

Are you from a country which no one knows even existed?



Julio Cesar Pino


I’m from a small island that hardly anyone knows exists, located next to a bigger island that is world famous. You see, I was born on the Isle of Pines (Isla de Pinos; no, it was not named after my family), located just south of Havana province in Cuba. Our island has been largely unknown throughout history—-one big reason it was always popular with pirates. Isla de Pinos became part of the Republic of Cuba in 1902, although the U.S. gave serious consideration to annexing the island. We never got big enough to become a province, only an adjunct to Havana. Then, in 1978 Dr. Fidel Castro, in his infinite wisdom, decided to change the name of our beloved homeland to the Isle of Youth (Isla de la Juventud). But, to us “Pineros” it will always remain Isle of Pines 4ever!

我来自一个几乎没有人知道它存在的小岛屿,这个岛屿紧邻着一个更大的世界闻名的岛屿。你看,我出生在松岛(Isla de Pinos;不,在我的家族到来前它还未被命名),坐落于古巴的哈瓦那省南部。我们这座岛屿在历史上很长一段时间内不为人知——很大的一部分原因是因为它是海盗的一个栖身地。松岛在1902年成为了古巴共和国的一部分,尽管美国认真的考虑过吞并该岛。我们从来没有足够大大到可以成为一个省,而只能从成为哈瓦那的一部分。之后,在1978年,Fidel Castro博士以他的无限智慧,将我们的岛改名为青年岛。不过,对于我们松岛人来说,松岛这个名字会永远印刻在我们心中。


Travis Seifman

I am not myself from anywhere special, but I'd like to share about the Luchu Kingdom. Today, I think, for the most part, if anyone (in the English-speaking world, especially in the US) knows about Okinawa at all, they maybe know about the Battle of Okinawa, during WWII, and they likely think of Okinawa as just another part of Japan.


But, up until the 1870s - less than 150 years ago - Okinawa was an independent kingdom. Known as Loochoo (or Luchu) in the native Okinawan language, the kingdom (known as Ryukyu in Japanese) was a Confucian kingdom, heavily influenced by Japan and by King Dynasty China, but also totally distinct. Much like Korea, it was its own separate culture and country within the East Asian “family” of cultures.


The main island of Okinawa was ruled by three kingdoms in the 14th century, all three of which entered into close relationships with Ming China at the end of thst century, and began adopting Ming-style government, Confucian philosophy, architecture, arts, etc etc.


One of the three kingdoms, Chûzan, conquered the other two and united the island under its rule by 1429. It then expanded over the course of the 16th century, placing many of the islands to the north (the Amamis, etc) and all the islands to the south (the Miyako and Yaeyamas), almost to Taiwan, either under some sort of tributary relationship, or conquering them outright.


During this period, the Kingdom, though small, developed into a very significant entrepot (intermediate trading center), with Luchuan, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Southeast Asian ships, goods, and/or merchants regularly passing through the kingdom's bustling port of Naha.


Ryukyu was invaded in 1609 by forces from the samurai domain of Satsuma (Kagoshima), and from that time forward became a tributary or vassal or something under Satsuma (historians still debate just how to name, or characterize this relationship). But in many important ways, the kingdom remained independent. It maintained its close relationship with China, as it always had, on the basis of being a sovereign kingdom. And while increased Japanese cultural influence was inevitable in certain ways, the kingdom very much continued to have its own distinct, distinctly Ryukyuan, culture. They continued to have kings on the throne, and their own Confucian scholar - aristocracy - based government, and there were never more than a handful of Japanese resident in the kingdom at any time.


In the 1800s, the kingdom signed formal Treaties with the US, France, Britain, and the Netherlands, but by 1879 (at the end of a really interesting but complicated set of diplomatic incidents and tensions between China and Japan), Tokyo unilaterally declared the Kingdom abolished and its lands annexed. The royal bureaucracy, strangely enough, remained active into the early years of the 20tg century in certain respects, and Okinawa remains quite distinct culturally even today. But, it wasn't that long ago that Luchu was an independent, sovereign, kingdom unto itself, with its own vibrant traditions and noble history.


Babar Khan Javed

Didn’t expect this from graduates from Ivy League universities.


Have worked abroad in the Middle East and APAC region.


Had a jaw dropping series of encounters with colleagues in Malaysia and Singapore.


They thought


  • Pakistan was a desolate province or state in India.
  • 巴基斯坦是印度的一个荒凉的省或者州。
  • “Pakistani” meant an Indian who is a Muslim.
  • "巴基斯坦人"指的是那些信仰伊斯兰教的印度人。

Pakistan has been independent from India since 1947.


After showing these pictures, most are signed on to visit North Pakistan, like:


Pictures by Ejaz(译者按,蓝色字体代表有链接,可以点击阅读全文去往答案浏览) (he runs a tourist business for fascinating sites in Pakistan).


Wirawan Winarto

I don’t think so. But, well, at least The Guardian thinks so.


The biggest invisible thing on earth? – It's called Indonesia. And it's waking up


I don’t think it is unknown. But for a country with 260 million population, fourth largest in the world, Indonesia is under-publicized. Considering Indonesia is also the world’s largest archipelago nation with largest Muslim population, it feels bit strange that my country is somewhat unheard in world stage.


Why is Indonesia not more well-known in the world stage?


Indonesia has more than 13,000 islands, it possesses near half of Southeast Asia economy, Indonesia is also the only Southeast Asian nation that belongs to G20 as the world’s 11th largest economy (in terms of nominal GDP), and attracts more than 10 million foreign tourists per year, where majority of them heads to Bali.


Judging from that alone, no, I don’t think we are unknown.


But… at least Justin Bieber disagreed.


Justin Bieber calls Indonesia 'some random country' during London event


And David Letterman doesn’t even know we are one country.


What 'Countries' Comprise Indonesia, David Letterman Asks


Guido Crapels

Well, I am not from an unknown country myself, but I would like to mention a very small country that existed for more than a century in Western Europe, and still, most people, even the educated, probably never heard of it.


It´s called Neutral Moresnet. A tiny condominium that emerged as a neutral piece of soil between the Netherlands and Germany (Prussia actually, as a unified Germany did not exist yet). And yes, it was the Netherlands then, and not independent Belgium, as this country seceded from the union with the northern Netherlands in 1830 (acknowledged in 1839).

它叫Neutral Moresnet。这个极小的共同管理地区作为荷兰与德国之间的一块中立地区而出现(应该说是普鲁士,那时候统一的德国还没出现)。是的,它曾经是荷兰的一部分而不是从比利时独立的,它在1830年的时候从北部的荷兰联盟独立出来(于1839年被承认)。

It started as a disputed zinc mine after Napoleon´s exit from the European theatre of power. After WWI it was annexed by Belgium.


I was born and raised very close to this piece of land, and still, in school, we were never told about this footnote of history. I stumbled on this by coincidence just a few years ago.


This peculiar, tiny territory enabled one of those very rare cases of a quadripoint. There is believed to be a contemporary quadripoint between Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, but Wikipedia states that this is actually a matter of two separate trijunctions, mistaken for a quadripoint.
