• 03月23日 星期日


年关将近,最近Ginger看到有这样一幅号称2019最强上联:吴秀波,周立波,黄海波,一波三折。其中周立波和黄海波的光荣事迹,咱们这里就不复习了。我们今天来做客吴秀波时间,看看到底这件事情的始末在外媒眼中是怎样的呢?今天大家来学习一篇新加坡The Straits Times关于此事的报导。



先来看看标题中的关键字。(be) criticised over 因某事而受批评;alleged affair中alleged英文解释如下:


affair就是外遇的意思,和某人外遇就是have an affair with someone.

从标题我们可以看出,该报纸还对吴秀波的外遇事件持怀疑态度。什么alleged affair!!这都坐实得不能再实了好吗?当然,这里也可以看出新闻媒体的严谨态度,没有官宣就不算坐实。



Chinese actor Wu Xiubo’s wife posted online that her family was blackmailed for 18 months by actress Chen Menglin, who could face 10 years in jail if convicted. 这里选取了新闻正文的一段,简明扼要地说了一下事件。吴秀波的太太在网上说自己的家庭遭受了女演员陈昱霖长达18个月的敲诈。敲诈勒索的罪名可能让该女演员面临10年的牢狱之灾。


Chinese actor Wu Xiubo has been slammed for his "un-gentlemanly" actions over his handling of an alleged affair. 中国演员吴秀波因为对于外遇的不绅士处理方式饱受指责。

l be slammed for = be criticized over 因…受批评和指责

l “un-gentlemanly” 常见的否定前缀un和形容词后缀ly。意思很好理解,不绅士的

l handle: v. deal with处理

The parents of actress Chen Menglin said he had asked her to return to China from abroad to settle their matters, only for her to be arrested by the police. 女方陈昱霖的父母说吴秀波要求女儿回国来处理他们之间的事情,实际上是为了让警察逮捕她。

l settle: resolve 处理,解决

The parents added that he had told the authorities that Chen had blackmailed him. 他们还说吴秀波告诉官方,女儿敲诈勒索了他。

l the authorities: government, police etc. 官方机构

l blackmail: vt. 敲诈勒索

The Global Times reported that she had posted last year about her seven-year romance with Wu, accusing him of ditching her for other women. 环球时报报道说陈昱霖去年公布和吴秀波的7年恋情,指责吴秀波因为新欢抛弃了她。

l ditch: vt. end a relationship with someone 和某人终止关系

l accuse someone of 指责,控诉

She claimed to have spent almost all of 2016 in a hotel room doing his laundry and cooking for him while he was working on a TV show. 她宣称整个2016年,她都是在酒店房间给他洗衣服和做饭。当时吴秀波在一档电视节目工作。

Her parents said the couple later reached an agreement over a "break-up" fee. Chen left China but Wu, 50, did not pay her the full sum. 陈昱霖的父母说之后女儿和吴秀波达成了关于分手费的协议。陈昱霖出国,但是吴秀波并没有支付全部费用。

His lawyer, in response, said Chen was arrested for suspected extortion. 吴秀波的律师回应道,陈昱霖是因怀疑敲诈勒索而被逮捕。

l extortion: n. blackmail 敲诈勒索

Wu's wife posted online that her family was blackmailed for 18 months by Chen, who could face 10 years in jail if convicted. 【配图下的文字。见上文。】

While Wu has drawn flak over his straying ways, some netizens also think that Chen is no angel and have branded her as a gold-digger. 当吴秀波因出轨饱受指责时,一些网民也认为陈昱霖并非什么好人,将她称为淘金者。

l flak: n. criticism 指责。常见搭配get flak from someone/take the flak

l straying: 出轨 netizens: 网民

PS 这里科普一下,网上爆出女方陈昱霖多年没有工作,但生活奢靡。

Meanwhile, the scandal has spread to other areas. 与此同时,吴秀波的丑闻也影响到了其他方面。

l scandal:丑闻

A romantic comedy A Boyfriend For My Girlfriend, starring Wu and Bai Baihe, was slated to open on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year, but that plan has been scrapped, with no new date mentioned. 由吴秀波和白百合出演的浪漫喜剧《情圣2》原本定于2月5日,中国新年第一天上映。但是这个计划被取消了,并且没有提到新的上映日期。

l be slated to: it is planned to happen at a particular time or on a particular occasion.计划

l scrap: vt. get rid of/ cancel. 取消

And TV serial City Of Desire, which stars Wu and Angelababy, is now reportedly headed for a webcast. 并且由吴秀波和杨颖出演的电视连续剧《欲望之城》据说也将改为网播。


这篇新闻报导的关键词为敲诈勒索、饱受指责。那么该篇新闻中出现了哪些词汇和短语表达了这些意思呢?敲诈勒索:blackmail; extortion

饱受指责:be slammed for; be criticized over; flak; accused for









