
根据我的观察,身边的大龄剩女的标志爱好就是旅游、健身、做饭、养猫狗、发软文。 她们自身条件不算差,本科,长相还可以,6分以上吧,工资够潇洒地养活自己。曾有一位朋友圈女孩,旅游做到了环游全国,乃至环游世界;做饭做到了每日一秀厨艺;养了一只贼聪明的狗狗;经常在朋友圈发感慨人生。。。但依旧单身 。




Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
This is 2022
Yes in 1990 - If a Girl was unmarried at 26 or 27 it was Alarms
In 2022 - No!!!
Its not abnormal for a 31 year old Girl to both hate children and be Single and not to want to get married.
You should WANT to get married not HAVE to get married
I have seen hundreds of couples get painful divorces because Mummy and Papa pushed them into marriages that they didnt want or were ready food.

Always the same story

Mummy said i was already 27 years old ..

The Pressure was too much from Parents, Relatives

Result is always the same story - Divorce Decreed under Irreconcilable Differences

There could be 20,000 Reasons why a 31 Year Old Girl doesnt want to get married

A Very Bad Breakup, Inferiority Complex wrt Complexion, Looks etc, Simply wanting to focus on Career at the moment and enjoying work too much, Being a Secret Lesbian or simply just wanting to have fun and stay single

What do you have to do ?

Let her live her life

You take a Holiday to Singapore or Australia and Enjoy Yours (Europe would not be right during the Ukranian Conflict)










Gayatri Narayanan
I too was worried and extremely stressed, from the time my daughter was 22. We started getting good proposals, even now though she's 31, though not as many.
But she is very clear about not marrying, so now have come to terms with that.
Infact when we see & hear about incompatibility of several newly married couples, on hind thought, I feel it's not wise to force them into it.

Oh! This girl sounds so similar to me. I am 34 now but I got married when I was 31 and I don't like kids at all. My husband and I both intend to not have kids. I can understand her when she says she hates kids - most kids are actually annoying as hell. There are hardly any cute kids around.
Many of my friends are not having kids either. The person who asked the question - the mom or dad needs to chill. As Mr KB said, take a trip to the mountains or a beach and relax.

Mani Shankar

As a loving parent, your concerns about your 31 years old daughter is quite reasonable and understandable. Any parent would like their daughter to get married and settle down in life.

However, your daughter may have her own valid reasons for remaining single, not wanting to get married and having kids. So, her decision not to get married now is quite right. She does not want to tell lies for the sake of getting married. This is quite appreciable and you must be proud of your daughter.



Imagine a situation wherein under compulsion from parents, she gets married and finds it difficult to lead a marital life with husband and both decide to get separated. This will cause more hurt to everybody.

May be, she will change her thoughts later about marriage. There are many women today, who are single, love their freedom, individuality, doing well at the professional and personal front and shouldering all responsibilities joyfully.

So, accept your daughter as she is, encourage and support her, give her the assurance that you are always there to listen, understand and support and just stop worrying about what others will say.

When you do this, you will love to see the pleasant atmosphere prevailing at home for everyone to enjoy. Best wishes.





Simranjeet Singh Gandhi
In any case the regrets are bound to be much more on the side of getting married. There are on the other side too, but much less. All the major decisions of life are ultimately a trade-off of regrets.
Nothing comes free!

Aditi S.M
No it is not ok!
You have to force her to get married by 24
Have kids by 26
And life her life crying each day regretting she was raised in a family that forces her to be who she is not.
Do you want this?
If yes please put pressure on her, weep everyday infront of her so that she gives up on her happiness.

Imagine if due to family pressure she gets married and even has a kid. But if that is not what she wants will she be happy?

There are so many girls not willing to marry or have kids and are living so happily, living a life they want.

They say purpose of getting married is to get a company when one falls sick or is low. Is someone really required?

If she can manage things on her own, let her take her own time. Let her figure out things.

Let girls live a life they want.

Let marriage not be a major goal in life.







Rini George

Is there any rule book that says your 31 year old daughter should be married. That she must no matter what love kids or should want marriage?? Or does the law asks her to be so??

No must be the answer.

When there is no such rule/law they why so much pressure.

Some people get married at 24, have kids by 30, some other get married at 35 have kids by 36, some marry at 30 and decide to never have kids. Some never want to take the path of marriage. That's their personal choice. It's better for everyone if we don't interfere and disturb their balance of life and let them be.





