• 11月22日 星期五





蒋慧英,女,汉族,1954 年 12 月 10 日生于乐山,籍贯四川犍为县人。毕业于天津东方艺术学院中国画山水、花鸟画专业。后又毕业于攀枝花大学汉语言文学专业。从小酷爱艺术,擅长写意花鸟画,对齐白石的花鸟画颇有研究,并拜我国著名画家王西林老师为师。后又拜名家马小松老师为师。集各名家之长,在继承传统的基础上,花鸟画有自己的特色,其中尤为牡丹最具特色,作品灵动、大气、虚实多变,色调厚重,艳而不俗,雅俗共赏。在中国画笔墨的韵律中不断探索、寻求自己的风格。



1995 年,作品“和平颂”参加四川省美协举办的女画家作品展,作品“海棠、秋菊”参加中央人民广播电台和海内外杂志中国人才研究中心举办的全国诗书画印大联展,在中国美术馆展出;

1997 年,作品《鸟语花香》在北京展出,同年花鸟画在新加坡展出获银奖,并被聘为高级艺术顾问;

1998 年,作品《金江两岸花盛开》在中国美术馆展出,同年参加新加坡神州艺术院主办的展览作品《啸震千山》获得特等奖;

1999 年,作品《香溢九州》参加全国“国花杯”书画大赛获金奖。作品《富贵平安》入选北京中国邮政发行的跨世纪书画名家精品系列明信片,已全国发行。后来“鸟语花香”入选全国贺卡的发行;

2001 年,作品《国色牡丹含苞放》参加中国近现代书画家作品展,在北京中国历史博物馆展出,并入选画册;

2001 年,作品牡丹参加纪念孙中山先生 90 周年在台湾展出获金奖;

2002 年,作品《一阵春风过江来》参加著名画家年展在台湾阿里山展出获一等奖;

2003 年,作品《紫氣东来》参加四川省美协画展获二等奖。牡丹作品参加文化部举办的迎奥运画展,在澳大利亚悉尼展出;

2004 年,作品“唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城”入选中国邮政发行的明信片。后来刊登在人民日报市场报 4161 期上,并获得艺术家金杯奖;

2005 年,作品“大地同春”刊登在国画家杂志 10 期上;

2007 年,作品 4 幅入选华商杂志海外发行;

2008 年 12 月,有 16 幅花鸟画作品入选中国邮政发行的个性化邮票;

2009 年,牡丹作品获金奖入选《国庆 60 周年献礼—中国精神》一书;

2012 年,作品《田园春色》在北京参加迎接党的十八大召开书画名家作品展获金奖并入选画册;

2014 年,出版个人专集《蒋慧英作品集》。同年,中华艺术名家海外报刊,发表了最具潜力的艺术家,中国美协主席刘大为老师 6幅人物画作品,蒋慧英老师 5 幅花鸟画作品;

2015 年,作品被《笔尖上的中国艺坛领袖》画册收录,同年作品刊登在中国国际新闻杂志社主办的中华艺术家报刊;

2018 年 10 月,参加“大匠之心—全国书画名家作品展”,作品并入选《大匠之心—全国书画名家邀请展作品集》。作品多次被陈列馆收藏;

2019 年取得国礼艺术家资格;

2019 年作品入编《艺术为人民》作品集。同年有四幅画入选,庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年 • 当代书画名家精品集《新时代新征程》;

2020 年被北京京华阁书画院聘为常务理事,参加全国网展《大家风范》,出版个人画册,中国艺术家。由天津美术出版社 出版的台历蒋慧英老师六福花鸟画入选台历。人民日报海外版,向欧洲四十三个国家专版介绍了蒋慧英老师的十六幅花鸟画作品,宣传中国传统文化。

