• 12月28日 星期六


4月14日晚19:00,极热区邀请Penta(梵塔网络)CEO David Ritter于极热区块链研究所社群进行线上交流分享。视频为 David Ritter给极热区社群带来的问候:




极热区欧鑫:Introduce yourself and your team? Where you guys based? What inspired you to start the Penta project?



David ritter:Penta is based in Singapore,but we also have offices in Shanghai, San francisco, and Melbourne.I became involved as an early investor in bitcoin, because I loved the concept of distributed ledger technology and decentralized systems.


Together with my co-founder Dr. Steve Melnikoff, we founded Penta to be a blockchain that would support a high-performing DAPP platform, and also to ensure that the blockchain would remain decentralized.

所以我和我的共同创始人Dr. Steve Melnikoff一起发起了Penta区块链,Penta的目标是确保区块链保持去中心化,保持民主的方式运营,并能支持高性能的DAPP,满足商业场景需求。

Personally, I am concerned as I see a lot of existing platforms becoming more centralized. So remaining decentralized is very important to us, and part of Penta's core mission!



极热区欧鑫:You call Penta "Universal blockchain connector”, why? And What is the main purpose of the "Universal blockchain connector”?


David ritter:The Universal Blockchain Connector represents our goal to use blockchain technology to solve real world problems.Many projects are talking about how to solve the interoperability problem of connecting different blockchains. But this doesn't solve the whole proble problem,because we all live in the real world.“区块链世界的连接器”是我们的终极目标,也是通往价值互联网的途径,我们希望通过使用区块链技术来解决现实世界中的问题。许多项目都在讨论如何解决连接链与链的互操作性问题,但这依然难以支持复杂的商业应用场景。因为我们都生活在真实的世界里。

So we also need to connect blockchains to existing networks (cloud computing systems, internet platforms, and centralized systems)and we ultimately need to connect the off-chain world to the on-chain world,So the Universal Connector concept can be represented by three kinds of connections: chain-chain, blockchain-existing networks, on-chain to off-chain.Only in this way do we believe that we can use blockchain effectively in the real world:).One of the key problems we can talk about here is TRUST.


极热区欧鑫:“connect the off-chain world to the on-chain world” is very interesting n i belive its very challenge, how do you guys do that?


David ritter:1) over time we need to digitize off-chain assets,including houses, books, jewelry, personal data, etc.

1)链下的资产上链,如房产、书籍、珠宝、个人信息等 ,可以与可信任机构的合作、多方保证或结合IOT设备进行采集与绑定;

2) we need to link digitized assets to the blockchain so that they can be protected and transferable.


3) we need to use blockchain technology and encryption to make sure that your data is protected and so that you can receive the benefit of your digital assets

3) 利用区块链网络与加密技术,保护个人的信息与资产,保障个人的权益并能够从数字资产中获益,结合智能合约让交易更简便更安全。

群友斯人:we need to digitize off-chain assets' how do that


David ritter:Great question! there are several projects right now focused on digitizing off-chain assets. This will take many years, but it has already started.



极热区欧鑫: Could you please give us examples of Penta use cases? Whats kind of DApp would play best on your chain? Social ? E-commerce? n if there any case for connect the off-chain world to the on-chain world” yet?



David ritter:Use Case 1 - Blockchain Rice: we did a rice project, where we digitized data related to the logisitics process of farming rice and delivering to consumers. This data was acquired by IOT sensors and placed on a blockchain so that consumers could ensure the food security of the rice they bought. This is a real use case from the Penta development team!!


Use Case 2 - FansTime: this blockchain platform allows fans to interact with their favorite stars. So it's a project about sharing IP and protecting IP. Fanstime has 80 million users.


As a public blockchain any kind of DAPP can be developed on Penta. We can accommodate applications written in any coding language.


群友Alex:hi,David, just curious about “over time we need to digitize off-chain assets”how could u guys do that for example intellectual property ?

Hi david。


David ritter: let me give you an example.let's say that you write a poem and put it on the blockchian. The IP for the poem will belong to you and it will have a digital signature connected with your digital address and protected by a private key,you can use Smart Contracts to determine who can read your poem, license it, and republish it. Any transaction can be recorded in the blockchain, and any time royalties need to be paid it will be done through the Smart Contract.


Each of us is our own IP. And your data has value! You should be able to protect your IP and its value and receive the benefit of your IP. Right now data is not well protected, as demonstrated by the recent scandal with Facebook


极热区欧鑫:actually we discuss this before in this chatroom, even there is tracking record of the container? the bad guys still can replace the rice or baby-formula inside of it, any solution for that?


David ritter:Yes, we encountered this problem when we designed Blockchain Rice.we use RFID to make sure that there is a record of the container being opened.

是的,我们做区块链溯源项目的时候遇到过这类问题。我们使用RFID(射频识别装置:公交卡 NFC芯片是RFID的一种应用)来确保记录了每一个集装箱,该技术确保电子身份唯一且不可复制,在打开包装的之后,RFID会损坏,被扫描过的次数也都会被记录在区块链上。

极热区欧鑫:what is RFID?(什么是 RFID?)

David ritter:RFID(Radio Frequency Identification Device):射频识别装置,这是互联网设备,公交卡 NFC芯片 是RFID的一种。


极热区欧鑫:i read your whitepaper rapidly, Is Penta a real Blockchain if there is no POW n POS? How does the DSC consensus mechanism work? What differentiates it with POS and POW?


