• 01月09日 星期四



现在,美国意识到,半导体行业“这棵大树”的长势似乎超出了自己的控制,他开始强扭“枝叶”,甚至不惜把“树根”都挖出来带走。越来越多的台积电工程师正陆续搭乘专机飞往美国亚利桑那州。在那里,有一个台积电斥资400亿美元新建的芯片制造厂的项目,这一项目计划量产目前最先进的3纳米制程芯片。这个举动也是引起了不少海外网友的讨论,在美国论坛Quora上就有网友发起这样的话题:在美国的压力下,台湾芯片巨头台积电(TSMC)将把最先进的芯片制造业务搬到美国亚利桑那州,这将如何损害台地区的经济并扰乱全球芯片供应链?谁将从这件事中受益? 不少海外网友对此也发表了自己的意见,让我们来看看他们是怎么说的吧。





Something you need to know about semiconductor manufacturing is that NO two pieces of equipment are identical at the nanometer precision even if both machines have the same part number! Thus, even within TSMC in Twd, if they want to bring up a second production line using the same recipe and equipment of the same part numbers from the original line, it would still take ONE TO TWO YEARS to calibrate this new line before it is ready!

关于半导体制造,您需要了解的一点是,即使两台机器具有相同的部件号,也没有两台设备在纳米精度上是相同的! 因此,即使在台湾的台积电内部,如果他们想从原来的生产线上使用相同的配方和相同零件编号的设备来建立第二条生产线,仍然需要一到两年的时间来校准这条新生产线,然后才能投入使用。 准备好!

If the Arizona fab is depending on Twd for technology transfer, it will be at least years behind wherever the recipe was originally developed. By the time 3nm production is brought up online there, the Twd branch will be at 1nm or smaller. Arizona will simply be a legacy production line.



For Arizona to be advanced as Twd, the entire R&D team has to be immigrated to the U.S. to develop the technology right in Arizona instead. This is easier said than done. For starters, not everyone wants to leave Twd for the U.S. For a successful tech company there, its workers often expect an annual bonus larger than their salary. There is no such a culture in the U.S. Further, TSMC is the tip of the iceberg.


It has 100s of world-class suppliers underneath it. For these suppliers to support a team of engineers and scientists across the ocean wouldn’t be as efficient as they are next door. If you ever work with them, you would know how intense and impatient they are. When they call, you better pick up the phone no matter how bad the timing is and jump on his issues immediately.


If you ignore him for a few hours, the matter will be on your boss’ desk! No pain, no gain. A company doesn’t become the best in the world for no reason. Even Intel isn’t in its rearview mirror. Why would anyone want to work in such a high-pressure environment? Remember I said the bonus can be bigger than your salary?


Would the staff at the Arizona plant be willing to subject themselves to this kind of pressure cooker work environment, especially when an American bonus is only a fraction instead of mutlple of a person’s salary? I’m not talking about stock options, in which the value depends on your LUCK!


I see it as a win-win for both Twd and the U.S. Twd has limited resources. Semiconductor manufacturing uses enormous water and electricity, which the twr government may not be able to supply sufficiently to meet TSMC’s future expansion, especially with greenwash on the rise and alternative energy still struggling to meet the demand. It’s a win for the U.S. too because not every chip has to be built using the latest technology. For aerospace, military and automotive, where MATURE, ie. very OLD, technology is underscored, even 3nm is an overkill. In case you wonder if the military uses old technology, why wouldn’t all countries have advanced military equipment? Keep in mind that it is a complete system, not each individual part, that determines the overall performance.

我认为这对美态都是双赢的。台资源有限。 半导体制造使用大量的水和电,台可能无法提供足够的水和电来满足台积电未来的扩张,尤其是在绿色漂浮和替代能源仍在努力满足需求的情况下。 这对美国来说也是一场胜利,因为并非每个芯片都必须使用最新技术制造。 对于航空航天、军事和汽车,成熟的地方,即。 非常古老,强调技术,即使是 3nm 也是矫枉过正。 如果你想知道如果军队使用旧技术,为什么不是所有国家都有先进的军事装备? 请记住,决定整体性能的是一个完整的系统,而不是每个单独的部分。

The table has turned. I don’t think the twr would complain if they are now the brain and the Americans are the lower-skilled laborers. Haha. By the way, for those who are not in semiconductors, manufacturing a chip is MORE difficult than designing it! For example, as a designer, I can easily *specify* placing one circuit 3 nm from the next, but I certainly wouldn’t know how to do it without shorting them out! A virus is 100 nm.



3 nm is 33 times smaller than a virus! Further, though the manufacturing equipment is made by Amerian or Dutch firms such as Applied Material or ASML, it doesn’t mean anyone who can buy this equipment is competitive. This is because *NO ONE* uses the standard cookbooks from these manufacturers. TSMC, Samsung, Intel, etc. all have to develop their own proprietary processes. An easy analogy is though I can buy the same oven used by a world-famous chef, it doesn’t mean I can bake award-winning cookies because that chef has his own secret recipes, but I follow the standard cookbook that comes with the oven.