Rich Thomas

your daughter is choosing to avoid the Pitfalls of being married. Many women who get married and have kids were very different beforehand. A woman goes thru a transformation of sorts That ain’t pretty to watch. She goes from being a youthful Vibrant woman with a nice figure to someone who’s totally grumpy and misshapen. Her sex life goes from energizer bunny to sluggish turtle. She’s usually tired and no longer wants to get out and do things. Your daughter wants to keep her youthful figure and have freedom to what she wants and she wants. She’d rather not have to deal with the stress and responsibility Of a husband and kids who would suck up her energy. In other words she a totally normal woman who wants to have as much fun as she can while she’s still young


Paul Hackshaw
Who decides what is normal when it comes to other people? It’s her life and if she doesn’t want to marry then it’s no one else’s business but hers. Not all women are maternal nor want kids.

Claire Harris

Perfectly. If she hates kids then she hates kids. Not everyone meets someone they love enough to marry and lots of people are more career than family oriented. Love her for who she is, be proud that you raised an independent daughter not afraid to follow her own path in life.


Julie Raines

Yes, it’s normal. Many men and women in their 30s are shunning marriage or relationships altogether because they don’t find the drama worth it. Men don’t see the need to marry as they can get sex freely from women without committing to them and are able to cook and clean on their own. Women don’t see the need to marry since they are able to work and support themselves. They may find the freedom of living their own life preferable to looking after a husband.

There are exceptions, but most men and women are able to look after themselves without relying on a spouse. So the only real reason to marry is if you fall in love with the other person and can’t imagine life without them.



In my opinion, marriage or relationships in general are wonderful if you are with the right person, but they can be absolutely horrible and even dangerous if you don’t choose wisely. It is a huge gamble as people change throughout their life and they may change into someone you really don’t like. This is beyond your control and impossible to predict. Some people will find the risk worth it while others don’t.

Your daughter is fine the way she is and can lead a perfectly fulfilling life as a single, childless woman if she chooses. If she regrets her choice years from now, the she will just have to live with it and make the best of her situation.



Swasini Sudarsan

Marriage is a life long commitment to someone whom you love. It’s solely a personal decision if your daughter wants to get married or not.

Your daughter might have her own priorities over getting married and having a family.

Your daughter could be one of those not so normal women!

It takes guts to love yourself and live only for your dreams in this world.

I love and respect your daughter because:

She doesn’t want to get married for the sake of getting married to impress few people around her.

She is independent, brave and self sufficient to survive in this judgemental world.








Ellen-Jo Lancey

I am 58 years old, happily married and happily childless. Not everyone is cut out for parenthood, Good for your daughter that she recognized this instead of bowing to convention and making a child she doesnt want. People think that conceiving makes them special. it doesnt, almost anybody can do it.


Christopher Petit

It’s more common than you think.

Your daughter may not want to marry because she has rightfully realized that, when people marry, even before having kids, the woman ends up doing the lion’s share of the housework, cleaning and chores —- even if both spouses have careers. Even completely self-sufficient men start to rely on their spouse to do many of the things they did themselves for years.

And that marriage improves the man’s happiness but lowers the woman’s happiness. So in effect even before having kids she HAS one —- her husband.

And if your daughter hates kids, do you really think it’s a fantastic idea for her to be a parent?

So I wouldn’t worry if it’s normal or not.






Bharanithar Babu E
Yes, it is.
She is old enough to take decisions for herself. Please respect it. Why force her into marriage when she isn't interested in it?

Ankita Joshi
She is perfectly normal mam. That is the life even I want. She sounds just like me. :)


Sabine Schaefer
Absolutely normal.
Don't press on her, she might change her mind once she meets the right guy, if she doesn't it's not a great deal.
Thankfully we live in times when the value of a woman no longer depends on the presence of a husband and at least two children.


Amit Vikram
No it's not normal.
She is possessed, probably.
And she must be exhorcised immediately.

Mohammed Yousuf
There may be reasons for her to decide against marrying or having kids. Some of the reasons :
1- She might have seen married couple having lots of quarrels and ultimately heading for divorce.
2- She might have seen her own parents life which she never liked.
3- Her sexuality to be determined.

She is already overage for marriage.. Now you have to find out 35 to 40yrs of age guys for her, might she doesn't like such guys.
So take steps as early as possible. Marriage is necessary for taking the life experiences including those which is need to have it in any case, cannot be controlled through determination.


Loving freedom is a very thing these days, irrespective of the gender.

I, myself, was not willing to get married until 29. I got married at 29 and then I was not ready to embrace motherhood. Finally, I decided to be a mother at the age of 34.

Oh yes, I also never liked kids. Now, I smile at kids after my son is born but yes, I am still not a very kid friendly person.

We look at the hardships of previous generation and subconsciously make a decision to not get married.





I remember my mother doing all the household chores even when she is unwell. She worked 365 days in a year.