2021 年有十六幅花鸟画作品刋登在联合国报,中国版上。两幅作品参加北京举办的,全国名家书画作品展览。并出版画册。

2021 年四月参加了北京全国书画名家邀请展庆祝建党 100 周年。

2021 年入编《名人堂》庆祝建党 100 周年。

2021 有九幅画入选庆祝建党 100 周年,中国当代书画名家作品集。

2021 年参加中央台二十一届大采风年度盛会获德艺双馨艺术家称号,并参加现场作画。中央台朝闻天下报道了蒋慧英老师,十七幅,花鸟画作品。蒋慧英移动画册。刊登了七十幅作品。被授时代楷模,笔尖下的中国著名书画家蒋慧英。出版了个人台历入编作品 23 幅,由北京官方代表中国送给津巴布韦等外国驻华使节。作品四幅入选中央台出版的台历。有两幅参加文化中国主题巡展。在北京地铁一号线,途经天安门,在地铁上展出。作品七幅入选《消费艺术与指南》。

2022 年作品入选《中国近现代美术年鉴》。

2022 年被外交部授于当代书画艺术大使称号。

2022 年被中央台聘为艺术委员。





































Jiang Huiying, female, Han nationality, born in Leshan on December 10, 1954, Qian Wei County, Sichuan. Graduated from Tianjin Oriental Art College Chinese painting landscape, flower and bird painting major. Later, he graduated from Panzhihua University majoring in Chinese language and literature. Love art since childhood, good at freehand flower-bird painting, Qi Baishi flower-bird painting quite study, and worship the famous painter Wang Xilin teacher as a teacher. After worship master Ma Xiaosong teacher as a teacher. On the basis of inheriting the tradition, the flower and bird paintings have their own characteristics, especially the peony. The works are clever, magnificent, changeable and colorful. The colors are thick, bright but not vulgar, and both elegant and popular. In the rhythm of Chinese painting brush and ink constantly explore and seek their own style.

Currently he is member of Chinese artists association, Beijing jinghua pavilion, managing director of art academy, national gift artist, sichuan artists association, member of the Spanish royal artists association, member of Chinese traditional Chinese painters association, member of Chinese art research institute academic department members, new China art academy high art consultant in Singapore, Japan art book monastery where guest teachers, and has set up a successful create baidu encyclopedia.

His works and resumes have been reported and publicized by more than 70 websites such as the official website of Chinese famous painting and calligraphy market, China Net, Global Culture Net, Huaxia Art Net, No.1 Collection Net, etc. Art teacher, engaged in art education and flower-and-bird painting creation for a long time, participated in various exhibitions over the years, respectively won gold, silver, bronze and other awards. Resume work published in the journal of traditional Chinese painters "Chinese art collection" the China art exhibition and collection guide "contemporary art" in the Chinese painting and calligraphy masters boutique "" Chinese modern art collection" "Chinese calligraphy and painting famous treasure dian" across the Taiwan strait famous dictionary of China, Beijing a: rongbaozhai editor's album "the first link bohai sea art and calligraphy collection", "the Chinese Soul - Celebrating THE 52ND ANNIVERSARY of the founding of the People's Republic of China, A collection of paintings and CALLIGRAPHic works, World Famous People's Records, and Chinese Dragon Altar Masters' Classics, etc. More THAN 30 pictorial albums and dictionaries.

In 1995, "Ode to Peace" was exhibited in the exhibition of female painters held by Sichuan Artists Association, and "Begonias and Autumn Chrysanthemum" was exhibited in the National Poetry, Painting, Calligraphy and Printing exhibition held by China National Radio and China Talent Research Center at home and abroad, and was exhibited in the National Art Museum of China.

In 1997, his work "The Song of Birds and the Fragrance of Flowers" was exhibited in Beijing. In the same year, his flower-and-bird paintings were exhibited in Singapore and won the silver prize. He was appointed as the senior art consultant.

In 1998, his work "Flowers on Both Sides of the Golden River" was exhibited in the National Art Museum of China. In the same year, he participated in the exhibition "Roar a Thousand Mountains" sponsored by the Singapore Shenzhou Academy of Arts and won the special prize.

In 1999, the work "Fragrance overflow Jiuzhou" participated in the national "National Flower Cup" painting and calligraphy competition and won the gold medal. Works "WEALTH and peace" was selected by Beijing China Post issue of cross-century calligraphy AND painting masterpiece series postcards, has been issued nationwide. Later, the "fragrance of flowers" was selected into the national card issuance;

In 2001, the work "National color Peony blossoming bud" participated in the Chinese modern calligrapher and painter's works exhibition, exhibited in Beijing Museum of Chinese History, and was selected to the album;

In 2001, the peony was exhibited in Taiwan to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and won the gold medal.

