• 12月24日 星期二


自4月13日“上海虹口”发布志愿者招募信息以来,更多志愿者发挥“生力军”作用,就地补充所在社区的核酸采样、专业消杀、垃圾收集力量,其中不乏外籍志愿者。Sincethe official account disinfection of WeChat public in Hongkou,Shanghai, in April 13th, more volunteers have been playing the roleof "fresh force" to supplement the nucleic acid sampling,professional disinfection and sterilization collection power in theircommunities, including many foreign volunteers.


“我已经设计了最优路线,现在基本上可以在1到1个半小时内完成一轮垃圾收集。”"Ihave designed the best route, and now I can basically complete around of garbage collection in 1 to 1.5 hours."

这已经是赵惠敏第四天作为垃圾上门收集志愿者为邻居们收垃圾了,比起第一天的晕头转向,她感觉已经慢慢“上手”了。Thisis Zhao Huimin's fourth day as a garbage collection volunteer tocollect garbage for her neighbors. Compared with the dizziness on thefirst day, she feels that she has slowly "got started".

赵惠敏来自新加坡,去年8月因工作原因来到上海。“我是2014年来到中国的,已经有两年没回去了,我的家人都在新加坡,经常通过视频保持联系。”赵惠敏说,根据一些国外亲友的亲身经历,感染新冠其实并不可怕,关键是要做好个人防护,避免病毒传播。“没想到最近上海疫情这么严重,我觉得应该尽一点力去帮助大家,所以看到网上的志愿者招募讯息,我就打电话报名了。”ZhaoHuimin came from Singapore and came to Shanghai last August for workreasons. "I came to China in 2014 and haven't been back for twoyears. My family are in Singapore and often keep in touch throughvideo." Zhao Huimin said that according to the personalexperience of some foreign relatives and friends, the infection ofXinguan is not terrible. The key is to do a good job in personalprotection and avoid the spread of the virus. "I didn't expectthat the epidemic in Shanghai was so serious recently. I thought Ishould do my best to help you, so when I saw the online volunteerrecruitment information, I called to sign up."


赵惠敏所住的大楼是四川北路上的一幢七层老建筑,有50余户居民,楼层结构较为复杂。第一天上岗收垃圾的时候,赵惠敏被七转八弯的大楼通道搞得摸不着头脑,最后不得不打电话给居委会寻求帮助。在居委干部的指引下,她终于把所有住户兜了个遍,暗自把路线记在心里。Thebuilding where Zhao Huimin lives is a seven story old building onSichuan North Road, with more than 50 households, and the floorstructure is relatively complex. On the first day of working tocollect garbage, Zhao Huimin was confused by the building channelwith seven turns and eight turns. Finally, she had to call theneighborhood committee for help. Under the guidance of the cadres ofthe neighborhood committee, she finally carried all the residentsaround and secretly kept the route in mind.


回到家后,她把白天走过的路线复盘后进行了优化。“因为我住在三层,所以我先从三层往上去,一边往上走一边消杀,到顶楼后通过天台去另一个楼栋,再从顶层往下消杀、收集垃圾,然后通过一层的连廊到第三个楼栋,再由下往上一边走一边消杀,到顶楼后,再从顶层往下消杀、收集垃圾……”Afterreturning home, she optimized the route she had taken during the day.Disinfection and sterilization, disinfection and sterilization,disinfection and sterilization, disinfection and sterilization,"because I live on the three floor, so I first go up from thethree floor, and then go up and kill, and then go to the otherbuilding after rooftop, then go down the top floor to kill andcollect garbage, then go to third buildings through a corridor, thengo up and down, and then kill and go down to the top floor, then killand collect rubbish from the top floor."


通过在楼群和邻居们对接沟通,赵惠敏每日安排上、下午各一次上门收集垃圾的时间段,同时做好零星垃圾的消杀和收集。Throughthe communication between buildings and neighbors, Zhao Huiminarranged the collection of garbage every day and afternoon, and atthe same time disinfection and sterilization of sporadic garbage weredone.

赵惠敏平时工作繁忙,很少和邻居们打交道,也从来不串门。楼里有位独居老人耳朵不太好,经常错过居委会的电话,居委会拜托赵惠敏上门收垃圾的时候顺便询问一下老人情况。因此,她隔天就会敲敲老人家的门,还把家里的物资消毒后一起带给老人。ZhaoHuimin is usually busy with work, rarely dealing with neighbors andnever visiting. There is an old man living alone in the building whohas bad ears and often misses the call of the neighborhood committee.The neighborhood committee asks Zhao Huimin to ask about the old manwhen he comes to collect garbage. Therefore, she will knock on thedoor of the old man the next day and bring the materials to the oldman after disinfection.

赵惠敏说,邻居们都很体贴,会把垃圾绑好,方便她收集。“我现在会更加感激环卫工人的工作,疫情结束以后,也会更加认真地做好垃圾分类。”ZhaoHuimin said that the neighbors are very considerate and will tie upthe garbage to facilitate her collection. "I will now be moregrateful to the sanitation workers for their work. After the epidemicis over, I will also do a better job in garbage classification."


Thefight against the epidemic has no borders. In the face of theemergencies and difficulties of garbage collection and transportationin the community during the epidemic control period, all socialvolunteers, together with the majority of environmental sanitationworkers of Hecheng development company, fearlessly retrograde,connected the "last 100 meters" guarantee line of householdgarbage collection and transportation with volunteerism.


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