I remember my neighbor aunty cooking in a hurry and then rushing to office. While the uncle woke up only by 8.00 PM. Uncle had Saturdays off but Aunty had office on Saturdays as well. Even on Saturdays Aunty use to cook before she started for office.

Recently, a young guy has joined us as an intern. He was talking to someone over the call so we teasingly asked him, “girlfriend?”. He replied, “no mam, I don’t want to get married so I don't want to get into any commitment”.




I asked him, “what happened?” He told me, “I think, males are burdened with too much of financial responsibilities. I want to earn and spend on myself, not my kids or spouse.”

I asked him, “why do you feel so? Female these days are equally supporting financially”.

After a fraction of seconds, he replied “today, I feel bad for my dad. He earned so hard and today, he doesn't even own a property.”

I just smiled and understood the pressure of other gender.

Now, coming back to your question…

We have absorbed a lot from our previous generation. We aren't able to undo it.

Your daughter is completely normal. She is just scared of the responsibilities that comes with marriage and kids.

She might change her mind when she meets someone equal. Someone who would ensure her that all her responsibilities would be shared equally and she would not be burdened.









Alina Khan

There are two reasons why she is not getting married:

a) She is in love with a guy and feels that you may not approve of him, so, she says that she doesn’t want to get married. Possible reasons could be different race, religion, caste or economic backgrounds.

b) She is in love with a girl and fears you won’t approve of same-sex relation.

c) She has no one in her life and feels that arranged marriages are fake.

d) She is asexual.

e) She has her heart broken and doesn’t want to invest in a relationship anymore.

d) She is not ready mentally to get married.

e) She feels that the idea of marriage is futile.


a) 她爱上了一个男人,觉得你可能不赞成他,所以,她说她不想结婚。可能的原因是:不同的种族、宗教、种姓或经济背景。

b) 她爱上了一个女孩,担心你不赞成同性关系。

c) 她生活中没有合适的人,但感觉包办婚姻是不真实的。

d) 她性冷淡。

e) 她心碎了,不想再投资感情了。

d) 她还没有做好结婚的心理准备。

e) 她觉得结婚的想法是无关紧要的。

Possible solutions:

a) Try to talk to her about any guy she may be seeing. Be open to accept a person who is different from your expectations.

b) You will have to go against the society and your family if you want to embrace a homosexual daughter.

c) Tell her that marriage offers many benefits.

d) You can’t do anything. Let her be.

e) Tell her that all men are not the same. Give example of yourself and how much you love your wife.

d) Tell her that there is an age for everything. She may have difficulty in having kids after 35.

e) Tell her that marriage is a bond of the lifetime and tell her how you have benefited from it.

All the best :)


a) 试着和她谈谈她可能遇到的任何男人。开放地接受一个与你期望不同的女婿。

b) 如果你想拥抱一个同性恋女儿,你就必须与社会和家庭作对。

c) 告诉她婚姻有很多好处。

d) 你什么都做不了。让她去吧。

e) 告诉她所有的男人都不一样。举例说明你自己和你有多爱你的妻子。

d) 告诉她什么都有年龄。35岁以后她可能很难生孩子。

e) 告诉她婚姻是一生的纽带,告诉她你们是如何从中受益的。


Urban Lady
This is such a weird response. OP’s daughter is normal, stop pushing your ideology into thinking that every woman need to have children.

Odde Siva Kesavam

Different people had given different advices mostly concluding that your daughter’s situation as normal as the humanbody temprature being 98.6¤F.
If that is the case as being advocated by many :
then why does a man/ woman need a marriage?
What is the sanctity of the institution of marriage?
How does a man fulfill his fatherhood or a woman her motherhood?
Why are so many marriage bureaues working in the country & abroad?
Why so many matrimonial advertisements are coming in all the news papers?
Why there are infertility clinics in every nook & corner of the country?
How do you explain the surrogacy mother’s syndrome?
Why so many issueless couples adopting children without even knowing the origin of the child?



The case of your daughter in my personal opinion is not normal at all.

It is a case of abnormal behaviour& is a case of wrong diagnosis. The remedy being suggested is worse than the melady.

I don’t want to go into details , except suggesting that :

you yourself & your spouse should jointly endeavour to arrange for her marriage immediately.

Otherwise, you both will be deemed to be failing in your duties as parents , inflicting the most unkindest cut of all on your innocent daughter.

Wishing you success in your endeavours.







Richard Dewalt
This person’s account has been banned for what I hope you realize are logical reasons, particularly in looking up at the answer above.
Anyone reading this, please realize that a 31-year-old is far beyond childhood and is not a breeding slave to their parents.
You did not ‘fail in your duty’ either. If you raised a kid who has become a successful and independent adult, you succeeded.

Marie Perkins
Is this a serious comment??? This isn't the 1800s.


