus, a leading global private equity firm. The ATI Cast Products business unit is part of the High Performance Materials & Components segment. It produces titanium investment castings that are primarily used by aerospace & defense OEMs in the production of commercial jet airframes and engines.



OLN, Olin Corp, up 7.26%. Olin Corporation is a manufacturer and distributor of chemical products, and ammunition.

XRX,施乐公司,涨7.49%。HPQ, 惠普,涨3.91%。惠普和施乐公司宣布扩大公司的业务关系。施乐公司将从惠普采购某些A4和入门级A3产品,其中大部分采用施乐公司屡获殊荣的ConnectKey控制器软件,施乐公司将为惠普提供这些产品和其他产品的碳粉。

XRX, Xeros Corp, up 7.49%. HPQ, HP, up 3.91%. HP and Xerox announced an expansion of the companys' business relationship. Xerox will source from HP certain A4 and entry-level A3 products with the majority running on Xerox's award-winning ConnectKey controller software, and Xerox will supply toner to HP for these and other products.


WHR,惠而浦公司,涨7.26%。该公司是家用电器的制造商和营销商。WHR, Whirlpool Corp, up 7.26%. The company is a manufacturer and marketer of home appliances.

WRK,西石公司,涨7.10%. 西石公司是一家为消费和瓦楞包装市场提供纸张和包装解决方案的跨国供应商。

WRK, WestRock Company, up 7.10%. The Company is a multinational provider of paper and packaging solutions for consumer and corrugated packaging markets.

SNAP,Snap Inc,涨10.78%。公司的旗舰产品Snapchat是一款相机应用程序,可帮助人们通过简短的视频和称为Snap的图像软件进行交流。

SNAP, Snap Inc, up 10.78%. The Company's flagship product, Snapchat, is a camera application that helps people to communicate through short videos and images known as a Snap.

WYNN,永利度假村,涨8.98%. 永利是赌场和度假村的开发商,所有者和运营商,集住宿和一系列设施于一体,包括餐饮店,零售店,娱乐剧院和会议中心。

WYNN, Wynn Resorts Limited, up 8.98%. Wynn Resorts is a developer, owner and operator of destination casino resorts that integrate accommodations and a range of amenities, including dining outlets, retail offerings, entertainment theaters and meeting complexes.


MGM, MGM Resorts, up 7.42%. The company owns and operates integrated casino, hotel, and entertainment resorts in the United States and Macau.

LVS, 拉斯维加斯金沙,涨5.06%。此公司在亚洲和美国开发,拥有和经营综合度假村和赌场。

LVS, Las Vegas Sands Corp, up 5.06%. The Corp develops, owns, and operates integrated resorts in Asia and the United States.


PAGS, PagSeguro Digital Ltd, up 7.20%. The Company provides financial technology solutions and services for micro-merchants, and small and medium-sized businesses in Brazil and internationally.


AAL, American Airlines Group, up 7.06%. Chairman and CEO of AAL bought 50,000 shares of AAL at an average price of $28.09 per share.


NVDA, Nvidia Corp, up 6.89%. NVIDIA Corporation operates as a visual computing company worldwide. It operates in two segments, GPU and Tegra Processor.


ADI, Analog Devices Inc, up 5.10%. The company designs, manufactures, and markets integrated circuits (ICs), algorithms, software, and subsystems that leverage analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing technologies.


MU, Micro Technology Inc, up 5.51%. The company manufactures and sells memory and storage solutions worldwide.

LYB,利安德巴塞尔工业公司,涨5.61%。这家石化巨头表示已终止与巴西石化生产商Braskem SA控股股东收购该公司的谈判。该公司生产塑料,化学和燃料产品。

LYB, LyondellBasell Industry N.V., up 5.61%. This petrochemical giant said it had ended talks with Brazil's petrochemical producer Braskem SA's controlling shareholder to acquire the company. The company manufactures plastic, chemical, and fuel products.

中概股 US Listed Chinese stocks.

CO,全球脐带血公司,涨8.90%。该公司是中国领先的脐带血采集,实验室检测,造血干细胞处理和干细胞储存服务提供商,今天宣布已收到新加坡证券交易所主板上市公司Cordlife Group的非约束性建议书。Cordlife建议通过法定合并将Cordlife与该公司的业务合并。

CO, Global Cord Blood Corporation, up 8.90%. The Company, China's leading provider of cord blood collection, laboratory testing, hematopoietic stem cell processing and stem cell storage services, today announced that it has received a non-binding proposal letter from Cordlife Group, a company listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Security Trading Limited, pursuant to which Cordlife proposes to combine the business of Cordlife and the Company, by way of a statutory merger.



MOMO, Momo Inc, up 7.97%. In 2019, Q1 revenue was 3.723 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25%, higher than the market expectation of 3.576 billion yuan. The Company operates Momo, a mobile-based social networking platform



LK, Luckin Coffee, down 4.07%. Investors took profit after continuous price jump. The company privides non-alcoholic beverage. It offers various types of coffee and serves customers in China.

HUYA,虎牙,涨7.56%。虎牙直播公布截至2019年3月31日第一季度的财务报告。第一季度总营收同比增长93.4%至16.315亿元 (2.431亿美元),2018年同期为8.436亿元。非美国通用会计准则下,归属于虎牙的净利润为1.313亿元,2018年同期为6760万元,同比增长94.1%,已连续六个季度盈利。

HUYA, HUYA Inc, up 7.56%. Huya, a Chinese Live Stream company, announced the financial report for the first quarter ended March 31, 2019. Total revenue for the first quarter increased by 93.4% year-on-year to 1,631.5 million yuan ($243.1 million), compared with $843.6 million in the same period in 2018. Under non-GAAP, net profit attributable to Huya was 131.3 million yuan, compared with 67.6 million yuan in the same period in 2018, an increase of 94.1% year-on-year, and has been profitable for six consecutive quarters.



BZUN, Baozun Inc, up 7.40%. Baozun Inc. is a brand e-commerce solutions company in China.

指数基金异动 Unusual ETF Movements


EWZ, iShares MSCI Brazil ETF, up 1.43%



USO, United States Oil Fund, up 1.55%


XOP, SPDR S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF, up 2.59%.


XLB, Material Select Sector SPDR Fund, up 2.81%.


SMH,VanEck Vectors半导体ETF,涨4.10%

SMH, VanEck Vectors Semiconductor ETF, up 4.10%.







