• 03月12日 星期三








In my observation, only a tiny minority claimed that they dislike the Japanese team no matter what because they hate Japan.


Most people just think it’s an exciting and dramatic match: it’s a story about an underdog team winning a watch with a ridiculously low possession and after falling behind in the first half. It’s not exactly a surprise that it attracted the neutral fans.



There were also many self-hating comments after the fiasco of Qatar and Iran (TBH I don’t think Iran played badly, Qatar looked completely clueless though): people were saying that Asians simply sucked at the game no matter what. We no longer hear that kind of noise after the victories of Saudi Arabia and Japan, which is a good thing. Few of us associate ourselves with an imaginary “Asian” identity, but when people insult Asians over and over, then we start to feel more compassion towards all Asians, just to give a middle finger to the racists.



And there’s also a very specific factor: many Chinese people in the 20s or 30s grew up watching Captain Tsubasa. The original story ended with Japan winning the U-17 World Championships with a 3–2 win over Germany. Many people pointed at the similarity between the story and the reality, and see it as a childhood fantasy come true.




Pretty good, in this cartel World Cup, Saudi Arabia and Japan have achieved good results. This is a sign of the improvement of the level of competitive sports in Asia, and Chinese and overseas Chinese, as a part of Asia, celebrate the excellent performance of Saudi Arabia and Japan.


Perhaps Question Asker think the Chinese will be very jealous, especially Japan, which is superfluous to think.



There is no jealousy. The Super Bowl in the U.S. is similar to Chinese New Year, a major event that fosters cohesion and and patriotic education, but Chinese culture is different from American culture, and sporting events are not the primary venue for fostering cohesion in China.


The Chinese value sporting events, but not to the point of going crazy over them. Maybe it's because of the influence of Chinese Confucianism "to prefer the pen to the sword" culture!





I am surprise, probably the 1st Asian country beat Germany, one of my World Cup favourite. On one hand disappointed, on the other hand flabbergasted, and happy for Japan. Japan make Asian proud, an encouragement to other Asian nation. Hope to see more Asian country quality for futire World Cup.


The Chinese football team will enter the top 8 of the Century Cup in 2034! It's only a matter of time. Made in China is everywhere in the World Cup in Qatar, and we will win!


The Japanese team was tenacious and played well! The German team is careless, this game is very exciting, Asian football is rising rapidly,



"Football Emperor" Beckenbauer once said: "It is not football that rolls on the green field, but gold." This sentence points out the commercial value behind the World Cup.


On November 20, the World Cup in Qatar officially opened. 32 teams competed for the Hercules Cup. Although the Chinese team was absent, this World Cup was full of "medium content". The figures of Chinese companies inside and outside the stadium brought a sense of participation to the Chinese fans watching the game in front of the screen.


Compared with previous World Cups, the World Cup in Qatar has many special features. For example, it was held in the winter of the northern hemisphere for the first time, and entered the Middle East for the first time in history. At the same time, this is the "most expensive" World Cup in history.


Qatar is the country with the third largest natural gas reserves in the world. This country at the eastern end of the Arabian Peninsula with a resident population of less than 3 million will be one of the richest countries in the world with a per capita GDP (gross domestic product) of over US$60,000 in 2021. Since winning the right to host the World Cup in 2010, Qatar has spent a total of more than 229 billion U.S. dollars, and its investment exceeds the sum of all previous World Cup funds.


As the most profitable football event in the world, the World Cup is like a marketing event. Chinese companies have spent lavishly and sponsored US$1.395 billion for the World Cup in Qatar, becoming the largest sponsor.




Congratulations to the Japanese, they absolutely went beyond everybody’s expectations.


They were exceedingly sportsmanlike as well, both the players and the fans. It felt really refreshing seeing the players not rolling around the floor screaming bloody murder, and the fans not booing loudly when the rival team has the ball. Who knew football could be this civilised?


By contrast, the Germans conducted themselves in a much more arrogant, and less respectable manner. First there was that whole “covering the mouth” thing, where they protested FIFA’s ban on the rainbow band.



I'm sorry, but this virtue-signalling crap has got to stop. It's sanctimonious, it’s tiresome, and you're fooling no one.keep politics out of football.

对不起,但这种美德信号废话必须停止。 这是道貌岸然,令人厌烦,而且你骗不了任何人。让政治远离足球。

Football is a place where people from all walks of life, who hold different worldviews and values, get to compete on an equal basis under the same rules. How about we tolerate each others' differences, shut the hell up, and play ball?


Can you even call yourself a footballer if you don’t even respect the most fundamental values of football?


Here’s another crazy idea: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. You don’t have to pretend you approve of the way females and sexual minorities are treated in conservative countries like Qatar. You also don’t have to shove your unsolicited, ill-informed opinions in their faces. Either you respect your hosts, or you don’t go in the first place.


For a society to have been the way it is for such a long time, there must have been good reasons. If they are to change their society at all, they are to do so on their own, and it is none of us outsiders' business to interfere. Western powers interfering where they shouldn’t be is a major reason why the Middle East is the way it is today.


And that brings me to another crazy idea: those with blood on their hands shouldn’t be the ones to point fingers at others.



where Rüdiger mocked Asano by running slower in a cartoonish way, before getting his comeuppance shortly after, when Asano scored the winning goal.


Pride goeth before a fall. When you are so arrogant as to think you are more virtuous and know better than everyone else, and undoubtedly superior to your adversaries in every way, failure is inevitable and well-deserved.




Watched the match. Didn’t expect the Japanese team to win. Like, not at all.Nothing to do with liking or not liking Japan. The Germans are just really good at this.


And it was a good, clean, exciting match. After the first goal by the Germans I thought it was pretty much over. Maybe the Germans thought that too, they got sloppy. Then the Japanese team scored two amazing goals.


And that’s it for this overseas Chinese. No resentment or jealousy. No Asian pride or anything like that either. No Schadenfreude. It’s just sports.





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