• 09月24日 星期二



在美国最大的论坛网站上就有热心的网友发出这样的问题:英国应该为鸦片战争道歉吗? 这个话题也是引起了不少海内外热爱历史的网友的热议,让我们来看看他们的观点吧。





The British enterprise in growing opium and forcing the Chinese to allow it to be sold in China may be the most criminal thing they ever did, other than participate in the slave trade.


For one thing, it is a permanent stain on British honor, so any admirer of the British empire has to deal with this long-lasting evil. It affected several millions of people. Most empires have considerable blood on their hands, but forcing a nation to allow its citizens to become drug addicts on a large scale is one of the more notable evils attributable to the British. It was also predatory. The Brits used their superior military force to force concessions from China.



The first Opium War was 1839–42. A second followed in the 1850s, in alliance with the French. The second war was less about opium than forcing the Chinese to give the French and the British privileges—the British got Hong Kong as one of the spoils of war.


The wars are little known these days. But you can bet that every Chinese child learns about it, and that it is used to justify why China must be strong militarily and must be suspicious of powerful foreign nations.




I don't know if an apology is entirely appropriate, but I do think we should be more aware as a people of the benefit we derived, and by extension still do derive, from doing some fairly unpleasant stuff.


Slavery, colonialism, murder and exploitation, in lots of parts of the world, while they occured a long time ago, still benefit Britons today (we'd hardly be the 5th largest economy in the world if it weren't for our trading past that was made so much more lucrative by the existence of empire).


This is why overseas aid is so important, in a moral sense as well as in a political/utilitarian sense. Many of these countries are messed up because we had a part in making them so - enriching ourselves in the process - so it's only right that we help make them a better place.




It was indeed a dark, ugly and wicked history for the UK and the West and a miserable, disastrous memory for billions of Chinese, which should never be forgotten, never forgiven by everyone in the world.


At that time, China had plenty of world-renowned, top-notch nice things, like china, silk, textiles, spice, and arts, tea …, which had been desperately dreamt of and avariciously coveted by the West, including the UK. On the contrary, at the same time, the UK and the West had nothing or only very few that held much interest and attention to hundreds of millions of Chinese for them to offer and supply, what the UK sufficiently had and was shamelessly able to suffice to the world was only poisonous, addictive opium equipped with its imperialistic gunboat diplomacy to invade and colonize other countries.

那个时候,中国有很多世界闻名的、顶级的好东西,瓷器、丝绸、纺织品、香料,还有艺术、茶……,都是包括英国在内的西方国家梦寐以求、贪得无厌的东西。 相反,与此同时,英国和西方没有任何东西或只有很少的东西能引起数亿中国人的兴趣和关注,让他们提供和供应英国已经足够拥有并且无耻地能够提供的东西 对世界来说,只有有毒的、令人上瘾的鸦片,它配备了帝国主义的炮舰外交来侵略和殖民其他国家。

Massive smuggled opium by the UK had been used to poison, exploit and poverty hundreds of millions of Chinese in the nineteenth century, therefore these greedy UK opium smugglers and drug dealers made skyscrapers full of dirty money at the cost of millions of Chinese future, health and lives.



Undoubtedly, the unscrupulous UK’s opium smuggling and subsequent China’s defeat in the Opium War had grossly led to China’s calamity-ridden, heartrending one hundred years in the 19th century and early 20th. Such dark and painful history has been tremendously, constantly motivating and pressing billions of people in China to work hard, fight hard and create nowadays unprecedented China’s rise marvel.




You could easily say British Imperialism, and be done with it, but I think you would miss out on what actually happened, and not learn much. There are some nuances to the Opium War which I find very interesting, as it is not a subject that is really even touched on much in European history education.



I think it is important to understand the situation of that the First Opium War occurred in. Let us start with the western point of view.


European nations (and the US) in general, but Britain in particular were invested in trade with China, almost exclusively through Guangzhou (referred to as Canton by British people at the time). Britain wanted tea from China, which at this point in time controlled nearly all of the world’s tea production.


Great Britain had an almost unbelievable demand for tea, and export to other European countries were not bad either. The problem was that Qing China did not want to buy many western products. Instead they demanded payment in silver. For a while this was acceptable, but the Mexican War of Independence, lead to a shortage in high quality silver coins on a world scale.


The British East India Company which owned Bengal in India at the time, wanted to fix the trade deficit with Qing. They did this by growing opium in Bengal, which was considered a medicine in the British Empire mind you and sold as laudanum, which they would then sell to Qing. Qing outlawed opium trade naturally, but the demand was so high that most officials in Guangzhou ignored it, and even during periods of crack down smugglers were eager to transport opium to the shores.



From the Qing point of view things looked different, the tea, porcelain and silk trade were beneficial, the Qing economy was gigantic and the minting of high quality silver coins was essential at the time. The foreign trade for silver aided in this as the trade balance favored Qing. However, as the opium trade increased, silver began flooding out of Qing, causing economical problems, and also started an epidemic of opium addicts which further hurt people and the economy.


Qing realized that this situation would eventually bankrupt the country, not to mention seriously hurt it’s people through addiction. From the Qing point of view western traders were often little more than glorified smugglers as they traded in illegal goods through illegal smuggler rings.


