• 03月18日 星期二







  1. 这些新设立的企业带动了上千万人就业,而且成长性强,是中国经济增长新的支撑力量。我们不仅降低市场准入门槛,采取“雪中送炭”的政策支持这些新设企业,还加强事中事后监管、创造公平竞争的市场环境,织密社会保障安全网、让创业创新者无后顾之忧,培植企业健康成长的沃土。

These new businesses have generated more than 10 million jobs, and have become a new pillar of China’s economic growth thanks to their strong growth prospect. We have not only lowered the threshold of market access by offering much-needed policy support to these newly-established businesses, but also enhanced on-going and ex-post oversight, created a market environment featuring fair competition, and improved the social security network, so that those involved in entrepreneurship and innovation will have no additional worries and will grow healthily on the land we have fostered for them.
中国经济增长新的支撑力量 a new pillar of China’s economic growth
市场准入门槛 the threshold of market access
“雪中送炭”的政策 much-needed policy
事中事后监管 on-going and ex-post oversight
公平竞争的市场环境 a market environment featuring fair competition
社会保障 the social security
后顾之忧 additional worries

  1. 中国是医疗卫生领域国际合作的倡导者、推动者和践行者,始终致力于实现国际人口与发展大会行动纲领,全面落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程特别是健康领域可持续发展目标,积极开展对外医疗援助和全球应急处置,认真履行健康领域国际公约,勇于承担国际人道主义责任。

China advocates, promotes and carries out international medical and health cooperation. It is firmly committed to realizing the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially sustainable development goals relating to health. China actively provides medical aid to other countries, and promptly conducts global emergency responses. It earnestly implements international health conventions and shoulders its international humanitarian responsibilities.
国际人口与发展大会行动纲领 the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development
联合国2030年可持续发展议程 the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
健康领域可持续发展目标 sustainable development goals relating to health
对外医疗援助 medical aid to other countries
健康领域国际公约 international health conventions
国际人道主义责任 international humanitarian responsibilities

  1. 贫困的广泛存在严重妨碍人权的充分实现和享有。减缓和消除贫困,是人权保障的重要内容。多年来,中国政府坚持消除贫困、改善民生、逐步实现共同富裕,持续开展以农村扶贫开发为中心的减贫行动,努力实现脱贫致富。

Poverty is so widespread that it has seriously hindered the fulfillment and enjoyment of human rights; reducing and eliminating poverty is therefore a major element of human rights protection. Over the recent decades, the Chinese government has persevered in its attempts to eliminate poverty, improve people’s well-being, and gradually realize common prosperity. It has made continuous development-oriented poverty-reduction efforts in rural areas to help those who are striving to escape from poverty and improve the quality of their lives.



减缓和消除贫困 reduce and eliminate poverty
改善民生 improve people’s well-being
实现共同富裕 realize common prosperity
持续开展以农村扶贫开发为中心的减贫行动 make continuous development-oriented poverty-reduction efforts in rural areas
脱贫致富 escape from poverty and improve the quality of life

  1. 孔子被中国各阶层的民众所铭记的原因有很多,其中一个最主要的因素就是孔子所倡导的教育方法—通过提问引导学生思考。他还坚持教育中最重要的是人格的塑造。从后人叙述的关于孔子的故事可知,他所倡导的是因材施教。

There are many reasons for Confucius to be remembered by Chinese people from all walks of life. One of the most important factors is the method of education -- to guide students to ponder by asking questions --advocated by him. Moreover, he insisted that the shaping of personality was the most important thing in educational activity. The stories about Confucius told by later generations shown that he proposed teach students in accordance of their aptitude.
孔子 Confucius
中国各阶层的民众 Chinese people from all walks of life
教育方法 the method of education
因材施教 teach students in accordance of their aptitude

  1. 多年来,中国共产党和中国政府从基本国情出发,把人民的生存权、发展权放在首位,致力于减贫脱贫,努力保障和改善民生,发展各项社会事业,使发展成果更多更公平地惠及全体人民,保障人民平等参与、平等发展的权利。

