• 09月20日 星期五

「佛山」杨丽萍作品 舞蹈剧场《十面埋伏》07月20

杨丽萍作品 舞蹈剧场《十面埋伏》


演出地点:佛山大剧院 大剧场


「佛山」杨丽萍作品 舞蹈剧场《十面埋伏》07月20

「佛山」杨丽萍作品 舞蹈剧场《十面埋伏》07月20


"House of Flying Daggers" is another stage experimental work of Yang Liping's new concept from an international perspective. With Chinese culture as the main theme, she created this new "Dance Theater" work by integrating comprehensive artistic language such as performance, installation and traditional drama. From her calm point of view, through the story of the battle between Chu and Han more than 2,000 years ago, Yang Liping uses the comprehensive form of dance theater to show the desires and fears, hurt and hurt in the depths of human nature throughout the ages, in order to evoke reflection and thinking about the present. watch.

「佛山」杨丽萍作品 舞蹈剧场《十面埋伏》07月20

There are no guns and guns in the whole performance, but there are hidden dangers and murderous intentions. For thousands of years, the story of House of Flying Daggers has never stopped. In the cycle of ambush and ambush, hurt and hurt, the most terrible is the ambush that comes from the heart. Is it really involuntary? Is it really fated? All this, wait for you to come, ask yourself; wait for you to come, break out of the formation. Array!


「佛山」杨丽萍作品 舞蹈剧场《十面埋伏》07月20

The Dance Theater "House of Flying Daggers" is a work that took more than a year to polish with teacher Yang Liping as the chief choreographer and art director. And by the international visual artist, Oscar winner Mr. Ye Jintian as the art and costume design. American artist Liu Beili serves as the creative consultant of scissors installation.

多年来杨丽萍出访世界很多国家进行艺术交流,相继在菲律宾、新加坡、俄罗斯、美国、加拿大、日本等国家和地区举行专场舞蹈晚会。她还自编自导自演了电影《太阳鸟》,并在蒙特利尔国际电影节上荣获评委会大奖。 ​


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