• 03月15日 星期六


Golar LNG Ltd has announced that Gimi MS Corp., a newly incorporated subsidiary of the company, has entered into a 20-year Lease and Operate Agreement (LOA) with BP for the charter of a floating LNG (FLNG) unit, Gimi, to service the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project.

Golar液化天然气有限公司宣布,该公司新成立的子公司Gimi MS Corp.已与英国石油公司签订了一份为期20年的租赁经营协议(LOA),以租赁一个浮动液化天然气(FLNG)装置Gimi,为更大的Torue Ahmeyim项目提供服务。

Expected to commence production in 2022, the FLNG Unit Gimi will liquefy gas as part of the first phase of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project and be located at an innovative nearshore hub located on the Mauritania and Senegal maritime border. FLNG Gimi is designed to produce an average of approximately 2.5 million tpy of LNG, using the Black & Veatch ‘Prico’ liquefaction process, with the total gas resources in the field estimated to be around 15 trillion ft3.

预计将于2022年开始服役,作为Tortee-Ahmeyim项目第一期的一部分,FLNG装置Gimi将液化天然气,将位于毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上边界的近岸枢纽。FLNG Gimi采用Black&Veatch的“Prico”液化工艺,设计的平均液化天然气产量约为250万吨/年,该气田的总天然气资源估计约为15万亿ft3。

Concurrent with its entry into the LOA, Gimi MS has entered into a subscription agreement (subject to closing conditions) with First FLNG Holdings Pte. Ltd, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Capital, in respect of their participation in a 30% share of FLNG Gimi. Gimi MS will construct, own and operate FLNG Gimi and First FLNG Holdings Pte. Ltd will subscribe for 30% of the total issued ordinary share capital of Gimi MS for a subscription price equivalent to 30% of the project cost. LNG carrier Gimi has been relocated from layup to Keppel Shipyard in Singapore where conversion works are expected to commence soon.

在签订LOA的同时,Gimi MS与Keppel Capital的间接全资子公司First Flng Holdings Pte.Ltd就其持有Flng Gimi 30%的股份签订了认购协议(以交割条件为准)。Gimi MS将建造、拥有和运营Flng Gimi,First Flng Holdings Pte.Ltd将以相当于项目成本30%的认购价格认购Gimi MS已发行普通股本总额的30%。液化天然气运输船吉米已从码头迁至新加坡的吉宝船厂,该船厂预计很快将开始改造工程。

Construction of FLNG Gimi is expected to cost approximately US$1.3 billion, excluding financing costs. Once accepted under the contract, annual earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of approximately US$215 million with potential upside for over performance are expected. Golar is also in the final stages of receiving an underwritten credit commitment for a US$700 million long-term financing facility from a syndicate of international banks that will be available during construction. Golar's plan is that together with other financing facilities, by the end of the 4-year construction period the anticipated maximum total equity contribution from the company in respect of its 70% stake will be approximately US$300 million.

除融资成本外,flng gimi的建设成本预计约为13亿美元。合同完成后,预计年息税折旧摊销前收益约为2.15亿美元,可能会因业绩过剩而上升。Golar还处于从国际银行财团获得7亿美元长期融资贷款的承销信贷承诺的最后阶段,该贷款将在施工期间提供。Golar的计划是,与其他融资设施一起,到4年建设期结束时,公司70%股权的预期最大总股本出资额将约为3亿美元。

Commenting on the LOA, Golar CEO, Iain Ross, said: "This landmark 20-year agreement with BP, which is Golar's second FLNG tolling agreement, is the culmination of a lot of hard work and commitment from the project and commercial teams that commenced late 2017. The potential of Golar's floating LNG solution was reinforced by FLNG Hilli Episeyo's proof of concept, Heads of Terms were agreed with BP and its partners in April 2018 and work has been ongoing via the previously reported Limited Notice to Proceed. Golar is delighted to have the opportunity to demonstrate the safe and reliable operation, quality and value of its FLNG offering to such a world class energy company as BP and looks forward to safely delivering and building on this long-term relationship over the decades ahead."

在对LOA的评论中,Golar首席执行官Iain Ross表示:“与BP达成的这项具有里程碑意义的20年协议是Golar的第二个FLNG收费协议,是该项目和商业团队在2017年底开始的大量努力工作和承诺的成果。Golar浮动液化天然气解决方案的潜力得到了Flng Hilli-Episeyo的概念证明的加强,条款负责人于2018年4月与英国石油公司及其合作伙伴达成了一致,并通过之前报告的有限开工通知继续开展工作。Golar很高兴有机会向BP这样的世界级能源公司展示其FLNG产品的安全可靠的运行、质量和价值,并期待在未来几十年内安全交付和建立这种长期关系。”








