• 03月14日 星期五





When someone says someone is a threat, I ask what that person has done to be considered a threat. If it’s just simply existing, then it is ridiculous.


If the person is a threat because they are a competent person and that is threatening, then I also consider that ridiculous. In such a case, I am just a normal dude, and I have never shied away from competition. Competition makes me better, competition makes me more capable, and makes me more able to address my flaws. How then can the world’s most powerful country cower from competition?


Competition is not a bad thing, especially if you believe in capitalism as a system that sustains your current world, economy, and lifestyle. When we choose or force a winner, we choose for the market what a winner is and that may not be the best for the market.


For example, if your government forces Huawei out of the 5G market in America, your next option is less competitive, not just in terms of cost, but technology as well. Choosing not to compete can have serious negative consequences. Maybe the entity you chose makes money, but your market and citizens lose. You end up paying more for vastly inferior product and services - something that has been a long-time issue in America for telecommunications.

例如,如果你的政府迫使华为退出美国的 5G 市场,那么你的下一个选择将缺乏竞争力,不仅在成本方面,而且在技术方面也是如此。选择不竞争会产生严重的负面后果。也许你选择的实体赚了钱,但你的市场和公民却输了。您最终会为劣质的产品和服务支付更多费用——这在美国的电信领域一直是一个长期存在的问题。

The long-term effect is that you become stagnant and technologically inferior, something that is starting to happen in front of our very eyes. Right now, the US leads in many areas, but the Chinese are getting very close. For example, their chip know-how will soon match America’s and best it within the next decade. The only way to ensure we can stay competitive is to compete, get better.


What we are doing now is closing off competition and just dumping money into large corporation’s pockets, much of which will really just enrich that small group of people. It won’t make us competitive. It will, however, force China to be even more competitive because to them it is a matter of survival, not merely a protectionist stance.


We already know what we have to do, we just decided we’re not going to do it. Saying China is a threat here is rather very silly when we’re choosing to cede competitiveness to them. That’s our choice.


So where does that leave us for threats. The military?


Ok, the US government likes to make claims about how everyone and their grandmother is a threat to America. Is China waging wars anywhere, and are they doing anything that would make us believe they are a threat, besides having a large military?


Let’s be realistic, and not bring up fishing boats as an example of China’s “aggression” in a hotly contested area of the world (South China Seas) by half a dozen claimants. Fishing boats and fist fights in a ravine are not realistic or good examples of how you would assess someone’s threat to your world order. That’s just not competent risk assessment.









