• 09月22日 星期日


全球最大的以液化天然气(LNG)为动力的集装箱船正式加入法国集装箱运输集团CMA CGM(达飞)的船队。

The world's largest containership to be powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) has officially joined the fleet of French container shipping group CMA CGM, during a digital naming ceremony at CSSC’s shipyard in Shanghai.


达飞集团的新旗舰CMA CGM Jacques Saadé(达飞雅克·萨德)以该集团的创始人命名,是2017年订购的9艘LNG动力23,000 TEU集装箱船系列中的第一艘船。

CMA CGM Group’s new flagship, CMA CGM Jacques Saadé, named after the group's founder, is the lead vessel in a series of nine LNG-powered, 23,000 TEU containerships ordered in 2017.


达飞集团创始人Jacques Saadé先生,法国籍黎巴嫩裔,2018年去世。

达飞集团董事长兼首席执行官Rodolphe Saadé于2017年11月宣布,这些船将配备LNG驱动的主机,这标志着超大型集装箱船的世界首创,因为航运业越来越多地寻求更清洁的燃料以进一步降低排放。

Rodolphe Saadé, CMA CGM Group’s chairman and CEO, announced in November 2017 that the vessels would be equipped with LNG-powered engines, marking a world-first for ultra large container vessels as the shipping industry increasingly turns to the cleaner burning fuel to further its emissions reduction efforts.


达飞集团董事长兼首席执行官Rodolphe Saadé(创始人Jacques Saadé的儿子)


LNG fuel, which enables a 99% reduction in sulfur dioxide and fine particle emissions and an 85% reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions, is a key component of the CMA CGM Group's environmental ambitions. The group has previously outlined its objective to be carbon neutral by 2050.


Saadé说:“ 达飞雅克·萨德体现了我们对地球的承诺。这艘船配备了最新的技术,是七年研发的成果。在保证船员安全的同时,它还能保证空气质量,并将成为我们应对全球变暖的一部分。它显著改善了运载货物的环境足迹,我们向前迈出了一大步,我们需要更进一步,以建立更加尊重环境的运输。”

“The CMA CGM Jacques Saadé embodies our commitment to the planet,” Saadé said. “This vessel has been enhanced with the latest technologies and is the result of seven years of research and development. While guaranteeing the safety of our crew, it preserves air quality and will be part of our fight against global warming. It significantly improves the environmental footprint of carried goods. We have taken a big step forward. We need to go further to build transport that is even more respectful of the environment.”



In addition to the LNG-burning engines, the nine ultra-large (400 meters long and 61 meters wide) box ships feature a redesigned straight bow with an integrated bulb, a redesigned rudder, and a redesigned propeller all of which substantially improve the vessels hydrodynamics, thereby reducing energy consumption.



WingGD是CMA CGM Jacques Saadé的首席主机设计公司,而瓦锡兰提供了其他系统和辅机系统,Cryostar提供了LNG泵,GTT设计了LNG储罐并提供相关技术服务。

WingGD is the CMA CGM Jacques Saadé’s primary engine designer, while Wärtsilä provided systems and auxiliary systems. Cryostar provided the LNG pumps, and GTT designed the LNG tanks and provided related technical services.


WinGD为“CMA CGM Jacques Saadé”设计建造的主机——WinGD 12X92DF

该船驾驶台采用最新的嵌入式数字技术协助船长和船员,尤其是在港口机动操作方面。达飞表示,这些船将采用多种世界首创的创新技术来协助船长和船员,其中包括一种战术显示器,可提供增强的地图视图,以提供更动态的航行简报;路径预测系统经过优化,可以在接下来的三分钟内显示船舶的预测位置;一个智能眼系统,可以显示船周围的鸟瞰图;增强现实屏幕向船员提供有关船舶转弯速度、距码头的距离和横向速度的精确信息。施耐德电气设计了该船的配电板,Sperry Marine负责无线电导航和平台设备。

The bridge boasts the latest embedded digital technologies to assist the commander and crew, in particular for port maneuvers. CMA CGM said the ships will deliver several world-first innovations to assist the captain and crew, including a tactical display offering enhanced map views for more dynamic navigation briefings; a path prediction system optimized to display the ship’s predicted position in the next three minutes; a smart eye system projecting a bird’s-eye view of the ship’s surrounding area; and augmented reality screens offering the crew precise information on the ship's rate of rotation, distance from the wharf and transverse speeds. Schneider Electric designed the vessel’s electrical switchboards, and Sperry Marine was responsible for radio navigation and platform equipment.



BIO-UV Group provided the BIO-SEA ballast water treatment system, and BLM provided winches and windlass.

CMA CGM JacquesSaadé将于9月23日开始其亚洲和北欧之间的法国亚洲专线(FAL)的首航。它的首航将到达韩国釜山、中国天津,宁波,上海、盐田、新加坡、欧洲的南安普敦、敦刻尔克、汉堡、鹿特丹、阿尔赫西拉斯、马来西亚的巴生港。该航线每周1班,共停靠13个港口,航程84天。

The CMA CGM Jacques Saadé will start its maiden voyage as of September 23 on CMA CGM Group’s French Asia Line (FAL) between Asia and Northern Europe. Its rotation will lead it to the ports of Pusan in South Korea; Tianjin, Ningbo, Shanghai and Yantian, China; Singapore; Southampton, Dunkirk, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Algeciras in Europe; and Port Kelang in Malaysia. This line provides a weekly service comprising 13 calls over the course of 84 days.


这9艘船将在法国注册,入法国BV船级社。9艘船分别以下列巴黎著名场所命名:Champs Elysées, Palais Royal, Louvre, Rivoli, Montmartre, Concorde, Trocadéro and Sorbonne。

The nine Bureau Veritas-classed vessels will be registered at the French International Register (FIR). They will bear the names of landmark Parisian monuments and other renowned venues and institutions from throughout the French capital: Champs Elysées, Palais Royal, Louvre, Rivoli, Montmartre, Concorde, Trocadéro and Sorbonne.


CMA CGM has chosen Total to supply the LNG fuel.


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