• 03月29日 星期六



Shen Jingdong‘s great solo exhibition of 2020 in London


策展人|Curator金基富(韩国) KimKi-fu (South Korea)

展期|Duration 2020/09/24-2020/10/12

展览主题|Exhibition Theme 美丽的童话The Beaautiful Fairy Tales

展览地址|Location 伦敦亚洲中心

Asia House 63 New Cavendish Street London W1G 7LP


The London solo exhibition of artist Shen Jingdong is a personal display during the global epidemic. Preparations for the exhibition started in November 2019. The spread of the epidemic has brought some resistance to this exhibition, Even so, cultural and artistic exchanges seem more meaningful under such circumstances.


Shen Jingdong's solo exhibition in London is the first time to be exhibited in the UK. This exhibition will set 29 works. There are paintings, prints,sculptures, etc. This exhibition not only includes Shen Jingdong’s Hero series, The Little Prince series, International Jokeseries, The British Celebrities series specially prepared by the artist will debut in London.


阿尔弗雷德大帝|Alfredthe Great 80×60cm oil on canvas 2020


亨利八世|Henry VIII 80×60cm oil on canvas 2020


詹姆斯·瓦特|James Walt 80×60cm oil on canvas 2020


威廉·莎士比亚|William Shakespeare 80×60cm oil on canvas 2020


查尔斯·达尔文|Charles Darwin 80×60cm oil on canvas 2020


查理·卓别林|Charlie Chaplin 80×60cm oil and acrylic on canvas 2020


温斯顿·丘吉尔|Winston Churchill 80×60cm oil and acrylic on canvas 2020


史蒂芬·霍金|Stephen Hawking 80×60cm oil and acrylic on canvas 2020


约翰·列侬|John Lennon 80×60cm oil and acrylic on canvas 2020


耶稣|Jesus 100×80cm oil on canvas 2020


Shen Jingdong uses his art form to express his views and understanding of the world. Finally put together what it shows, like a “Shen Jingdong Kingdom”, or “a fairy tale kingdom”. This exhibition will present a beautiful fairy tale to locals and children in London, let people see the dreams and hope during this period of epidemic.


睁大眼睛|keep one’s eyes wide open 150×150cm oil on canvas 2016


小王子与狐狸|The little prince and the fox 100×110cm oil on canvas 2017


Professors from well-known universities in London participated the comments in this exhibition. Major critics of the Western Contemporary Art Center London used articles to interpret his works from multiple perspectives, and that means a lot to the exhibition. Through this exhibition, the uniqueness of Shen Jingdong’s Art and himself will be introduced to the audience in London, where different groups of people gather. People's close cultural exchanges and mutual understanding are exactly the significance of this London solo exhibition.

艺术家介绍|Artist Introduction








|Shen JingDong|

1965 |Born in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

1984 |Graduated from the fine art class of Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal School

1991 |Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Nanjing Academy of Art

1991—2009 |Serving in the Battlefront Art Troupe of the Political Department of Nanjing Military Region

Atpresent living in Beijing


2020年 小眼睛大世界(南京个展 )

2019年 沈敬东来了(巴黎个展 )

2019年 沈敬东在这儿(纽约个展)纽约中国艺术馆

2019年 沈敬东到此一游(威尼斯个展)

2018年 一路向南(深圳国风艺术馆)

2018年 从南到北(沈阳师范大学美术与设计学院美术馆)

2018年 从南京出发(南京金陵美术馆)

2018年 枪炮玫瑰--沈敬东个展(北京芳草地画廊)

2017年 好兵敬东从艺记一一沈敬东文献展(北京宋庄当代艺术文献展)

2017年 "国际玩笑"沈敬东个展(美国马里兰州罗斯美术馆)

2017年 沈敬东故事(燕山大学秦皇岛)2016年对话(贵阳红星美凯龙)

2016年 国际玩笑 沈敬东个展(韩国清州工艺美术馆,中山博览会特别展区,北京艺术国际美术馆)

2016年 中国新具象(美国纽约哈德逊艺术中心)

2016年 无心无头 双人展(美国纽约白盒子艺术中心)

2016年 対画---双人展(北京798悦美术馆)

2016年 国际玩笑 (韩国清州工艺美术馆)

2015年 小王子 (香港星会馆)

2015年 粉墨登场 (香港ArtFuture画廊)

2015年 查禁 (法国赛特南方码头画廊)

2014年 我的童话王国(香港会展中心)

2014年 光鲜(北京今日美术馆)

2014年 対画---双个展(北京798晨画廊)

2011年 继续革命(南京3V画廊)

2010年 人皆英雄Ⅱ(香港中环交易广场)

2009年 Hero(美国纽约Volta博览会)

2008年 英雄(美国纽约中国广场画廊)

2008年 最可爱的人(北京今日美术馆+798千年时间画廊)

2007年 十年造英雄(北京想象画廊)

2007年 人皆英雄 (香港一画廊)

2006年 英雄的造像 (北京798千年时间画廊)

