• 03月22日 星期六






为庆祝中国国庆节,辉立证券现推出交易中国A股最新优惠活动。佣金低至0.12%* (最低CNY 88)仅限在线交易




0.25%    0.12%




100 股






新币 或 人民币    

Terms & Conditions 

Strictly applicable for China A shares trade executed during the promotional period of 1st October 2017 till 31st December 2017.

Promotional commission rates are applicable only for trades placed online via POEMS platform.

The following persons are not eligible to participate in this promotion unless approved by the management of Phillip Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL):

Phillip Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL) institutional clients and corporate clients

Phillip Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL) B2B clients and Managed account clients

Phillip Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL) Pre-Paid account clients

Phillip Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL) account holders whose accounts are already enjoying special China brokerage rates

Phillip Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL) account holders whose accounts have been suspended, cancelled or terminate

In the event of a dispute over the client’s eligibility to participate in this promotion, Phillip Securities Private Limited’s (“PSPL”) decision will be final.

Notwithstanding anything herein contained, PSPL reserves the right at any time in its absolute discrete to (i) amend, add and / or delete any time of these Terms and Conditions without prior notification (including eligibility and qualifying terms and criteria), and all participants shall be bound by such amendments, additions and / or deletions when effected, or (ii) vary, withdraw, or cancel any items or the promotion without having to disclose a reason there of and without any compensation or payment whatsoever. PSPL’s decision on all matters relating to the promotion shall be final and binding on all participants.

By taking part in this promotion, the participant acknowledges that he/she has read and consented to these Terms & Conditions.





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You are advised to read the trading account Terms & Conditions and Risk Disclosure Statement (available online at www.poems.com.sg) before investing in this product.Third party research and information obtained from sources are deemed reliable; however, PSPL does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and makes no warranties with respect to results to be obtained from its use.Whilst care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this document, PSPL and its affiliates make no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for any purpose, of the information contained in this document or as to the results obtained by any person from the use of any information or investment product mentioned in this document. PSPL reserves the right to make changes to such information from time to time. Any change, omission or error in such information, shall not form the basis for any claim, demand or cause of action against PSPL or any of its affiliates and PSPL and its affiliates expressly disclaim liability for the same.




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