• 12月24日 星期二





What are super-spreaders?


Not everybody is equal when it comes to the transmission of infectious diseases. In fact, it has been established for at least two decades that there is something called the 20/80 rule – that a small core group of about one in five people transmit infections to far more people than the majority do.

在传染病的传播方面,并非每个人都是一样的。实际上,至少有二十年的历史记录表明,有一种叫做20/80的规则存在 - 大约五分之一的较小的核心人群比绝大部分人更能将感染病传播给更多的人。

How does a person become a super-spreader?


There are a number of theories, but no definite answer. Some speculate that it is to do with the immune system of the super-spreader, which may not be good at suppressing the virus or alternatively may be so good that they do not feel symptoms themselves so carry on transmitting it to others. But it is likely to be caused by multiple factors, possibly including getting a higher dose of the virus in the first place or being infected with more than one pathogen. One thing seems certain – it is impossible to know who will be a super-spreader and who will not.

对此有许多相关的理论,但没有一个明确的答案。一些人推测这与超级传播者的免疫系统有关,有时候免疫系统可能无法很好地抑制病毒,但有时却可能非常好地抑制以至于患者自己本身没有出现任何症状,因此继续传播给他人。但这可能是由多种因素引起的,可能被高剂量的病毒感染或感染了多种病原体。似乎可以肯定的是 – 你不可能知道谁将成为超级传播者,而谁又不会。

Are there super-spreaders of the new coronavirus?


It seems so. The third British case was a man in his 50s who contracted the coronavirus infection at a conference in Singapore. He then travelled to France where he stayed with his family in a ski chalet in the Alpine resort of Les Contamines-Montjoie. Five people who were in the chalet, including a boy of nine, have tested positive for coronavirus since the man came back to the UK on an easyJet flight and was diagnosed in Brighton. Another Briton who was on holiday in the chalet flew back to his home in Mallorca and was admitted to hospital in Palma. The chief medical officer said four more people had tested positive in England – all of whom were also on the skiing holiday in France.

应该是有的。英国的第三例病例是一名五十多岁的男子,他在新加坡的一次会议上感染了冠状病毒。然后,他前往法国,与家人一起住在阿尔卑斯山度假胜地Les Contamines-Montjoie的滑雪小屋中。自该男子乘easyJet的航班返回英国并在布莱顿被确诊以来,当时同处于小屋中的五人中,包括一个九岁的男孩的冠状病毒检测都呈阳性。另一位在小屋度假的英国人飞回了他在马略卡岛的家中,并被送往帕尔马的医院。首席医疗官说,还有另外四人在英格兰的测试都呈阳性-所有这些人也曾在法国滑雪度假。

Does this happen with other infectious diseases?


Yes. Super-spreaders have been documented as far back as the early 1900s, when one woman infected 51 people with typhoid, even though she had no symptoms herself. More recently, one student at a high school in Finland infected 22 others with measles in 1998, even though eight of them had been vaccinated. Two people are thought to have infected 50 others with Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1995. In the 2002-03 Sars epidemic, most people were not very infectious, but a few super-spreaders in Singapore appear to have transmitted the virus to as many as 10 people each.

是。早在20世纪初就有超级传播者的记录,当时一名妇女把伤寒病感染给了51人,尽管她自己没有任何症状。 更近的的1998年,芬兰一所高中的一名学生让22人感染了麻疹,尽管其中8人已经接种了疫苗。1995年,在刚果民主共和国,有两个人导致了50例埃博拉病毒的感染。在2002-03年的非典中,大多数人的传染性不是很高,但新加坡的一些超级传播者似乎每人都能导致多达10人的感染。




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