• 09月22日 星期日

Dec. 30|Dance in a bamboo forest 梅卓燕+邢亮《形·体》现场表演

Dec. 30|Dance in a bamboo forest 梅卓燕+邢亮《形·体》现场表演

Hong Kong dancer Mui Cheuk-yin will collaborate with Beijing dancer Xing Liang for a modern dance show at Hall A of OCAT Shenzhen, where hundreds of bamboo stalks are on display for the “Bamboo Path” exhibition.

A choreographer and artistic director, Mui has been at the forefront of the dance scene in Hong Kong for over 30 years. After early training in Chinese classical and ethnic dances, she joined the Hong Kong Dance Company in 1981 where she was a principal dancer until 1990, excelling in lead roles in productions such as “The Yellow Earth,” “Jade Love” and “Rouge.” Her choreographic journey began in 1985 when she won the Hong Kong Young Choreographer Competition, which led her to New York to study modern dance.

Dec. 30|Dance in a bamboo forest 梅卓燕+邢亮《形·体》现场表演

A Beijing native now based in Hong Kong, Xing has been dubbed the “epitome of an exceptional Chinese dancer” and “China’s superstar of modern dance.” He has been awarded the Hong Kong Dance Award three times by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance.

More than 200 5-meter tall green bamboo stalks have sprung up in Hall A of OCAT Shenzhen since August for the “Bamboo Path” exhibition. Writing his unique undecipherable calligraphy on each of the bamboo stalks, Wang Dongling, the creator, attempts to echo ancient Chinese nature where literati once shared poems, resulting in a fascinating contemporary twist on a classic form.

Dec. 30|Dance in a bamboo forest 梅卓燕+邢亮《形·体》现场表演


Dec. 30|Dance in a bamboo forest 梅卓燕+邢亮《形·体》现场表演

梅卓燕为国际著名舞蹈家及编舞家,被誉为香港“舞蹈大使”。1981加入香港舞蹈团为首席舞者,1990成为独立编舞/教师/舞者。她曾获得亚洲艺术文化协会资助,参与美国舞蹈节国际编舞营,并于夏威夷大学的东西文化中心表演。梅氏于2000年应皮娜·鲍什(Pina Bausch)邀请为FTS 编排《花落知多少》并参与《春之祭》的演出,她的独舞作品也表演于第25和35届皮娜·鲍什周年纪念舞蹈节(The 25th and 35th Pina Bausch Anniversary Dance Festival)。她以“游走于传统与现代、东方与西方”的风格驰名国际,成就斐然并历年来获奖无数,包括四度获得“香港舞蹈年奖”,2012年获香港舞蹈联盟颁发杰出成就奖,以表扬梅氏对本港舞蹈发展孜孜不倦的投入与贡献。

Dec. 30|Dance in a bamboo forest 梅卓燕+邢亮《形·体》现场表演


Time: 8 p.m., Dec. 30

Scan the QR code to sign up.

Venue:OCAT Shenzhen, South Area, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District (南山区华侨城创意文化园南区OCAT深圳馆)

Metro:Line 1, Qiaocheng East Station (侨城东站), Exit A

Source/ Shenzhen Daily Editor/ Cao Zhen

WeChat editors/ Doria, Jane

Shenzhen Daily

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