David ritter:Great. Time to talk about consensus! Every blockchain needs a consensus mechanism in order to incentivize community members to participate in the process of validating transactions that go on the blockchain.Penta uses a unique consensus algorithm that we developed called Dynamic Stake Consensus (DSC).You can think of it as a kind of POS (proof of stake), because it involves voting through staking tokens.


but the problem with POS is that it favors those with the most tokens. So the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This is not the outcome we want from decentralized communities!DSC seeks to strike a balance between the 3 core problems of consensus algorithms: 1) Security 2) Decentralization (fairness) 3) scalability (increased tps),in order to ensure that the staking process and incentive system is fair DSC ensures that any Penta (PNT) stakeholder can participate in the voting process.


Unlike POS and DPOS, small stakeholders will always be part of the incentive sharing mechanism.they way we achieve this is by using a randomization algorithm. This was developed by the Penta team.through randomization we can create small groupings of voters who participate in the final block validation. This also increases the security of the DSC system, and makes improvements over existing consensus algorthms


极热区欧鑫:very interesting!maybe later on, some guys in our community will have different opinion though.i will leave the questions to them later.


David ritter:we welcome people to ask questions!then we can have a consensus haha



极热区欧鑫:Comparing with other "Cross-chain" projects, what is the advantage of Penta? How dose Penta connect the real world and the blockchain realm? Could you please highlight the core value of Penta in few words?


David ritter:Penta is different from other cross-chain projects because we are building a platform that does not only operate with other blockchains, but also can be interoperable with centralized systems and the off-chain world (this is the concept of Universal Connector I discussed above)


Penta's core value is its ecosystem. We have already deployed several successful blockchain projects that are solving real world problems. Not many projects can say that! Now we are using that experience to build a public blockchain


Our unique consensus algorithm, DSC, is also a core value proposition. We believe it is the most democratic, decentralized consensus mechanism for a public blockchain. This is very important to people who want to achieve a more equitable way of participating in the future economy.

我们独特的共识算法 DSC 也是一个重要的核心价值。我们认为,DSC是最民主、最去中心化的共识机制。对希望以更公平的方式参与未来经济的人来说,这一点也是至关重要的。


极热区欧鑫:have you released your chain yet? What about fund raising, how much you guys have raised so far?


David ritter:No, we have not released the main chain yet. We will release our test net before the end of 2018, and then release the main net early 2019.we completed a private sale for $22,000,000



these are our investment partners. We are honored to have great partners helping us!



极热区欧鑫:with the money you have raised, what is the action plan or roadmap for Penta in 2018?



David ritter:I will send you our road map。







极热区欧鑫: What is your impression of the industry right now and the markets? since you are from US n based outside of china, tell us more about this industry in US n elsewhere?


David ritter:The big news from the US is that the SEC issued 80 letters to crypto projects, so it is taking enforcement action. The regulations from the US government is one of the reasons, I think, we saw such down market months in February and March in the crypto markets.


but I believe the industry will rebound soon. Just in the last few days we have seen a bounce. There are a few reasons, I think: 1) big investment firms announced they are investing in crypto (Rockefeller Family VC, George Soros, etc), 2) the regulations in the US, China, and elsewhere are more clear now than they were before.When new liquidity comes into the crypto markets the whole crypto ecosystem benefits. I believe BTC and alt coins will have a successful year in 2018!!


极热区欧鑫:so we should buy in now?我们应该现在买入吗?

David ritter:haha I should say I am not an investment advisor. But I believe the industry has a lot of room for growth. The dot com bubble was at around $4.5 Trillion before it burst. Crypto markets are only at $300 Billion now.



极热区欧鑫:QUESTION 9:What your advices to give to the Chinese blockchain startup entrepreneurs? 我知道你的中文很好, 能用中文送语音给中国的区块链创业者一些意见和建议吗?


David ritter:好的。我试试看。首先呢,我想表示感谢,感谢大家今天的关注。另外的话也特别感谢极热区,今天给到我这个机会跟大家分享我们Penta的项目。希望以后会有更多的交流机会。


群友孔信之:The affirmation of the government has played an accelerating role, and on the basic, it produces social values and solves social problems.


David ritter:I totally agree. But like any new industry it will take time to balance government regulations with industry growth.



极热区欧鑫:ok , last question, How do you think the BlockChain can transform the world? and what do you see Penta`s place in it?


David ritter:I really believe that blockchain can change the world by 1) lowering the barrier to entry into the economy, 2) protecting the value of our data and our assets in the Smart Economy, 3) creating a fairer and more equitable economy based on community participation and consensus, 4) increasing productivity through crowdsourcing of information and resources.


but we all have to work together to build these communities and ecosystems and to ensure that they are fairer than the current economic system. This outcome is not guaranteed. I hope everyone here shares my vision of a fairer economy with greater participation and sharing.


群友老寇Cody:What will be the key driver in building these ecosystems?


David ritter:the key driver is building reliable and user friendly tech, and having a consensus mechanism that is inclusive so that people can participate in building the ecosystem.It's also about reaching out to partners from businesses and application developers and encouraging them to build their applications on the Penta blockchain. Building a community is the most important thing for a decentralized system!


In our case, Penta already has several industry partners, deployed projects, and strategic partners who are a key part of helping us build our ecosystem. I hope people here interested in Penta will join us too!!






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