• 09月25日 星期三


















大韩贸易投资振兴公社中国地区 总代表 洪彰杓






Hello everyone, I am HONG, CHANGPYO Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA) President, China Head Office, KOREA TRADE-INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY in China.

The annual CAEXPO will open soon and the CAEXPO has entered its 19th year in the twinkling of an eye. As a platform for exchanges between China and ASEAN countries, The CAEXPO is becoming more and more important. Guangxi, which has been connected with ASEAN countries by land and sea since 2020, actively enhances the connectivity. Not only the China-Vietnam trains have been opened with Nanning as the center, but also international freight routes from Nanning to Bangkok, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh and other places have been opened. Under the new normal of COVID-19, CAEXPO opens a new window for trade exchanges with ASEAN countries and establishes a new comprehensive partnership for building a solid supply chain, and for communicating in digital transformation and sustainable development. Meanwhile, RCEP initiated by ASEAN in 2012 has finally come into effect. The functions of CAEXPO have also expanded to serve RCEP. Under the RCEP agreement, CAEXPO will boost the growth of relevant trade and investment among member countries. A more open regional environment for goods, service and investment can effectively alleviate the uncertainty in global trade.

South Korea is one of the important members of RCEP (ASEAN plus China, Japan and Rok(APT)). Therefore, as the first special cooperation organization of RCEP countries in the CAEXPO, the KOREA TRADE-INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY, has always regarded the CAEXPO as an important platform and has organized Korean enterprises to actively participate in. We hope to take RCEP as an opportunity to make full use of the CAEXPO platform to extend the characteristics of the whole ASEAN, actively promote exchanges and cooperation between the South Korea and ASEAN countries, and further increase the economic and trade investments of Korean enterprises in China and Southeast Asian countries. We also hope that all friends participating in the CAEXPO visit the Korean Pavilion more often, and enjoy convenient, high-quality, multi-functional and characterized Korean products. KOREA TRADE-INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY, as a foreign trade and investment promotion agency under the Korean government, is an important platform for trade and investment exchanges between China and South Korea. You will be warmly welcomed to our agency.

Finally, I wish the 19th CAEXPO will achieve a complete success.

Thank you!




日本贸易振兴机构广州代表处 所长 清水顕司



RCEP协定在今年1月1日生效,这对我们来说是很值得高兴的事情。RCEP 15个成员国的GDP、贸易额、人口都占世界的三分之一左右,可以说是世界级的经贸合作协定。







Dear ladies and gentlemen, I'm Shimizu from the Guangzhou representative office of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). I sincerely congratulate the 19th China-ASEAN Expo on its grand opening.

Japan External Trade Organization has participated in the China-ASEAN Expo for 16 consecutive years since 2006. In recent years, we mainly publicize the intellectual property protection of Japanese enterprises in this exhibition.

The RCEP agreement came into effect on January 1 this year, which is a good news for us. The GDP, trade volume and population of RCEP's 15 member countries account for about one third of the world's total, which can be said to be a world-class economic and trade cooperation agreement.

In addition, this is the first time that Japan has signed a free trade agreement with China and ROK. It is expected that RCEP will have a significant positive impact on the Chinese and Japanese economies.

China-ASEAN Expo is an important node of close connection between Japan and China under RCEP framework, and it is also a valuable opportunity for the future economic development between China and Japan.

Japan External Trade Organization shoulders the mission of connecting Japanese enterprises with global business opportunities.

In the future, we will also serve as a platform for economic and commercial cooperation and make contributions to the further development between Japan and China.

Finally, I sincerely wish you all fruitful achievements in the 19th China-ASEAN Expo.

Thank you!




三菱商事株式会社东亚总代表 中塚润一郎





Hello, everyone! I am JUNICHIRO NAKATSUKA, general representative of Mitsubishi Corporation for East Asia. It gives me great pleasure to come to Nanning again in this golden autumn season and attend the 19th CAEXPO.

Since the CAEXPO was first held in Nanning in 2004, as a major economic exchange platform between China and ASEAN countries, It has not only made great contributions to trade and investment liberalization and facilitation between China and ASEAN countries, but also promoted the integrated regional development. At the same time, the CAEXPO is also open to the world, providing new opportunities for the common development of global enterprises. As a Japanese-invested company in China, through the platform of the CAEXPO, we learned about the "New Land-Sea Corridor in Western China" and other important achievements in time and benefited a lot from them.

The theme of this year's CAEXPO is “Sharing RCEP New Opportunities, Building A Version 3.0 China-ASEAN FTA”. The RCEP agreement was signed and entered into force on January 1 this year, covering 15 member countries in the Asia-Pacific region. On the basis of the 11 countries in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, four countries, namely Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, have been added. I believe the signing of the RCEP means that Asia, as a new pole of economic growth will become an important engine for world economic recovery. As countries grapple with the pandemic, the value of China's trade with RCEP member countries rose 7.5% from January to July, which was a good example. As an important communication channel and platform for regional cooperation, the function of the CAEXPO will be further enhanced.

Finally, I wish this CAEXPO will achieve a complete success!









