







小学毕业之后,我就来到了塞浦路斯上学,在这里度过了我的初中和高中生活。 我认为早点出国的话,对个人的英语学习是非常有帮助的,大的语言环境会使英语学习更容易,掌握英语后更容易跟上学校的课程。

我在American International School in Cyprus度过了初、高中时间,学校虽小,但是老师和同学们都非常的热情和友好,并给予了我许多帮助。在课余时间里还可以参加社团活动,除了关于娱乐、休闲的社团外,还有一些偏学术方面的社团也非常值得参加。高中的时候,我参加了两个学术类社团活动,其中一个社团是Stockholm Junior Water Prize,另外一个是欧洲科学机构CERN举办的Beamline for Schools比赛。这些多样化的社团活动也让我的高中生活变得更加丰富。






加州大学洛杉矶分校简称UCLA ,位于美国洛杉矶市 ,是世界著名的公立研究型大学 ,环太平洋大学联盟成员 。UCLA在2018-19Wall Street Journal、Times Higher Education以及US News多个排名中均高居美国公立大学第一 。在2018福布斯最具价值大学排名中位列全美第一 ,是美国申请人数最多的大学 。






比如,在UCLA,你AP能拿到4分或者5分,就可以抵学分和课程,让你少上几节课。但是IB的话,只有你在high level拿到了6分以上才能抵学分,并且还不能抵课程。






Last year during an IB HL Mathematics exam, I found myself staring at a problem to which I could not find a solution. This problem asked me to find the coordinates of two vertexes of a tilted square on an imaginary plane given the coordinates of the other two vertexes. I had no clue how to solve it. Knowing I had limited time, I skipped it to finish the rest of the test first and went back to this problem at the end. It still looked totally unfamiliar, and I could find no obvious hint about where to start. Frantically, I worked on the problem until time was up, desperately wanting to find a solution. But the only thing I found was the side of the square, not the angle of the tilt which was essential to solve the problem with the method I was utilizing. Unable to leave it unsolved, I continued to work on the problem after the test. But I still could not find the angle of tilt, and therefore could not reach the final solution.

From an early age, I have had a love for finding solutions welcome the challenge to solve the unsolvable. When I was in elementary school, my father taught me how to play a card game called 24. The objective of the game is to manipulate four randomly chosen integers from 1 to 10 with signs of operation to obtain the number 24. At first, I had a strong desire to win games and show my father that I was good at what he taught me. These two factors led me to try my best to find all possible ways to make 24, to solve the puzzle of the game. I soon realized, however, the joy of the game for me was finding new and different solutions, not just trying to win.

Naturally, Math quickly became my favorite subject as every class presented more problems waiting to be solved. I am currently studying IB Higher Level Mathematics with an emphasis on Statistics and Calculus. I have also participated in numerous Math competitions in Cyprus, including the Kangourou Math Competition for which I won two gold medals, and the Math Olympiad Competition for which I won one gold and two bronze medals.

I enjoy opportunities to apply problem solving approaches to different interests while also helping others. As a member of my school’s CERN Club, we worked on a proposal for CERN’s Beamline for Schools competition. From over 195 proposals submitted, our team’s proposal, which I co-authored, was selected as one of the top 30. I am also in my school’s Water Project Club, in which we are working on a proposal for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition. While working on both of these proposals, our teams encountered many problems. However, through discussion with other members and doing more research, we were able to find solutions together, and through our collaboration, achieve noteworthy results. Additionally, I am part of my school’s Math Clinic, where I tutor students who need help in Math, and I have also participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Student Council, and National Honor Society.

I believe that studying Mathematics in university will allow me to find even more interesting and complex problems, and I look forward to opportunities to dig deeper into different topics of Math. My passion for problem solving will ensure my enthusiasm for learning as I prepare for a Math related career.

I realize that not all problems are easily solved, and sometimes the solution requires looking at the problem from a different perspective. When my Math teacher explained the solution to the problem I had struggled to solve, I felt enlightened; by moving the square so one of the given vertexes will be at the origin, the angle of the tilt could be found. A simple shift of perspective provided a new approach, and a solution was then easily reached. I look forward to the continued learning opportunities that your university will provide and how they will help guide and shift my approaches and understanding in the field of Math. I also anticipate the opportunity to apply my problem-solving to both local and global issues.