Oh how wonderful it is to have your stupid politicians determine your national destiny. Everything is assured to meet its disastrous end. In short, Biden strong-armed TSMC to set up shop in Arizona in order to be able to claim that he’s bringing chip manufacturing back to the U.S.



China as the world’s largest consumer of chip is the industry’s existential market. Prohibiting TSMC from selling to China is dooming the company to bankruptcy. So is the U.S. chip industry as U.S. tech companies are also prohibited to sell to China.


In the meantime, this buys the luxury of all the time China needs to catch up on producing the next generation 2 nm chips (or even sooner than expected) because the U.S. took care of taking out the competition and once TSMC fails, ASML either have to sell to China its machine or they will fail as well. Its always good to have the fools competing against you.




U.S. president Joe Biden was quick to applaud TSMC’s move, calling it “the largest foreign investment in the history” of Arizona. A few moments later, he added, “American manufacturing is back, folks.”


But is it? We will consider that question below. For now, we can acknowledge that the president called the 3 nanometre chips a potential game changer, meaning they could alter what some of the most common or most complex technologies might be capable of doing. By now, we are well aware that improvements in chips mean better smartphones, washing machines, AI and more.



The White House has used the CHIPS and Science Act for obvious political purposes. As CNN noted, [President] “Biden has been visiting communities where companies like TSMC … have announced new investments since the passage of the law this summer.” In other words, the administration is hoping that staged events — often with eager local media agencies basking in the glory of a presidential visit and not asking difficult questions — will lead Americans to conclude that, well, “American manufacturing is back, folks.”In fact, it might not be.




I heard some perspectives on this issue from several Chinese language podcasts. From what they’re saying, TSMC had to build that fab in Arizona, or else the Americans will kill their company.


Because the core technology itself is still American, and there is a lot of leverage the Americans have on many twr figures within this industry. It won’t really disrupt tw’s economy and the global supply chain to a point of no return…because they’ve carefully balance being able to continue doing business with the Mainland in some form.




Honestly, the ones really benefiting from this move is TSMC. Given enough time, they will kill Intel literally at their doorsteps.




Well US is making a preparation for the eventuality thay is reunification of china. The US is dependent on twr fabs, so if Twd fall to the PRC the US will have a difficulty to obtain the chips.


Tws owner of the company also want to secure his safety and hia wealth so moving to america is a great choice for him. For china, it really doesn't matter at all, china is looking to develop its own chips independent from the US and Tw supply chain, this is one of the target for made in china 2025, but it clearly Will take longer to get there but china is making progress.



Tsmc tw fab is kinda irrelevant to the whole issue of reunification because the company still rely on american technologies this is why they cant sell to Huawei now. So whether they're In china's hand or american hand or destroyed altogether is irrelevant to the discussion.




To certain extent it is the best solution and compromise for TSMC, twd government and the US.


For the past few years, TSMC had reflected their concerns to the government that in order to expand their business and develop new facilities, they need new land which are relatively safe from earthquake and a guarantee for a stable electricity supply. The DDP administration can't provide what TSMC wants. Just in 2022, in order to maintain electricity supply to TSMC, several cities had to blackout for a few hours every week.



Lastly back to the question, the impact to global chip supply or chain of supply will not much be affected. If TSMC remains as a leader in chip designs and manufactures, a factory in Arizona is just easier for them to supply to the US market, though production cost might be higher and affected their profit ratio, but high end chips of 2 or 3nm should be expensive.


While the factories in tw, or even in PRC can still be making 7nm.or 14nm chips which might still be the main stream of chip applications for use in cars, home appliances, PCs.




That industry sector makes up 4% of tws economy, so no doubt it will hit them. The reason the US lost in semiconductor manufacturing was because of their system that demands instant gratification. In the begining of the 21st century, it would have cost between $1B to 1.25B to build a wafer fab, with a payback period of 6 to 8 years. Something US investors are not willing tolerate & would crucify any CEO who made that kind of investment decision.


which is why most wafer fabs were built in countries with high saving rates (thus available investment funds), & a tolerence of longer payback periods. Which was why by then, 92% of global wafer fab capacity were in twd, Singapore & Israel. And semiconductor companies atrted going “Fabless”, Also, the direct labor content of the cost of goods sold in those semiconductor was so low that you can afford to pay US type wages & keep those manufacturing jobs in the US. But the greedy in the US decided to let the industry & the manufactring jobs go for the sake of their wallets.


So this move of getting TSMC to Arizona is not something done by the wealthy US investors but done with tax payer’s money. It’s another case similar to the 2008 global financial crisis, where the wealthy & greedy nearly brought the global economy down, & it was the governments & tax payers who had to bail them out.


So the question is whether the system in the US could sustain such an industry or would you just have to keep using tax-payers money to keep those wafer fabs going & innovating so they coud handle the newer & more complex chips?



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