In 2002, his work "A Spring Breeze Coming Across the River" was exhibited in the Annual Exhibition of Famous Painters in Alishan, Taiwan and won the first prize.

In 2003, his work "Purple Gas Coming FROM THE East" won the second prize in Sichuan Art Association Exhibition. The peony works were exhibited in Sydney, Australia in the exhibition held by the Ministry of Culture to welcome the Olympic Games.
In 2004, the work "Only peony true national color, the flower season moves the capital" was selected as a postcard issued by China Post. Later published in the People's Daily market 4161 issue, and won the artist Gold Cup award;

In 2005, the work "The Earth with Spring" was published in the 10th issue of Chinese Painters Magazine.

In 2007, 4 works were selected for overseas publication of Chinese Business magazine;

In December 2008, 16 flower-and-bird paintings were selected for the personalized stamps issued by China Post.

In 2009, peony works won the gold medal and was selected into the book "Gift for the 60th Anniversary of National Day - Chinese Spirit".

In 2012, the work "Pastoral Spring" was held in Beijing to welcome the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and won the gold medal and was selected into the album;

In 2014, she published her solo album "Jiang Huiying's Works". In the same year, overseas newspapers of Chinese art masters published 6 figure paintings by Liu Dawei, the president of China Artists Association, and 5 flower-and-bird paintings by Jiang Huiying, the most promising artist.

In 2015, his work was included in the album "Chinese Art Leaders on the Nib", and in the same year, his work was published in the Chinese Artists' newspaper sponsored by China International News Magazine.

In October 2018, he participated in the "Heart of a Master Craftsman - National Painting and Calligraphy Works Exhibition", and his works were selected in the "Heart of a Master Craftsman - National Painting and Calligraphy Works Invitational Exhibition". His works have been collected by the exhibition hall for many times;

In 2019, he obtained the qualification of National Gift artist.

In 2019, his works were included in the collection of Art for the People. In the same year, four paintings were selected to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 2020, he was hired as the executive director of Beijing Jinghuage Calligraphy and Painting Academy, participated in the national online exhibition "Everyone Style", published personal album, Chinese artist. The desk calendar published by Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House of teacher Jiang Huiying Liufu flower-and-bird paintings were selected into the desk calendar. The OVERSEAS EDITION OF People'S Daily INTRODUCED JIANG HuiYING'S 16 FLOWER-AND-BIRD PAINTINGS TO 43 European COUNTRIES to PROMOTE TRADITIONAL Chinese CULTURE.

Sixteen flower-and-bird paintings were published in UN China in 2021. Two works participated in the national famous painting and calligraphy works exhibition held in Beijing. And publish a picture book.

In April 2021, he participated in the Beijing National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Painters and Calligraphers to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

In 2021, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

In 2021, nine paintings were selected to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

In 2021, he won the title of artist of Virtue and Art Shuangxin in the 21st annual gathering of China Central Television, and participated in on-site painting. CCTV Chaowen world reported Jiang Huiying's teacher, 17, flower and bird painting works. Jiang Huiying mobile album. Seventy pictures were published. Awarded the model of The Times, under the nib of the famous Chinese painter Jiang Huiying. Published personal desk calendar into the compilation of 23 works, by Beijing officials on behalf of China to Zimbabwe and other foreign diplomatic envoys in China. Four works were selected into the calendar published by China Central Television. Two of them will be on the Cultural China tour. In Beijing subway line 1, passing Tiananmen, on the subway display. Seven works were selected into "Consumer Art and Guide".

In 2022, his works were selected into the "Chinese Modern Art Yearbook".

In 2022, he was awarded the title of Ambassador of Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 2022, he was hired as the art committee member of China Central Television.

The work "Pastoral Spring" is on display in Beijing subway. A POSTCARD issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Belt and Road Initiative, featuring JIANG Huiying's "Pastoral Spring", has been distributed to ten countries to great acclaim. It was signed by diplomats from ten countries.