Over the years, based on the prevailing national conditions, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government have remained committed to a development concept that puts people’s rights to subsistence and to development first. Committed to reducing and eliminating poverty, China has endeavored to guarantee and improve people’s well-being, and developed a full range of social undertakings, so as to ensure that the results of development benefit all the people in a fairer way, and that all enjoy the rights to equal participation and equal development.
中国共产党the Communist Party of China (CPC)
人民的生存权、发展权 people’s rights to subsistence and to development
把……放在首位 put… first
从基本国情出发 based on the prevailing national conditions;according to the prevailing national conditions
致力于commit to; strive to; insist on; persist in; preserve in;
减贫脱贫 reduce and eliminate poverty
保障和改善民生 guarantee and improve people’s well-being
发展各项社会事业 develop a full range of social undertakings
使发展成果更多更公平地惠及全体人民 ensure that the results of development benefit all the people in a fairer way
平等参与、平等发展的权利 the rights to equal participation and equal development



  1. 最近的争论是关于修改欧盟的宪章问题。欧盟明年要增加十个成员国,需要有新的宪章来自我约束。因此各国政府正在构思修订有关外交事务、税收、政治避难和司法政策等问题的法规,并赋予欧洲议会更多的权利。

The recent debate was about modifying EU Charter. Next year EU will have ten member states added to it and need a new Charter to restrain itself. Therefore, each member state of EU is now thinking about how to revise the laws and regulations concerning foreign affairs, taxation, political asylum, judicial policies, etc, and give European Parliament more rights.
欧盟宪章 EU Charter
十个成员国 ten member states
需要……来自我约束 need … to restrain oneself
修订法律 revise laws
外交事务 foreign affairs
税收 taxation
政治避难 political asylum
司法政策 judicial policies
欧洲议会 European Parliament

  1. 故宫雄伟、壮丽,是中国古建筑艺术的巅峰之作,其规模和独具特色的风格享誉世界。故宫内保存着大量珍贵、稀有的古物,它们对研究明、清两代历史和历史艺术具有十分重要的意义。1925 年故宫改名为故宫博物馆,成为世界最大的博物馆之一。

The Forbidden City, grand and magnificent, represents the highest peak of ancient Chinese architecture and enjoys worldwide fame for its scale and unique style. Preserved here are a large number of rare and precious antiques, which are of great significance to the study of Ming and Qing history and the arts of past dynasties. In 1925, the Forbidden City was renamed Palace Museum and became one of the largest museums in the world.
故宫 The Forbidden City
故宫博物馆 Palace Museum
中国古建筑艺术 ancient Chinese architecture
……的巅峰之作 the highest peak of…
古物 antiques
……对……具有十分重要的意义 … be of great significance to …

  1. 这一年,我们隆重纪念了中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,举行了盛大阅兵,昭示了正义必胜、和平必胜、人民必胜的真理。我和马英九先生在新加坡会面,实现了跨越66年时空的握手,表明两岸关系和平发展是两岸同胞的共同心愿。

During this past year, we solemnly commemorated the 70 anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and World Anti-Fascist War. We held a grand military parade, making the true clear to all that justice will prevail, peace will prevail, and people will prevail. Mr. Ma Ying- Jeou and I met in Singapore, with a handshake that transcended 66 years of time and space. This shows the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations is the common wish of the people of the both sides of the Taiwan Straits.



中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年 the 70 anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and World Anti-Fascist War
举行了盛大阅兵 hold a grand military parade
昭示了……的真理 make the true clear to…
正义必胜、和平必胜、人民必胜 justice will prevail, peace will prevail, and people will prevail
跨越66年时空的握手 a handshake that transcends 66 years of time and space
两岸关系和平发展 the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations
……的共同心愿 the common wish of…
两岸同胞 the people of the both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

  1. 新西兰是发达的高福利社会,并以盛产高质量的水果、肉和乳制品著称于世。服务业,特别是旅游以及与教育相关的产业,也在经济发展中起着重要作用。每年有很多来自中国的游客和留学生来到新西兰享受它所提供的一切。

New Zealand enjoys advantageous social welfare and developed economy reputed for top-quality fruit, meat and dairy products. Service industries, particularly those relating to tourism and education, are also of great significance to its economy. Every year many Chinese tourists and students come to New Zealand to enjoy what it can offer.
以……著称于世 be famous / reputed / noted / known / celebrated for
高质量的水果 top-quality fruit
很多来自中国的游客和留学生 many Chinese tourists and students = many tourists and students from China







