• 09月25日 星期三

官方解读 | 滨海湾是怎样建成的

Marina Bay has changed a lot over the years, some of you might remember that before all this was built the area was the go-to place to fly kites, go bowling, or even have cheap steamboats.


And if we go even further back, Marina Bay was just the open sea. If we look at this own map of Singapore back in the 1940s, even noticed that Marina Bay did not exist.


So how did this become this?


To find out how it was done, I caught up with Mr. Ho. Why him?


He's currently a coastal engineer at Sarbana Jurong. The veteran engineer has worked on many land reclamation projects. He says that the reclamation of marine south and marina east was special.

他目前是Savannah Jerome的海岸工程师。这位资深工程师曾参与许多土地开垦项目。他说,滨海湾南部和东部的开垦是很特别的。

We are stepping here right now is the land reclamation that we carry out 1979. We got the young materials from Tampines and acute damage.


That time Tampines was a high ground with some hills, so we took the materials from the high ground and cut it down and formed a platform for the housing development and state and in Java to drawing away. We recycle and bring it over to the marinas south here for land reclamation.

那个时候,淡滨尼还是一片有很多山丘的高地。所以我们把材料从高处搬运下来,并为开发提供了平台。 我们实际上进行了回收,并将其带到此处的码头以进行土地开垦。

How do you at each one spot those materials over to vary up exactly a semi?


The same as what you see in the Japanese restaurant, they transport by the belt conveyor system, but was this a conversa stage is much larger and much longer.


The conveyor system is 1400 millimeters in width and a total of 26 thousand meters in length.


Do we still flatten hills in Singapore for land reclamation?


In Singapore, for land reclamation we don't have such a luxury of having so many hills that we can use raw material from. We still can't avoid to have this in Patterson from outside. But then, this won't keep to the minimum and the few materials we use locally is a major component.


Now they use materially coming from different sources, different construction sites, and even MRT stations.


What's the most satisfying part of your job?


What actually is very uh so far fulfilling plus you can get to see that the land active form in front of you. For the project involved in a marina is a marina, so I used to tell my children that the land I have a hand inactive is building it.