The first change that led to the Opium War came when the Lin Zexu was appointed as governor of Guangdong (where Guangzhou is). His mission was simply to stop the opium trade. Lin Zexu unlike many previous governors of the province was by all accounts, a highly morale man, well loved by many people, and considered incorruptible. Sticking to this reputation, Lin Zexu asked the British and others simply to stop the opium trade, and indeed wrote a public letter addressed to Queen Victoria. The letter is fascinating, and I highly recommend reading it here.


Victoria did not respond, and Lin probably did not expect her to either. He moved on to more direct measures, starting with a crackdown on the Chinese smuggler rings and opium dens, confiscating tens of thousands of opium pipes as well as about 2,000 opium drug dealers. Lin then prevented the sale of opium, and so that western traders would not sell it elsewhere in China, he offered to exchange their entire stock of over 1 million kg of opium for tea. However, the British refused this and instead Lin resorted to threats.



Back on the British side we must mention the British Charles Elliot, who was chief commissioner in Macau. It was his job to protect merchants in the area. It should be noted that Elliot was abhorred the opium trade. But also could not tolerate that the Qing government had confiscated billions worth of goods from British traders under threat, and with no compensation. The British trader mind you, were often bulk carriers which didn’t own all the goods, but sold them on behalf of others among many other goods. As such they would have broken contract if they gave up the opium to Lin voluntarily. A fact that Lin refused to recognize or negotiate on.


Elliot saw this as an insult to the British people, whom he suspected were considered inferior people by the Qing, which was not incorrect, as Lin personally referred to them as “mentally childlike” and the official Qing term was simply barbarians. Eventually, when Lin physically confiscated the opium stock and besieged the British factories, Elliot guaranteed that they would get compensated by the British government, and after this the British merchant fleet evacuated from Guangzhou to a rock called Hong Kong, where they would anchor. However, Lin refused to let British people trade as long as they didn’t sign a decree that they would never sell opium, which they refused.


While anchoring at Hong Kong two British sailors went to shore at Kowloon and beat to death an innocent Chinese villager. Lin demanded them exchanged to be punished (executed most likely) but Elliot refused saying that they had no deal with Qing about such legal exchanges, which was true, as Qing refused almost any treaty. Elliot did have the men arrested and offered Lin to be an observer at their trial which Lin refused. Elliot found the men guilty and sentenced them to fines, as well as prison labor in England for which they were shipped back (they did not serve the prison time).

在香港抛锚时,两名英国水手在九龙上岸,将一名无辜的中国村民打死。 林要求他们交换以受到惩罚(最有可能被处决),但义律拒绝说他们与清朝没有关于这种合法交换的协议,这是事实,因为清朝几乎拒绝任何条约。 埃利奥特确实逮捕了这些人,并提出让林在他们的审判中担任观察员,但林拒绝了。 埃利奥特认定这些人有罪,并判处他们罚款,以及将他们送回英格兰的监狱劳动(他们没有服刑)。

Understandably this outraged Lin, who saw the British sailors getting away with murder. Putting pressure on the Portuguese ruled Macau, Lin managed to recall all Chinese labour from the town, and eventually requested Macau to close the port entirely to British ships, which it did. The closure of Macau meant that the British now had a large fleet with thousands of sailors off the coast of China, but no provisions for resupply. Lin expected that this would make the British ships retreat from China, but this was impossible as they had did not have supplies for a long voyage to Singapore.



Elliot warned Lin and the authorities in Kowloon that they must end the embargo on food and water. Elliot send a couple of ships including military to get supplies at Kowloon, but was denied this which resulted in Elliot issuing an ultimatum that if Kowloon didn’t allow the British to buy basic supplies he would fire on the fort at Kowloon and the Chinese warships there. The deadline passed and Elliot opened fire chasing off the ships, but the battle ended with nightfall.


A series of unfortunate events unfolded now, Qing officials had been told by the Kowloon fort commander that they had sunk a British warship and they were no match for Chinese weapons. Seeing the British fire a cannon shot at another ship, Qing officials declared the British warships for pirates shooting at merchant vessels, and sailed out to protect the merchant ships.


This resulted in the Battle of Chuenpi, where the Qing navy lost 4 ships one of them exploded with the entire crew. The Chinese ships were no match for British warships. But they refused to acknowledge this.


Despite taking no real losses the British considered an attack on their warships an act of war. And in 1840 the British parliament agreed to fund a punitive expedition to the area. Being unwilling to concede any points to the British the Qing also prepared for war, and gathered a fleet of over 200 ships in the area. When the fighting finally broke out this fleet was slaughtered by a British Ironclad called Nemesis as well as several other navy vessels.


In conclusion - While clearly the British were not in possession of the moral high ground, and while we can perceive the actions of Qing and governor Lin as being morally right, they forced Elliot a man who actually hated opium, to defend British merchant principles out of duty.


A boundless Qing arrogance seriously miscalculated their own importance and strength and directly challenged a far superior military force to a direct confrontation which they lost, multiple times. I think the reasons for this war, is not as simple as just opium, which is not specifically mentioned in the British decrees.


This is of course quick run through of events, but I hope this gives a more nuanced and interesting view of what led to the start of the opium war.