2006年 一张画的展览 (北京88艺术文献仓库)

Solo Exhibitions

2020 Small eye-big world (Solo Art Exhibition in Nanjing)

2019 Shen Jingdong came here (Solo Art Exhibition in Paris)

2019 Shen Jingdong is here (Solo Art Exhibition at Chinese gallery in New York)

2019 Shen Jingdong was here (Solo Art Exhibition in Venice)

From South to North in 2018--Shen Jingdong's Invitational Exhibition of Individual Works (Art Museum of School of Fine Arts and Design of Shenyang Normal University)

2018 Start from Nanjing --Shen Jingdong’s Solo Exhibition,Jinling Art Museum,Nanjing,Jiangsu,China.

2018 Guns N’Roses--Shen Jingdong’s Solo Exhibition”Parkview Green ART,Beijing,China

2017 International Joke:Shen jingdong Solo Exhibition”Ross Art Museum,Maryland, USA

2017 Art Career Record of Good Soldier Jingdong:Shen Jingdong Literature Exhibition Songzhuang Contemporary Art Documentary Exhibition,Beijing China

2017 Shen Jingdong Story:Shenjingdong Solo Exhibition Art and Design Academy Art Museum,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao,China

2016 International Joke:Shenjingdong Solo Exhibition Korean Craft Museum (Cheongju,South Korea)

2016 Shen jing dong+Jon Tsoi:No head No heart WhiteBox New York

2016 Let’s Paint Together: Shen Jingdong and Liao Mingming Collaborative Exhibition, Yue Museum of Art, Beijing, China New Representational Art in China,Hudson Center for Contemporary Arts,Poughkeepsie, USA

2015 The Little Prince, E Space, Hong Kong

Dawn of a New Age: Ink Redefined, Art Futures Gallery, Hong Kong

Censure,Galerie Dock Sud, Sète, France

2014 My Kingdom of Fairytales (Art Futures Group, Art One, Wanchai, HongKong)

2014 Hidden Meanings, Colour Explosion

(Today Art Museum, Beijing)

2011 Continue with Revolution

(3VGallery, Nanjing, China)

2010 We could be HeroesⅡ

(The Rotunda,Exchange Square,Central, Hong Kong)

2009 Hero (Volta Art Fair, New York, USA)

2008 Hero (China Square Gallery, New York, USA)

2008 The Most Beloved People

(Today Art Museum & New Millennium Gallery, Beijing, China)

2007 Making of Heroes over 10 Years (Imagine Gallery, Beijing, China)

2007 We could be Heroes (Yan Gallery, Hong Kong)

2006 Imagesof Heroes (New Millennium Gallery, Beijing, China)

2006 Exhibition of One Painting (88 Art Document Storehouse, Beijing,China)


2019 丙烯《你好,梵高》80cm×60cm巴黎法国工业宫

2018 油画《小王子》 100cmx100cm金陵美术馆

2014 不锈钢雕塑《敬礼》 高200cm 蚌埠大学

2013 不锈钢雕塑《敬礼》 高200cm 厦门集美大学

2013 铸铜雕塑《持枪士兵》 高200cm 厦门集美大学

2012 铸铜雕塑《敬礼》 高170cm 南京艺术学院

2009 油画《英雄》 100cm×100cm西班牙WURTH美术馆

2008 油画《和谐一号》 200cm×600cm德国奥布莱特美术馆

2008 雕塑《士兵头像》 56cm×52cm×35cm河南美术馆

2007 油画《英雄系列No.12》200cm×200cm中国美术馆

2007 油画《英雄系列No.42》200cm×200cm新加坡好藏之美术馆

2006 油画《开国大典》200cm×700cm上海1号美术馆

Public collection

2019 Acrylic Hello, Van Gogh 80cm × 60cm French Industrial Palace in Paris

2018 Oil Painting The Little Prince 100cm x 100cm Jinling Art Museum

2014 Stainless Steel Sculpture Salute 200cm high Bengbu University

2013 stainless steel sculpture Salute 200cm high Xiamen Jimei University

2013 Cast bronze sculpture Soldier with a Gun 200cm highXiamen Jimei University

2012 Cast bronze sculpture Salute 170cm tall Nanjing ArtInstitute

2009 Oil Painting Hero100cm × 100cm WURTH Art Museum, Spain

2008 Oil Painting Harmony One 200cm × 600cm Oberte Museum,Germany

2008 Sculpture Head of a Soldier 56cm × 52cm × 35cm Henan Art Museum

2007 Oil Painting Heroes Series No.12 200cm × 200cm National Art Museum of China

2007 Oil Painting Heroes Series No.42 200cm × 200cm Singapore Museum of Fine Arts

2006 Oil Painting Founding Ceremony 200cm × 700cm Shanghai Art Museum No. 1


破茧· 袁秋萍当代艺术墨彩展与肢体行为


祁璐艺术作品全球巡展·深圳 9月27日上午9点在深圳紫荆山庄开幕


